28: Determination

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Mark's POV

I couldn't control my body. Dark was in control now. He laughed, but I refused to fear him. I channeled my energy into determination. He had no right to be controlling my body. I tried to take control, but he was still too strong despite his crippled powers. "Stop that." He said aloud. Dark began using my body to climb one of the tall trees. I became worried, but Dark stopped on a low branch and sat on it, seemingly admiring the forest in front of him.

Then, he jumped. Dark was smirking as we hit the ground. I felt my body's ankle twist. Dark laughed aloud, then grabbed a branch. It was a thick branch, which he broke in half. The end became sharp. "Sorry, but I have to make this convincing." Dark laughed, knowing he wasn't sorry in the least. He stabbed the stick into my body's stomach. I knew this was going to hurt when I regained control. Dark then began to walk with my body, holding a hand to my stomach, limping all the way. It's a good thing we weren't too far away from the village, or else I would've bled out. Dark limped into the village using my body and voice. Looking up, Peebles and Matt were standing outside a hut, rushing over to us.

Don't fall for it, Matt... Please...

Peebles asked what happened. Dark replied, "Dark beat me up... I think my ankle is sprained. He also jabbed me through the stomach."

Well, you're right about that, I guess.

Peebles sighed and moved to help my body, but Matt threw skeptical looks at Dark. I was happy that Matt wasn't falling for it. He knew something was off.

You can't fool him, Dark.

Dark simply growled back at me in my head. Matt walked away, refusing to give in to Dark.


Peebles helped my body into an empty hut after growling at Matt. No doubt she was upset about him walking off, but she didn't understand what was happening. Peebles helped my body lay down on bedding, then began gathering supplies. She patched up the wounds Dark had inflicted on my body. After she was finished, she finally spoke. "You should rest, Mark."

I wish I could, Peebles...

Dark used my body to take her hands. "Amy... You're so beautiful."

She blushed. That must've been her real name. It sounded nice, but I pushed the thought aside. Dark was pretending to be me, speaking to Amy like this. This was sick!

"Thank you," She replied. "But how do you know my name is Amy? Last I told you, my name was Peebles."

I laughed. Amy was starting to suspect things.

Dark growled in my head, frustrated about the minor setback, but quickly replied, shaking my head. "Dark told me. He explained that you're his daughter."

Amy is Dark's daughter? This just got a whole lot more sickening.

"You should rest, Mark."

That's right, Amy! Don't give in!

"No, please stay with me. I need you."

Amy blushed again. I was hoping she wouldn't give in, but she sighed and sat next to my body. "Alright... But only for a little while. If that's what it takes for you to get some rest."

She's too caring and kind. She knows something is up.

Dark used my body to his advantage, making it sit up and pull her close. He took one of her hands again, intertwining our fingers. She leaned her head on my body's shoulder.

It's like some cruel dream...

I knew then that I loved Amy. Determined, I used all my strength to try to regain control, but all I could muster out was a whisper.

"Peebles... Help me..."

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