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Banner by @themikaelsongirl thank you for the beautiful graphic.

Jake walks into my room at 8pm and he walks over to the bed. He sits and looks at me. "If you get bored up here princess, you should join the boys and I downstairs."

I put the book I'm currently reading down and turn towards him. "Why would I go downstairs, Jake? You and I I know how those guys are when they've had one too many drinks. They usually think I'm one of the club sluts. When I hit them they know that they've fucked up."

Jake laughs. "I remember the time you beat up, Tank."

I laugh as I remember that day.


I sat at the bar and ordered a drink from Trina.

She placed the glass in front of me and I drank it.

The door to the bar opened and Tank walked in. He's a huge guy. When I say huge I mean he's tall and has muscles everywhere.

Tank is such a teddy bear, but to everyone else he's a menace. He could snap someone's neck in an instance if you've hurt someone he cared about.

"Is that princess sitting at the bar?" He walked over to me and sat down. "Aren't you too young to drink?"

A smile spread across my face. "Aren't you a little too big to be sitting on the stool. I'm afraid you'll break it and fall on your arse."

He laughed. "I missed you, princess."

I rolled my eyes. "How could you have missed me. You didn't go anywhere."

He looked at Trina. "Can I get a beer. Keep em coming, beautiful." He winked at her.

Trina's face turned red and she kept pouring him drinks.

After a few too many drinks he wanted to take me upstairs. He grabbed my hand and I punched him in the face and he fell off the stool.

I broke his nose and the next day he couldn't remember who he pissed off and how he got the broken nose.

Jake told him that I did that when he grabbed me because he wanted to take me upstairs.

*End Flashback*

"You're still the only person that has managed to break any part of Tank. I think that's why he's protective of you when you drink with us."

I hardly drink with them anymore.

I'm sick of having to handle those guys when they drink and think that I'm just another club slut.

Jake looks at me one last time. "Please, come downstairs?"

I shake my head. "I want to stay up here and read a good book. I'm trying to stay out of trouble while The President is gone."

Jake laughs. "What does your father say when you call him president?"

I look away from him. "He hates it. You know what I should start calling you, Jake?"


"VP, because you're my Dad's Vice President."

Jake rises and leans over me. He begins to tickle me. "You better not start calling me that." He stops and a serious look come across his face. "I prefer it when you call me, Jake." He kisses my cheek.

My face heat up and I look away from him.

He grabs my face. "Don't look away from me. I love it when you blush." He watches me for a bit before he says. "I'll see you later. He walks out of my room.


I look down the hall to make sure that none of the Reaper MC's are in the hall. If they are it's going to be tricky for me to sneak out. I really don't want Jake to see Michelle again.

If he did I'm sure that he will be yelling at me and telling me that I can't hang out with her as she's bad influence. Jake probably right about her, but I tend to learn things the hard way.

It's clear and I make my way to the fire exit. I disarm the alarm and open the door. I climb down the stairs and head in the direction of Michelle's car.

She sent me a text earlier saying that she'd park on the side of the road. I have a 2 km walk in front of me in heels.

When I get to Michelle's car I take off the heels and massage my feet.

A smile spreads across her face. "How did you get past, Cutthroat."

"It's a secret."

Michelle pulls the car onto the road and we head towards the bar.

It take fifteen minutes to get to the bar. I step out of the car and I notice that it's the Viper bar.

I can't go in there. What if they notice I'm the girl from The Reaper's.

Michelle opens the door and she steps out of the car. She walks to the door and kisses the guy that's guarding the door. "That's my friend I've been talking about."

I hear her say as I step out of the car.

He whistles. "Damn, she's gorgeous. Are you sure she's going to fit in here?"

"Trust me she will."

I follow Michelle into the bar.

The guys in this bar all have tattoos of a snake on them. On the tongue of the snake is the word "Viper" Inside the eyes are flames.

A guy walks over to Michelle and he kisses her. "Hey, baby. I'm glad you're here. I thought you were going to stand me up." He looks me up and he leans into her and says. "Is she the girl you told me about."

Michelle nods.

A smile spreads across his face. "This is going to be fun." He looks at me. "Do you want a drink?"

"I can pay for it myself, thanks." I walk over to the bar and I order a drink.


I've only had two drinks when I start to feel ill.

Michelle looks at me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air." I rise and head for the door.

When I get outside I lean against the wall and close my eyes.

"Ahh, here's a Reaper Slut!" A guy says. "I think we should send those guys a message."

Another guy steps forward. "I agree."

Michelle walks out with another guy and she whispers something to him.

He nods and looks at me. "Guys, she's not another Reaper slut. She's the Presidents daughter."

A guy walks over and he swings a punch at me.

I dodge the swing the best I can with the way I'm feeling. I throw a punch and it connects with guys face.

Another one pulls me back and holds my arms behind my back.

As the guy I hit climbs to hit feet and he begins to punch me.

I kick my foot back and kick the guy that's holding me.

He loosens his grip on me.

I pull my heels off and start to run, but the guys are too quick and in tackled to the ground.

The guy on top of me begins to hit me again.

I feel pain everywhere and it becomes hard for me to breath.

He looks at me and says. "Goodbye, bitch." Then he hits me in the face. "Baby, I need your keys."

That's the last thing I hear before I black out.


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