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Tw: Red flags, violence, death, Alastor being mean, sexual references (Angel being Angel), language, manipulative behaviour, non-con drugging? Magic potioning? I don't know how to describe it.

This story was written before season two or anything, so if you're from the future, don't criticize it for being incorrect or whatever. I don't always stick with canon either when I write because canon is always angsty and makes me cry and I prefer to be the one making others cry.

Also I'm gonna be taking some... creative liberties with this story. You'll see what I mean.

Alastor made a do-to list. 

His first task was to murder whoever hurt his... friend? It was complicated because technically she was in his debt.

His second task was to check in on Nyla. Make sure she wasn't dead.

And his final task was to make it known that no one messed with the Radio Demon or anything that belonged to him.

And his final task was to pick up some spices for his dinner. He didn't tolerate bland food.

So as he set out to complete his first task, he thought about what he wanted for dinner. Perhaps some thyme would pair well with garlic?

"Please!" they pleaded as he tore them to shreds. "Have mercy!"

Maybe some brown sugar as well to add some sweetness. Oh, his mouth was watering already.

"Please!" Tears mixed with blood on their face. "You said you'd spare us!"

"And you may have your soul back as I nullify our deal," Alastor said, smiling apologetically as blood splattered his face. "I know, it's so inconvenient, but this is what you get for messing with what belongs to me!"

He cornered the last one and antlers sprouted from his head. Their knees were shaking and their arms were trembling as they blocked their face from his view.

"P-Please!" They sobbed as he stalked closer. "I- I have a family? Uh, I run an orphanage! I- I- I- have people who need me!"

"Why would anyone need you? You're a waste of space and frankly, I don't think anyone will miss you." Alastor laughed as he killed them. He examined his suit as he brushed off the pieces of their flesh that had landed on him.

Would a dry cleaner take care of it?

Before he could get swept up in his fashion, he moved on to the next item on his list.


"How do you feel?" Charlie worriedly asked as Nyla gazed up with glassy eyes.

"I'm fine. A bit of sleep will fix everything," Nyla responded, trying to burrow into the blankets.

"It looked like a lot of blood. Your healing is really slow compared to how quick Sinner's usually heal," Vaggie remarked. "I wonder why."

"I wonder why too," Nyla lightly said, seeming not too bothered by the mystery. "I should probably get some rest..."

"Alastor said not to leave you alone until he got back. He was weirdly protective." Vaggie crossed her arms. "It was weird."

"It's almost like he has an ulterior motive," Angel darkly said before grinning. "He probably just wants to fuck you!"

Nyla snorted before wincing in pain. "I guarantee that's not it."

"How'd you die? I forgot," Husk said, trying to make conversation.

"I was shot in an alleyway," Nyla murmured as she tried to ignore them and sleep.

Vaggie frowned. "Wait, I thought it was a car crash?"

"Oh," Nyla forced her eyes open, "it was both. I was in a car crash then... wandered into an alleyway and was shot."

"You really have bad luck," Charlie sympathetically said.

Nyla hummed. "I guess so."

"I'm back!" Alastor sang, drawing out the vowels. "Are you all glad I've returned?"

"You're covered in blood," Vaggie observed.

Alastor chuckled. "Oh really? I wasn't aware of that!" He shooed them away and sat at the foot of Nyla's bed. "How do you feel?"

"Like I want to sleep!" Nyla snapped. "Go away!"

Alastor's brow pinched. "You do look rather pale. Paler than usual, that is. Why do you heal so slowly?"

"Maybe it's because you have my soul and therefore I'm not at full strength," Nyla sarcastically said.

"Don't be dramatic." Alastor clicked his tongue. "You're fine without your soul. It's not like you're at risk of dying because of it."

"Right." Nyla sighed as her gaze flicked over to the mirror in the corner of her room. Her reflection looked so dull. Her eyes were cold and a muddy brown colour. She needed her soul back soon...

"But the bleeding stopped?" Alastor asked, gripping her chin to turn her head around. 

Nyla wrenched herself free. "Yes. I'm fine."

Alastor hummed and stood up, dusting his pants off. "I'll be in my room, then. Give a holler if you have need of me."

"I definitely will not," Nyla firmly said.

Alastor patted her head. "Whatever you say, dear."

"Fuck off," Nyla grumbled.

"It never fails to amuse me how delightful you are!" Alastor laughed. "Rest up! I'll be giving you some books to read about souls. We need to do our research, after all."

"That sounds horrible." Nyla threw an arm over her face. 

"Well, you don't really get a choice, so you?" Alastor's head cocked and his grin widened. "I'll be here in the morning."

Nyla really looked peaceful as she slept. It was a refreshing change of pace. She usually appeared so... angry with the set of her jaw and the way her lips always had a slightly purse to them.

But he supposed she looked at ease when she slept.

"Nyla," Alastor said, snapping out of his daze. "It's time to get up."

A knife nearly buried itself in his gut, but he blocked it before it could. He knew she would try to attack him. She wasn't the cheeriest in the morning.

"Good morning, darling!" Alastor chipperly said, quickly confiscating the rest of her weapons. He found one under her pillow, which amused him greatly.

"Fuck off," Nyla whined, covering her ears with the pillow. "It's too early for you."

Alastor dumped a pile of books on her chest. "Nonsense! It's never too early for me!"

Nyla coughed and shoved the books away. "Why don't I read in peace and you go to your own room?"

Alastor ignored her and plopped down at the foot of her bed. He grabbed a book and crossed his legs as he read. He handed her a tray of food. "I got you breakfast."

Nyla rolled her eyes before realizing she was very hungry. She dug into the meal with gusto before setting the tray on her nightstand.

"Ready?" Alastor handed her a book without sparing her a glance.

Nyla sighed and propped herself up, placing a book over her lap. She wasn't really reading, just pretending to. Why would she need to try and research the Soul Reaper when that was her?

Her eyes kept being drawn to him for some reason, and she found herself analyzing the way his hair fell into his face as his head dipped towards the book. He must've felt her staring, because he glanced up. She swiftly returned her gaze to the words in front of her.

Alastor watched her for a moment before turning back to his book. He tilted his head and tapped on it, bringing Nyla's attention back to him. 

"What?" Nyla asked, peering at his book.

"I found a reference to something similar that occurred a couple centuries or so ago," Alastor told her. He turned the book so it faced her. "It's confusing, but I believe it mentions something about one of the Seven Sins trying to regain their soul."

Nyla frowned and examine the books. "Really? Why would one of the Seven Sins even give away their souls?"

"Exactly. A true mystery." Alastor snapped the book shut, sending a cloud of dust into her face. "You look unwell. Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Now that he mentioned it, she did feel a bit off.

"I- I do feel a bit weird." Nyla sunk into the bed.

Alastor hummed sympathetically. "Why don't you get some rest, dear? I shouldn't have woken you... My apologies."

"I don't get sick," Nyla murmured. "Why am I sick?"

Alastor tucked the blankets over her. "I wonder why." 

He knew why.

"I don't feel good," Nyla whispered to him.

"Rest, darling. I'll be here when you wake up." Alastor stacked the books before making them vanish with a wave up his hand. "Perhaps you'll feel better then..."

Nyla blinked slowly at him before nodding. "Okay."

Alastor picked up the tray, dusting off the last of the dust he'd put in her food. "Sleep well."

He watched her momentarily before forcing himself away to go read some more.

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