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The next morning I run to the bathroom to puke.

I shouldn't have had that much to drink last night.

"Katie?" Jake yells.

I throw up again as he walks into the bathroom.

He laughs. "I hope you've learnt your lesson about drinking too much."

"Shut up." I mumble and lie my head on my arm that leaning against the toilet."

Jake fills a cup up with water. He places it on the floor next to me. "You should drink some water, babe." He kisses the back of my head. "I'm going to get you something to eat."

"No," I grab his sleeve. "I don't think I will be able to eat anything."

I rise and head to the basin. I rinse my mouth out with water. Before I brush my teeth.

After my teeth are brushed Jake lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom. He places me on the bed. "I have to go to the garage. When your feeling better a bike will be waiting for you to fix."

"Thanks," I pull the blanket over my head and I fall asleep."


I walk into the kitchen as Trina is making something herself a sandwich.

She looks at me. "Do you want a sandwich?"

I nod.

Rayna walks into the kitchen. "Is she still not talking?" She looks at me closely. "Katie, you need to talk. It was either her or you that had to go and I'm glad that it wasn't you. You're a huge part of this Motorcycle club and if anything happens to you we wouldn't know how to function. You're the one that holds us together." She wraps her arms around me and begins to cry.

I place my hand at the back of her head. "I'm fine, Ray. I have a headache."

She pulls away and laughs. "You were in shock yesterday?"

"Yeah, I never thought I would have to kill anyone before. I had to deal with it my own way and stop talking was the way that I could do that. I'm sorry I had you worried."

"I'm happy to see that my princess is back." Dad walks into the kitchen and he pulls me on for a hug. He looks at he door. "Princess, I need to ask you something, but I can't do it here. Will you meet me in my office in twenty minutes?"


Dad walks over to the door. "I have to entertain our guests." He looks at me. "When they approach you, don't tell them your my daughter."

"I won't, Pres."

He laughs. "That a girl." He walks out of the room."

Rayna shake her head. "Uncle Clyde would curse me out if I did what you do."

I whisper. "Daddy's little princess get away with everything." I take a bite out of the sandwich that Trina places in front of me. "Thanks, Trina."

The girls and I talk for abit before I head to Dads office.

His office in the garage.

I walk into the garage and a smile spreads across Jake's face. "Are you here to work?"

"No," I point to Dad's office. "Pres, wants to see me. I think it has something to do with the men that are here."

"I don't trust them. You should tell Pres that." He kisses my cheek. "You don't want to keep him waiting. You know how much he hates waiting for people."

I know he hates it. Which is why I'm usually punctual to things that have something to do with Dad.

The office door opens and Dad sticks his head out the door. "Get back to work Citthroat. I don't pay you to talk to your old lady."

I laugh. "He sure makes me sound old."

"You're not old. You're beautiful and mine."

I slap his arm. "Keep talking like that Mr and I will let you take my sacrade cherry." I wink at him and he groans.

Jake walks over to his bike and he starts cleaning it with a rag.

I walk into the office and Dad sits behind his desk.

He crosses his arms and looks at me. "What do you think of the men that were here last night?"

I sit across from him and lean my arms against his table. "Do you want me to tell you the truth or do you prefer that I lie to you?"

"The truth. I want to know if it's a good decision to work with these men and your one of the few people that I trust to not lie to me."

"Did you ask Jake what he thought?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't had the time to talk to him about it, but from his reaction from the meeting last night I could tell he wasn't happy that I invited some old friends here. He clashed with Marcus."

So, that's the name of the leader of the OLD MAN pack.

"I don't like the way he talks about woman, Dad. If you work with him the woman here aren't going to be safe with him. What if he pisses off Jake, Iron Fist and Tank? All three of them won't hesitate to kill them if they got close to us. I don't want that kind of trouble here."

"Okay, Princess. You can go. I want you to be careful walking around here until they leave. It's probably best that Rayna and Trina stay close to their men. I don't want anything to happen to them."

"Aw, you care about us."

He rises and stands next to me. "I'll always take care of you first, princess." He looks out the window. "You also have another man that thinks of you first and he's getting annoyed with the bike he's working on. You should help him."

I look out the window and see Jake kick the bike. It falls on its side.

As I look closer I see a few of the Marcus's men standing in the shadows.

Dad probably missed that.


Dad looks at me. "What?"

"A few of Marcus's men are in the garage. They might have said something to Jake. He wouldn't kick a bike if he's frustrated. He waits for me to finish my work before he asks for help. If I'm right they said something about me. I can't go down there and they can't know that I'm here."

Dad walks to the door. "Do you have your phone?"


"I'll sent you a message. So, you can use one of the secret exits to get out of here."

He walks out the door and he stands next to Jake.

Jake looks at the room and he forms fists with hand.

Please settle down, Jake. Don't let them know that I'm in Dad's office.

Dad pulls his phone out of his pocket and he sends me a message.

I open the message.

Dad: Go.

There's an exit behind the book shelf on Dad's office.

I find a book and tilt it. It opens the book shelf and I enter the secret passageway.

Turning on the flashlight on my phone I can see the steps that I need to climb down.

At the end of the passage is a door, that leads to the kitchen and I open it.

Trina screams. "Shit, Katie." She place her hand over her heart. "You scared the shot out of me."

I place my index finger over my mouth. "Have you seen the guys that brought here?"

Rayna nods. "They're looking for you."


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