31: Whispers

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Amy's POV

Knowing that Dark was pretending to be Mark was a frightening thought. Jen and I talked in hushed voices as we warned all the ewoks about Dark's presence. We told them to act as if it was Mark, unless Dark showed himself. They agreed, but were worried for Pat and Jen. Jen reassured them about a plan Matt and Pat were coming up with as we spoke to them, in which they seemed to calm down a bit.

After we had finished Jen's rounds, Jen and I decided to head back towards her hut. That's when a splitting headache ripped through me. It was so sudden that it made me jerk backwards and fall. I held my hands to my head as I writhed in pain. In an instance, Jen was on her knees beside me, saying something I couldn't make out. Then, everything went black.

There were whispers in my head, two voices. One was of a man and another was of a woman. I couldn't see or feel anything. I couldn't move. All I could do was listen.

"She's going to be beautiful, darling. Just like you." The manly voice said.

"She'll have your personality." The woman stated. "She'll be courageous, yet cautious. Loving and kind, like you."

I didn't understand what they were talking about. I heard a soft chuckle, then a kiss. "And her name will be Amy." The manly voice stated.

I woke up with a start, as if it was all a bad dream. Jen looked at me with concern, then helped me to my feet. "Amy, are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I need to talk to Matt." I stated. We both set out for the hut without another word.

When we arrived, I rushed over to Matt, pulling his arm to get his attention. "Matt, I need your help."

He looked at me, concerned. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"I got a splitting headache then passed out. While I was unconscious, all I could hear were voices of people. I think it was my parents!"

Matt began to think. The entire hut was silent, except for the quiet sounds of breathing we were all emitting. After a moment, Matt looked to me. "Amy, I believe it was a vision into your past. Something important the force wanted you to know."

"I couldn't see anything, Matt. It was all black!"

Matt shook his head. "It doesn't matter. The force wanted you to know something vital to your future. If it wasn't important, would it have shown you?"

I thought about it, then shook my head in response. "No."

He nodded. "Good. Now, the first order of business is showing you how to harness your power, so we can defeat Dark. You already know how to connect with the force through meditation. Now the next thing to learn is how to connect with it on a regular basis. A vision, like the one you had, is the force reaching out to us as beings, to show us something we did not know before. However, we as beings can reach out to the force itself and utilize it to help us with tasks and even combat. For example," Matt put his arm out toward a blanket that was on Pat and Jen's bed. Suddenly, the blanket began to float, as if it was alive. It then folded itself up and sat gently down on the corner of the bed.

I looked to Matt in awe. "Telekinesis?"

"Yes, telekinesis. It's also very helpful in combat for predicting the next immediate action, such as a blaster bolt heading towards your stomach. With the foreknowledge, a Jedi could use their lightsaber to block the bolt, or perhaps even move out of its path before it reaches them." I was again in awe. All these intriguing powers, and I had them this entire time. Matt chuckled. "Let's get started."

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