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Jake rises and he walks over to the bar. "Princess, can I have another round the guys and can you make something for Michelle."

"Sure," I pour him a jug of beer and pour a wine for Michelle.

Jake takes them from me. "Thanks, princess." He walks over to his table and sits next to Michelle. He places his hands on her knee and then starts kissing her.

Ugh! Those two make me sick.

I pour more drinks for the guys at the bar and then I look over at Dad's table and see that they've finished there drinks. I fill up another jug of beer and pour six shot glasses of Jim beam. I take the drinks over to the table.

Dad moves over. "Sit, princess. I need to tell you something."

Taking a seat next to him I put the shot glasses in front of the men and place the jug on the table. "What is it, President?"

He winces when he hears me call him that. "I don't like it when you call me that, princess. In front of the men you will call me Dad."

I salute him. "Yes, Sir."

He laughs. "So, now I have a smart arse for a daughter."

"I've got smarties up my arse? Where are they I want some."

The guys at the table begin to laughs and I forgot that they were sitting across from Dad and I as had our little banter.

"Princess, I have to go away for a week or two."

"Yes," I yell. "Now, I didn't have turn the duke box onto all the rock 'n' roll music you listen to. I can turn on pop, rap and any love songs I want."

Someone groans. "Please, Sir. Can you order her not play that stuff? We're all going to lose our man cards if she's going to be in charge of the music."

Leaning across the table I whisper. "You'll never lose you're man card. You always have some willing club slut to take care of you, big boy." I pat his arm.

"Princess, I'm not going to leave you alone. One of the guys will be with at all times. While I'm away Cutthroat will be in charge. For duration that I'm gone no one will be able to contact me. So, if there's any problems go to Cutthroat he will help you out. That boy won't let you out of sight, so, I won't have anything to worry about while I'm gone."

I've noticed that lately. Jake's eyes divert to me even though he's making out with whatever slut he's with that night.

Jake looks over and winks. He turns his attention back to Michelle and he takes her hand. He leads her upstairs.

"Katie," Dad snaps.


Dad closes his eyes for a second. "What was I thinking letting you spend all your free time at the bar? You should be heading to University and getting a better education."

I touch his arm. "I'm studying online, Dad."

A smile spreads across his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, I wasn't sure how you'd feel about."

He pulls me into his arms. "I'm happy for you. So, what's my little princess studying?"


Dad drops his glass and the liquor spills across the table and onto the floor. "Why the hell would you do that?"

I look him in the eyes as I say. "I want to be the one to get you out of jail whenever the Feds stick their noses into our business. Do you know how many time they've taken me to their office?" Dad shrugs. "Too many times. They take me off the streets when I'm alone. They throw me into the back of a pitch black van and they demand me to tell them what's going on with the club. I have never given them information on my family and I never will. Studying law is going to help me whenever I want to put on a complaint about the way they handle me."

Dad laughs. "I hope I'm around when you become a lawyer. I hope that you won't end with one of my boys, but from the looks between Cutthroat and you that might be a little too late."

"Is it really that bad if I fell for someone I'm the club?"

He sighs. "I was hoping that you wouldn't travel, down the same path as you're mother. You were born into this life, but I wanted you to get out of it when you turned eighteen. For some reason you decided to stay here with me."

I whisper. "I don't want to be anywhere you're not, Dad. You're the last person left alive from our family and I want you to be apart of my life until you die."

Dad pushes a glass of Jim Beam in front of me. "To family." He lifts his glass and I clink my glass to his, then do the same to the guys at the table.

"To Family." We say in unison.

I throw the shot back.

"Where's Princess? I need another drink." A guy yells.

I look at Dad. "You really need to reconsider this nickname, Dad. Cause if I hear Princess one more time, someone's face will meet mr lefty and mr righty." I say in a sweet voice.

As I walk over to the bar I collect glasses from other tables before putting them to the side of the bar.

I will put them away after I've served these guys.

I pour more beers for the guys at the bar and place them in front of them. I put the glasses in the dishwasher and I turn it on.

Dad and his friends walk out of the bar. He waves at me before the door closes.

I won't see him until he gets back from wherever he's going.

Dad isn't the type for goodbyes. He used to tell me "Goodbyes, are for people who intend to return. For me it's not a possibility, so I choose to leave without saying those words to you. As I might not have the chance to return to you and that thought saddens me."

From that day I walked over to a window that's Dad and mine. I sit there and wait for him to leave.

He always sees me at the window and he waves before he pulls away.

I walk over to the window close to the bar and I sit there.

Dad climbs onto his bike. He turns towards me and waves. He puts his jacket on and starts up his bike. The bike purrs. He climbs on it and pulls away.

Michelle walks over to the bar and she sits on a stool close to me. "Katie, can I get a drink?"

"Sure," I rise and walk over to the fridge. I pour her a glass in wine and place it in front of her. "I forgot how good, Cutthroat is in bed. He sure knows how to rock a woman's world."

I don't want to talk to her about Jake.

She keeps talking about Jake and I feel like knocking her out.

Jake walks into the bar and he shoots daggers at Michelle. He walks over to her and grabs her arms. "I told you to get out of the bar." He yells. "I don't want to see you around, Katie again."

I can't believe he used my real name. It felt great to hear someone call me that from the MC.

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