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Tw: Language, sexual references, sickness? She's still feeling the effects of what he gave her. Manipulative behaviour.

Alastor considered himself a gentleman. Drugging a lady and making her believe she was just sick was not usually an activity he engaged in.

Yet he did, for some strange reason.

Thinking about it more, he felt guilt churn inside him. He thought it was possible, though, that he had a reason for doing so. 

But all he could focus on was the thought of the others caring for her when it should be him.

She belonged to him, after all.

Then he blinked in surprise.

Where did that thought come from?

"Hey, Alastor? Dad is visiting the hotel. I just wanted to give you a warning." Charlie's voice broke through to him.

Alastor grinned. "Lovely! A visit from dear, old dad! I'll make sure to prep the kitchen knives!"

"Alastor." Vaggie sent him a sharp look.

"I'm joking, of course!" Alastor exclaimed. His expression darkened. "It would dull the kitchen knives."

"Do you think he'd mind if I called him daddy?" Angel asked from the couch.

Husk groaned. "You really aren't picky, are you?"

"What? Are you saying you wouldn't fuck the king of Hell?" Angel gasped. "I'm just saying, someone who's in charge all the time is gonna be in charge elsewhere..."

Charlie gagged. "Gross."

"Unfortunately," Alastor faked a heavy sigh, "it seems our dear Nyla is unwell. So while your father is here, I will be watching over her."

"Oh, no," Charlie said. "Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine," Alastor dismissively said. "I'll be going back up in a minute, I just wanted to alert you all to my presence being somewhere else."

"Why are you taking care of her?" Vaggie suspiciously asked.

"Why would I not? Do you really think so poorly of me?" Alastor's eyes fell halfway shut. "Do I really seem like such a monster?"


Alastor strutted away. "Maybe I'm just trying to prove what a caring person I am."

"I doubt that," Vaggie called after him.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Alastor softly asked as he tapped on her door. After a minute went by without a response, he slowly opened the door. "Nyla?"

She was draped across the bed, feet thrown over one of the sides. Her hair was limp around her face and her skin had a feverish look to it.

Alastor bustled forward and placed a hand on her forehead, clicking his tongue as he pulled it away. "Oh dear. Perhaps I gave you too much..."

She mumbled his name and her eyes fluttered open. She seemed dazed and confused. "D- Did you find out?"

"Find out what?" Alastor questioned as he helped her sit up.

Nyla's head lolled to the side. "My secret."

Alastor straightened her and arranged the pillows to support her. "I'm intrigued, darling."

Nyla's tongue felt heavy as she struggled to speak. "I don't wanna tell you. You'll get all mad."

"I won't," Alastor promised. He pressed a cool cloth to her forehead, freezing as she leaned into his touch.

Nyla craned her neck until their noses were practically touching. She lowered her voice and murmured, "I know who the Soul Reaper is."

"And you didn't tell me?" Alastor hissed before taking a deep breath. "I mean, why didn't you tell me?"

Nyla shrugged and giggled, falling forward so her face was on his shoulder.

Alastor gently pushed her back into the pillows. "So? Who shall I go kill? Remember, as soon as I know who it is, you get your soul back."

Nyla opened her mouth and-

"Nyla!" Lucifer burst through the doors. "It's been so long!"

Alastor tensed. "You two know each other?" 

"Do we know each other?" Lucifer repeated. "Ha! Do we ever!"

"Hey," Nyla said, peering past Alastor at him. "I'm not drunk again."

Lucifer grinned. "I wouldn't put it past you. You never get hungover. It's a trait I'm quite jealous of."

"What else is new?" Nyla gave him a lazy thumbs up. 

"Darling, you should probably get back to sleep," Alastor said, glaring at Lucifer.

"Right! I'll leave you to it!" Lucifer said before leaving, following Charlie out of the room.

Alastor faced Nyla again. "You were in the middle of telling me something. Why don't you finish telling me who the Soul Reaper is, hmm?"

Nyla made a small noise in her sleep.

Alastor sighed and tucked her back in. "Of course you're asleep."

Husk cleared his throat from the doorway. "Can we talk?"

"Why, of course!" Alastor glided over to him, shutting Nyla's door behind him. "Something on your tiny mind?"

"I want to warn you," Husk's voice lowered. "You don't know what you're messing with. I heard Lucifer talking about her. She's-"

"Everything is under control," Alastor interrupted. "Our deal is almost complete, and she will soon be on her way."

Husk rubbed at his face. "You don't understand! She's not who you think she is!"

Alastor's voice went as cold as ice. "I can assure you, I know what I'm doing. Don't act like you care, either. You're trying to get under my skin."

Husk shook his head. "Don't act like I didn't warn you when you fuck up."

"What are you taking about?" Alastor demanded.

"Have you noticed anything weird?" Husk's eyes narrowed. "Have you noticed that you've been acting weird? Any strange thoughts or feelings?"

Alastor paused, drumming his fingers on his cane. "Go on."

Husk looked around. "Her story doesn't line up, either. She has two different answers for how she died. She heals slower than a usual Sinner, and people have been acting weird with her around."

Alastor glanced back at Nyla's door before shouting, "Nifty!"

Nifty came scurrying along, holding a knife. "Yes?"

"Please keep an eyes on Nyla. If she acts... odd in any way, alert me immediately," Alastor ordered, plucking the knife from her hands.

"Yes, sir!" Nifty hurried away.

"See?" Alastor spread his arms. "Everything is under control."

Husk rolled his eyes as he walked away.

And Alastor returned to his own room, tapping the blue jewel in the corner with his cane. He hummed to himself as he lit the fireplace as he settled into bed for the night with a book.

He could hear the murmuring of voices outside of Nyla's room as they undoubtedly checked on her. It made his blood boil that others were with her. She was his.

Then a wicked idea came to mind.

He needed to make sure she knew that she was his.

So he waited until all the residents in the hotel were asleep before he hit the ground with his cane.

Several minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

He opened it and feigned surprise as he stared down at Nyla. "Is something the matter, dear?"

She smiled sheepishly. "I had a nightmare and didn't know where else to go... I don't know where anyone else's room is."

He stepped aside and let her enter. "Come inside."

She slipped inside and awkwardly stood there as he closed it behind her. He returned to his bed and picked up his book again.

"Do you want to stay?" Alastor 'kindly' offered.

Nyla seemed hesitant, but he gave her a calming smile. "Okay, I guess."

So she lay stiffly next to him and he made sure to give her plenty of room. "I don't need much sleep, so I'll just read. If you have night terrors again, I'll wake you. I won't touch you and you may have your half of the bed."

"Okay," Nyla agreed. "But if you touch me, I'll carve out your eyes."


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