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Tw: Stalking, creepy vibes, violence, language.

It was fascinating, really, how strange everything was with Nyla around. Alastor didn't usually care so much about others. It was easier not to. Yet with her, he was overcome by this feeling of... jealousy whenever someone else was with her.

So as he was staring down at her while she slept by his side, he felt content and satisfied. This was how the world should be.

And when she woke, he didn't want to let her leave. Why did she have to go? He was everything she would need.

Wait, what?

"Why- What am I doing here?" Nyla asked as she lifted her head.

"You had a nightmare, so you came here." Alastor set his book down and stretched out his legs. 

Nyla wrinkled her nose. "Right."

Alastor lay on his stomach, kicking his legs up in the air behind him as he watched her climb out of his bed. "I was-

"No. Not today." Nyla shook her head. "I have things to do."

Alastor perked up. "Splendid! I'd love to come along on another one of your little errand trips!"

"You're not coming," Nyla firmly said. "Even if you do come along, I'll just stay back. This is where I put my foot down."

Alastor nodded curtly. "Of course, then. I would hate to cross any boundaries."

Nyla looked relieved. "Good."

He would follow her, obviously, but she didn't need to know that. Secrets were messy and unnecessary, so it was better for him to just know what she was hiding.

"Thank you for letting me stay the night," Nyla softly said in the doorway. She had paused to glance back at him. "Maybe you aren't so bad after all."

Alastor gave her a pointed look. "Don't think I've forgotten that you know who the Soul Reaper is. I expect an answer, and I expect it soon."

Nyla shook her head. "I'll tell you tonight after I finish up my tasks. Deal?"

"Careful," Alastor warned, "you've already made two deals with me. I don't think you could handle a third."

Nyla lifted her chin. "You don't know what I can handle."

And then she was gone.

Alastor stared at the door, giving her a minute head start before silently trailing behind her.

He had followed her for an hour as she walked down the streets, at a seemingly leisurely pace. She eventually entered Lucifer's castle, which he found surprising. What would she want with him if he had already visited?

But he slipped inside when people were distracted by someone tripping over her dress and entered the castle. 

It appeared to be set up for a party. A ball, more accurately.

Suits and dresses were being worn, along with masks. The colour palate was red and black with splashes of white.

Alastor froze in the entryway, realizing it was a masquerade party and he didn't have a mask.

"You look bare."

He turned to see a woman with dark black hair standing there. She had sharp red eyes and slightly pointed teeth that caught on her lips as she spoke.

"It appears so," Alastor responded, eyes flicking over her. He didn't recognize her.

She pulled one out from seemingly nowhere. It was a dark red. "Here. I happen to have a spare. My date didn't show up."

He hesitated before slipping it on, peering around. "What's the occasion for the celebration? I don't believe it to be a holiday..."

"His advisor returned. She's been away for a stretch, so the king threw this for her." She pointed at the throne, where Lucifer was sitting and clapping his hands along to the music. 

"What's with all the plastic birds?" Alastor asked with disdain as he noticed the yellow things decorating the vast room.

She shrugged. "He likes them."

Alastor looked up as the music came to a stop and everyone turned to the throne. Lucifer began to give a speech, holding out his arms. His advisor stepped out, red dress complimenting her hair.

Alastor's eyes twitched. 

"-welcome back, Nyla!" Lucifer finished, raising a champagne flute. "We're so glad you took care of the small... soul issue."

Some of the crowd murmured at that, but Lucifer ignored them.

Nyla bowed her head and raised her glass, flashing her teeth in a malicious smile. "It's great to be back. I can't wait to get back to business."

The music continued, and Nyla carefully stepped off the small podium around the throne. She disappeared into the crowd, and Alastor lost track of her.

"She left to retrieve her soul?" Alastor questioned.

"Yeah. Apparently she helped a lot of people get their souls back as she was doing it."

Alastor's smile grew impossibly wider and his grip on his cane tightened. "Did she now?"

"I didn't think I'd bump into you here," Nyla said after nearly tapping on his shoulder before changing her mind at the last second.

Alastor held out a hand. "Dance with me? There's something we must discuss."

Nyla tilted her head, but let him guide her onto the floor. He placed a hand on her back and not a hair lower. 

"So I hear you're the advisor," Alastor conversationally said. "Fancy that! What a surprise!"

"It never really came up in conversation. Charlie didn't recognize me either because I was selected after she left for the hotel." Nyla freed a hand to adjust her mask before returning it to his shoulder.

"And you left to get your soul back?" Alastor asked.

Nyla nodded. "Correct."

Then he dipped her. "And I also heard that you're the Soul Reaper. Or was I misinformed?"

Nyla tensed and her fingers dug into him. "I-"

Alastor chuckled and leaned into her personal space. "Well, it seems our deal has been fulfilled. I know who the Soul Reaper is, and you now have your soul."

Nyla took a deep breath as it was returned, feeling a rush of power as her eyes turned a mix of green and brown. "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

"Oh, absolutely," Alastor darkly said. "I can't have you disrupting the order of Hell. It might give others ideas that deals should be taken lightly. But because it's your party, I'll grant you the kindness of a two minute head start."

"How nice of you," Nyla dryly said before weaving through the crowd. "But you'll have to catch me first."

"I'll find you," Alastor crooned. "I always will."

Nyla wasn't stupid. She knew he would've found out eventually, but it just happened quicker than she would've liked.

And if she didn't want him to kill her, she needed to find either a way to kill him first, or prove to him that she should live. Or perhaps she needed to run far, far away to where even Lucifer couldn't find her.

No. Why should she run? She had her soul back, now. She didn't need to run.

So instead she sprinted up the stairs to her room, where her knives were. 

Nyla grabbed one of her knives and sat on the foot of the bed, waiting. She heard footsteps, and her grip tightened.

"Hello, dear," Alastor said as he stepped inside her room. He offered her a polite smile that was completely lost on her considering the fact that he was coming to murder her.

"Hello." Nyla lifted the blade and held it at level with his chest. "We need to have a little chat before anything happens."

Alastor's eyes fluttered halfway shut. "I agree."

"Why do you even want to kill me so much? Now that I have my soul back, I don't care about getting others their souls! Everything's fine!" Nyla reasoned. "There's not need to kill me!"

Alastor laughed. "But I really want to kill you! You lied to me and went behind my back! I'm hurt!"

"Alastor, you need to calm down," Nyla calmly said, noticing the way his eyes were changing. "I can explain what-"

"And I had been starting to like you!" Alastor laughed again, but it sounded forced. "I was starting to enjoy having another friend, but you were just trying to get your soul back so you could run back to your king!"

"Alastor, there's something you need-"

"I'm going to fucking rip your heart out!" Alastor cheerily said. Antlers sprouted from his head as he stalked forward. 

"I'm Envy!" Nyla blurted out. "That's why you're-"

"Does it look like I give two cents about anything anymore?" Alastor demanded. 

"Alastor!" Nyla shouted, getting him to stop. "Calm the fuck down!"

Alastor paused and took a deep breath. "My apologies. I don't know what got into me."

"You get all ruffled around Lucifer because he flares up your pride. He's the embodiment of Pride! I represent Envy!" Nyla told him. "It's a long story that I don't want to get into because it involves some stuff I'm not proud of, but I was an angel in Heaven. I fell because I got jealous of humans."

"You got jealous of... humans?" Alastor asked, cocking his head. "Why?"

She shrugged. "They get to live. I know it sounds stupid, but..."

"Who was in that picture then?" Alastor questioned, antlers shrinking.

"Remember the first deal we made? You gave me that trinket you had found and I gave you my soul?" Nyla smiled bittersweetly. "I used it to get to the Overworld. I didn't stay long. I learned quickly that the world is horrible no matter where you are."

"Was that the boyfriend that..." Alastor trailed off.

Nyla nodded confirmation. "He was."

Alastor stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. He sat next to her and offered her a hesitant smile. "Do you miss Heaven?"

Nyla sighed. "In a way, yeah. But I have friends here that I would miss if I went back."

"Would I be one of them?"

Nyla laughed lightly. "Sure."

Alastor peered around her room and stared out the window. "Maybe I don't have to kill you after all."

"Maybe." Nyla hummed and tucked her knife away. "So... We're good?"

"I will not take your life." Alastor held out a hand. 

"I won't kill you either." Nyla shook the offered hand and gave him a bright smile. "I'll even move back to the hotel. Honestly, at least I kinda got peace there. When I sleep here there's always something happening. Like Lucifer losing his favourite duck."

"Splendid. Shall we walk back together?" Alastor beamed at her.

"Sure." Nyla followed him back to the hotel.

Alastor glanced out of the corner of his eye at her while they walked, observing how bright her eyes looked, and how she seemed so much more confident. It appeared having her soul back was a good look for her.

Creative liberties.

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