26: Visions

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Matt's POV

As Amy and I walked into the village, Pat immediately walked over to take Jen from me. I nodded to him, knowing Jen was going to be just fine. When Pat was out of sight, I turned to Amy with a sigh. "I'm sorry for putting you through that. My emotions blinded me and I shouldn't have acted on impulse like that."

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter how it was said, only that it was said. It may not even be true. He could be using it to get inside my head." She gave me a small smile. "Thanks for trusting me, at least. Even if I wasn't ready."

I nodded at her. I knew I shouldn't have put her through that in the first place, but I was blinded by Jim's death. I should've meditated first. She gave a small sigh and let her face fall. "What is it?" I asked.

"Just... My father still has Mark... Who knows what he'll do to him?" She told me.

I shook my head. "Don't think about that now. Come on, we should begin." I started toward an extra hut.

Amy hesitantly followed. "Begin what?"

"Your training. You need to learn to harness the force to defeat your father. You've weakened him for now, but he will come back with more strength than ever. You need to be ready."

She seemed even more downtrodden by this.

"Amy... If we take his power, he may turn to the light. We must try." I told her, which seemed to make her perk up. She seemed so innocent and sweet. I led her into an empty hut, then closed the door.

"Alright, now sit on the ground with your legs crossed." Amy did so obediently. "Good. Now close your eyes and breathe, slowly, calmly, steadily. Clear your mind." She closed her eyes and I sensed he tension dissipate. It was working. "Excellent. Now, you must become one with the force. Reach out. Feel it surrounding you and binding you to the rest of the world. Everything is made of the living force. See it, feel it, be it." After a moment, I could sense her beginning to make a connection with the force. "What do you see, Amy?"

"I see... Trees in the forest, and rocks on the ground. I see fallen branches and running water. The water is cool and flowing, while the branches are warm and rough... I see the ewoks, always one with nature, and I see the woman we rescued and the man who is taking care of her... They're strongly bound together. I see the sunlight and the shadows. Peace, serenity, and calmness. Yet, I see darkness... I see violence and chaos. I see... My father... And Mark! Mark and my father... They're... It's..."

She suddenly opened her eyes, breathing heavily.

"What was it, Amy?"

"I... I don't know..."

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