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The ambulance pulls in front of the hospital and Katie rushed to the emergency department.


I start pacing back and forth while I wait to hear how Katie's doing. I see a few guys from the MC walk into the room and they sit close to me.

Tank places a hand on my shoulder. "Stop pacing. You're making me nervous."

I look at the door to the Emergency Room. "I wish they would hurry up with her. I need to know that she's fine and that we didn't do any more damage to her while we moved her."

He leads me over to the seats. "We didn't have a choice. You know how everyone is when it comes to Motorcycle clubs. Everyone is afraid of us and what we'd do to them. So, they choose to stay away and when we really need them we're fucked from the lifestyle we chose to live." Tank looks over at his old lady and smiles. "I would do anything to save Trina's life. Even if that was to move her and hurt her even more. Something is better than letting the one you love die and I know you'd do anything to make sure that didn't happen to Katie."

Looking at the clock on the other side of the waiting I realise I've only been here for ten minutes and it feels like s lifetime. "Did any of the guys bring their bikes?"

Tank throws me a pair of keys. "Blackout, brought your bike. He thought you might need it. There's also a few other things in the truck he drove over."

I'm glad he my second right hand man. He knows what I need before I do.

So your probably wondering how blackout got his MC name.

It was two years ago when he walked into the Reaper's MC bar and he sat at the bar. He ordered a drink from Katie. The guy even flirted with her. So, when his back was turned she put something in his drink. He took two mouthfuls of his beer before he passed out.

To this day no one knows what she puts in his drink.

When she wakes up I'm going to find out what she slips him.

Outside Blackout is standing next to the truck and he helps me take off the bike. "If you need backup I'll come with you."

"Are you sure?" He nods. "Get your bike and lets go. I want to surprise them." I jump on my bike and start the engine. It rumbles and people turn towards us.

Someone yells. "Get inside its The Reapers."

I laugh.

There's more Reapers inside you idiot.

Revving the engine once again I pull out of the parking lot of the hospital and I drive in the direction of The Viper. On the way there I feel something vibrate in my pocket and I pull over to the side of the road. I shut the engine off on the bike and out the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

Voice: Its Tank, we need you back inside. The Doctor won't tell anyone who isn't family a thing. I told them that I was going to call her husband and let him know they are looking for him.

Me: Did they really come out.

Tank laughs.

Tank: No, I knew you were going off to do something stupid. Get your fucking arse back here before a Doctor comes back.

Me: I'm on my way.

Tank: Good. See you soon.

The phone disconnects from the call and I look over at Blackout. "We need to get back to the hospital."

"How does he always know when to call and save our arses?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Tank, usually gives me ten minutes to ride my bike before he calls me back when I'm pissed. He knows flying down the street usually calms me and he's right it does. He talks sense into me, while you're my right hand man. You're ready whenever I need you and I'm thankful for everything you've done for and with me over the years."

He places a hand on my shoulder. "It's been great helping you out. It feels like I'm part of something."

I start my bike. "You'll always be part of something. Blackout, you really should look for a lady."

Blackout shakes his head. "I'm not ready to settle down like, Tank and Iron Fist. You know I can't believe those guys found women before the rest of us. I thought you were going to have an old lady first."

The only woman I want is in the hospital. She's been the only girl I wanted, but I couldn't be with her because she was underage for a short time. Now, she's not underage; and I'm the one that's afraid she'll reject me when she knows how I feel.

I speed down the street and drive toward the hospital.

We pass a police cruiser and he turns his siren on. He follows us down the street.

Blackout and I race down the street and we pull onto a dirt track and hide behind a tree until the police cruiser drives past. "Are they every going to leave us alone?"

I laugh. "No, we're troublemakers of the town and they would do anything to throw us in their cell for the night." Looking down the street I make sure there's no cars coming. "Blackout, we should use back streets back to the hospital. I don't want to deal with the pigs at the moment."

Taking the back streets we make it back to the hospital in five minutes. I park the bike and jog back into the hospital. I walk over to Tank and the rest of the guys.

A young doctor walks out the door and he looks at the paper in his hand. "I'm looking for the people that are Her for Katie Hughes."

I step forward. "That's me. I'm her husband."

"I'm sorry, but she didn't make it."

After that I begin to see red and I have the young Doctor by the throat and I squeeze it. "You have to be fucking joking. She can't be dead." I throw him across the waiting room and I begin to hit and punch the guy.

Tank, Iron Fist, Blackout and a few other guys pull me away from the Doctor.

An elder Doctor walks through the door. He looks at the Doctor on the ground. "What going on?"

I struggle against the guys holding me. "He told me my wife is dead. Katie Hughes, can't be dead." I look him dead in the eyes. "If she's dead, you're all going to regret it."

The elder Doctor takes the paper from the guy on the floor. He looks at it. "There seems to be a mistake. This paper said 'Katie Hudson...'

The couple standing on the other side of the waiting room begin to cry as they hear the name of their daughter.

"I want you to take me to Katie. If she's in the O.R. I need to see her on the table. I don't trust use after that fuck up."

The Doctor leads me down some corridors and I see Katie lying in a bed and her eyes are closed.

At least she's alive.


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