9: Words vs. Actions

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Matt's POV

I let out a grunt as I hit the ground. Sitting up, I rubbed my aching wrists and ankles. Those vines were rough on my skin. A hand came into my view, which I took without hesitation, standing up. The man and woman who seemed to be the leaders of the ewoks were standing before me. "Thank you." I told them. They nodded to me, the woman breaking off and walking off into a different part of the village.

"That's Jen, and my name is Pat." The man told me. I nodded.

"Matthew. Most people call me Matt." I shook his hand.

"Matt, I'm going to give you one chance to explain. Don't blow it." Pat told me.

I nodded graciously. "Thank you, Pat. I'd like to explain to everyone all at once, if that's okay."

Pat nodded. "Go sit with the bounty hunter for a while and I'll gather everyone. I should go make sure your rebel friend is okay."

"I only just met him before we crashed. I don't even know his name, to be honest." I said.

"Alright. I'll grab Jen and the young man, then you can explain."

I nodded, then headed toward the bench. The bounty hunter was sitting there. I sat next to him with a sigh.

"Hey, sorry about not warning you about that fire. I honestly hadn't seen them." he told me.

"It's no problem." I told him. "I should've seen it coming. What's your name?"

"Mark. And I'm not a bounty hunter, I'm a smuggler." he said. "I've heard everyone around calling me a bounty hunter."

I nodded. "Matt, and I'm not an Imperial, like everyone says."

"Maybe we can be misunderstood together, huh?" Mark chuckled.

I laughed. "Yeah, maybe." I said. After a while of chatting, Pat came back with Jen and the young man, whose name was Jim. I began my explanation. "I've been an undercover rebel spy for years. Literally, years. I've worked my way up the chain of command without dying, somehow. For the past year or two I've worked closely with Vader, Tarkin, and sometimes even the Emperor himself. I've never lost my loyalty to the rebels, and never even thought about it. I've done things I've not proud of, simply to keep my cover, but I've never personally done anything to betray the rebellion. That's the reason we crashed here. I've never lost my morals. Vader must've caught on to me, because he gave me a test. I passed every single challenge except one." I glanced at Jim before continuing. "Vader brought in a prisoner, a rebel. I was tasked with taking his life, but I couldn't do such a thing. So, I shot some of the stormtroopers and we escaped, but not without taking hits." I motioned to Jim's shoulder and my arm. They had patched up his shoulder already, but my arm was still stinging. I was glad Jim was alright. "That's when we were shot down and crashed here."

Pat and Jen looked at each other, as if talking with a look. I knew my words would never be enough to convince them. My actions had to reflect my words, or they'd never believe me. I held back the fact that I was force sensitive, knowing that only Jim had any idea of it. I didn't want anyone to look at me differently.

Just because I'm very strong with the force doesn't mean I'm any better than the rest of them.

When Pat turned back to me, he had a proud look behind his eyes. "That's great, Matt." He told me with a smile.

I smiled some and nodded. "Thanks."

Next came a moment of slightly awkward silence. Thankfully, Mark broke it. "So, what now?"

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