29: Tests

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Matt's POV

I knew something was up with Mark. It wasn't right that he just appeared out of the woods, hurt. Dark wouldn't have let him go. In fact, he probably would've killed him first. No doubt this was a trick. I pondered this as I sat in the middle of the empty hut, which I used to share with Mark and Jim. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths and calming my mind. I reached out to the force, asking for help and guidance.

Nothing. I didn't get mad, but simply kept myself open to it. The force only tells when it wants to tell, so I waited patiently until I could understand.

"Peebles... Help me..."

Mark's voice came through as a whisper. I knew he needed help. He was with Amy, so I decided to test something.

I got up and walked to the hut Amy and Mark were in. They seemed to be cuddling, but Amy quickly split away from Mark when she saw me walk in. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything." Amy shook her head at me and Mark stayed silent. "Well, I was just coming to get you, Peebles. Pat needs some help taking care of Jen."

Amy nodded at me, picking up what I was doing, glancing at me with a look of concern. She stood, but Mark grabbed her hand. "Please don't leave, Amy..."

Amy shook her head. "I should go help Jen. She's an old friend." Amy tested Mark. Only the true Mark would know Amy has never met Jen.

Mark sighed dejectedly. "Fine..."

I knew for absolute sure now. This was not truly Mark. Amy and I walked out of the hut and to another one far away, near Pat and Jen's hut. We talked quietly inside the hut for fear of anyone hearing us.

"That's not Mark. He called me Amy." She said.

I nodded. "Indeed. It seems Dark has possessed Mark, one way or another."

"Matt, there was one time, just before you came in. He called me Peebles."

"I heard it too, Amy. The force showed me. It's why I walked in when I did. I believe Dark has taken control of Mark, like a puppet master would a puppet. Mark is trying to fight him, which is why he called you by Peebles in a whisper. He's not strong enough to take control again. Dark is trying to feed off our fear. Don't let him, Amy."

Amy nodded. I wasn't sure exactly how, but we were going to get Mark back. "For now, we should go warn Pat and Jen."

Amy nodded. "Let's go. They can't be caught in this trap."

We walked to Pat and Jen's hut, and I knocked gently. After a moment, Pat opened the door, revealing Jen on the bed, awake. She stood up and walked over as well, not expecting us.

"Pat, Jen, we wouldn't have bothered you, but this is urgent." I said.

"What's the matter?" Pat asked, Jen looking concerned.

"Mark is back, but we're sure he's under Dark's control." Amy said.

"I think he's possessed." I told them. They looked to one another, concerned.

"Are the ewoks alright?" Pat asked. He was a good ruler, always concerned for his people. I nodded to him. "There hasn't been any encounter yet."

"Then we should start to plan immediately." Pat said.

"I'll warn all the ewoks." Jen said.

"Be discreet. We can't have him knowing." I told Jen. "Amy, go with Jen. Dark thinks you're helping her, so sell it."

Amy and Jen nodded, setting off. I wanted to continue with Amy's training immediately, but I knew it was more important to keep up the act. We couldn't have Dark onto us so early. Pat invited me into the hut to talk. I just hoped we could come up with a good enough plan of attack.

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