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Jake's POV

In the middle of the night I hear Katie screaming and I climb out of the chair I'm sitting in. I walk over to the bed and kneel next to her. "Katie, its Jake. You were badly hurt tonight."

"It hurts." She has tears falling down her face. "Why does everything hurt?"

I brush some of her dark hair from her face. "You went to the Viper Bar with Michelle and you got into a fight with someone."

"I was drugged," she weakly says.

I'm going to kill those arseholes. I just hope that Tank doesn't get to them first.

"Go back to sleep, Katie," I kiss the top of her head. "I will be back with some pain killers."

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I text Rayna.

She replies immediately.

I don't think she was going to fall asleep that easily with her cousin in the next room all bloody and bruised.

I walk out of the room and head downstairs to the First Aid Cabinet.

Katie was the one that demanded we get a First Aid Kit. She was sick and tired of seeing us all cut and bruised. We used to call the Doctor to come and fix us up, but we had to let him go after he tried to get Trina to take some shot that protected her against pregnancy.

Trina hated needles and everyone in the club knew that. She told us that when she was younger she was sick and spent most of her time in the hospital and they poked and prodded her with needles. That when she sees them now she freaks out.

I pull out all sorts of tablets from the cabinet and I take them upstairs with me.

Rayna is talking to her cousin when I walk into the room. She looks at me. "Cutthroat is right here, Katie."

"Can you sleep with me tonight, Jake?"

Moving over to the bed I take her hand. "I will sleep in your room, but on the floor. I don't want to share the bed with you just in case I hurt you more."


Rayna goes through the tablets and she gives Katie Panadeine Extra. "Take these Katie. They will make you drowsy and they should help ease the pain. If they don't. I'm sure, Cutthroat will be bashing down my door."

"You know I will." I walk to the bathroom and fill up a glass. I carry the glass over to Katie and I put the pills in her mouth and she swallows them with the water I brought to her lips.

She drinks more water then she needed. She must have been thirsty from whatever she was drinking at the bar.

I put the glass on the nightstand. I rise and head towards the door.

"Cutthroat?" Rayna yells.

I turn towards her and she points to the bed.

Katie is seizing on the bed.

"Fuck!" Rayna yells. "I forgot she had something else in her system. You need to get my medical bag. I have something in there that could help her, but I think it's best we take her to the hospital."

"I'll take her to the hospital." I walk out of the room and get Rayna's medical bag.

On the way back to the room there's a small crowd.

"Get lost!" I yell. I move over to Rayna and I give her the bag.

She takes it from me. "Thanks," she opens the bag. "You need to get out of here. I will let you know when you can take her to the hospital."

Trina walks over to the door. "I called an ambulance. I told them that I saw a person at the side of the road beaten and that there's a chance she was drugged." She looks at Rayna. "Do you think Katie was raped?"

Rayna looks at her. "I didn't see any signs, but if there is I'm going to do worst then Cutthroat when I get my hands on them."

Tank pulls Trina away. "When Katie's healed and 100% she will go after everyone involved. I doubt she'd show them an ounce of mercy. After all she is Ripper's daughter.

The President of The Reapers MC also has a nickname that he goes by and that's Ripper.

I heard stories of how he got the nickname, but if the stories are true I'm glad that I wasn't around when it happened.

The President found out his old lady was going to have a daughter and there was a bunch of threats received from other clubs about how they were going to pull his daughter out of his wife's stomach and hang the baby from a power line and other things.

He doesn't like people threatening his family. So, he went after all the Motorcycle Clubs and he ripped them apart. He left nothing body wise.

The police couldn't arrest him as they didn't have any proof and there were no bodies to be found.

I don't like the idea of Katie finding out what her father did to those people, that threatened her life when she was in her Mum's wombs.

Lifting Katie up I carry her to the car and I put her in the back seat with me, while Tank drives.

A couple miles down the road we pull over and I lift Katie up and place her on the ground. I take off my MC jacket and tie it around my waist.

I don't want the paramedics to be afraid of me.

Tank's wearing his jacket. "I should take my jacket off, right?"

"Yes, I don't like the idea of them being too afraid to take Katie to the hospital, since I'm in The Reaper's." I look down the road and see the ambulance approach us.

They pull over at the side of the road and they start questioning us.

We give them the information they need, before they take Katie to the ambulance.

I approach the vehicle. "Can I come with you?"

"Sure," I climb into the ambulance and take a seat.

The guy shuts the door and moves to the other side of the ambulance. His face is pale. "A... are you going to hurt us?"

I look at him. "Why would I do that?"

He points at my jacket. "Your apart of the Reaper's MC."

"I'm not going to hurt you, but please save her. If you don't I'm a dead man."

The last part of my statement is true.

The President won't be too happy to learn that his daughter has been beaten and that she snuck out of the MC, while I was supposed to look after her.

Katie's never done anything like that before.

I never thought that she'd do something so reckless that could have had her taken away from everyone that cares about her. I lean forward and whisper in her ear. "I love you, Katie." I look at her still form and tears well in my eyes. "You better pull through this. There's a few things I want to ask you when you wake up and I'm hoping that you will say yes to them."

The ambulance pulls in front of the hospital and Katie's rushed to the emergency department.


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