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Two weeks later

Katie has been home for a week and the Doctor told me that her ribs will be healed in six to eight weeks. She's not supposed to do any heavy lifting.

During the week I have been looking after her and she hates it. She keeps telling me that she can look after herself, but that's not true when I can see how much pain she's in.

President is supposed to come home today and he's going to be pissed when he sees his little Princess. She's still covered in bruises from the fight.

The Viper's are probably still pissing themselves and wondering where the retaliation is from the beating up Katie, but when we attack will a surprise for them.

I had a friend look into Michelle and we just discovered that she's the sister of another bikie group in our town. Her brothers group hasn't been heard of as they keep to themselves, but they have been heard of now and if Michelle's brother ordered her to do this I will kill himself.

Whimpering brings me back from my thoughts and I turn towards Katie. I step toward her. "Let me help you."

She shake her head. "Can you get Rayna or Trina, please." Tears begin to fall down her face. "I don't want a man to touch me." 

"Fine," I grit out. Walking down the hall I see a few guys making out with the club sluts. "Move," I yell and they run into their rooms.

Rayna opens the door to the bedroom before I have a chance to knock. She looks at me. "What do you need, Cutthroat?"

"Please, call me, Jake. Cutthroat is for when we're with other MC Members."

"Okay," she takes a look at me. "Jake, what's wrong?"

"Katie needs your help to get changed. She won't let me help her and I feel helpless."

Rayna touches my arm. "Katie, was beat up by a group of men."

"What," someone roars. The President walks around the corner. "How could you let this fucking happen to my princess." He runs over to me and pushes me against the wall. "You were supposed to take care of my fucking, Princess. Instead I come home and hear that she's been beat up."

Rayna touches his arm. "It's not his fault, Uncle." She looks down the hall and I see regret in her eyes as she tells her Uncle the truth. "She snuck out of the house with Michelle. Michelle took her to The Viper bar. Katie, was close to death when Jake found her." Tears begin to fall down her face. "I tried to help her, but I caused her to seize when I gave her some medication that reacted to the stuff that The Vipers slipped into her drink."

President let's me go and he walks down the hall to his daughter's room.

Rayna and I folllw him to the room and I see him hug his daughter. "Oh, Katie."

Tears begin to fall down her face. "Daddy," she sniffles. "I'm glad you're home."

He holds her. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me the most."

She pulls back and looks him in the eyes. "It's not your fault, Daddy." Katie looks at me. "I should have listened to Jake. He's the one that told me not to trust her, but I was stubborn and thought he was trying to hurt me. It turns out he was trying to look out for me." She mouths 'thank you' before she leans into her father's arms.

The President turns towards me. "We'll discuss this later. Right now, I need to spend some time with my daughter."

"Yes, Sir." I shut the door and walk to the garage.

Tank, Iron Fist and Blackout are all standing next to each other when I enter the garage.

Tank steps forward. "Are we in trouble?"

I look at them all. "He's pissed, but Rayna saved me from his wrath after she told him the truth about her sneaking out and going to the bar with Michelle."

Iron Fist clenches his fist. "I told her not to be truthful to The President." He looks at the ground. "I supposed The President being her Uncle comes over me. If that's the way she sees things I'll have to call it quits with her."

"Well if that's what you want." Rayna yells. She takes off the ring she wearing and she throws it at him. "Goodbye, Iron Fist." She slams the door to the garage as she walks out.

"Fuck," he leans against the wall. "I didn't want her to hear that." He looks around the room. "Did you know she was here?"

We shake our heads.

I step toward him and place my hand on his shoulder. "You should talk to her before it's too late."

Iron Fist looks at he ground. "It's too late. There's nothing I can do. Once she makes up her mind about something it's hard for her to reconsider it."

The President storms into the garage and he looks livid again. "First my daughter is beaten and now my niece is in he room crying. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He steps closer to us. "Two girls that I love the most in this world are hurting." He whispers. "Maybe, I should let them go. They'd have a better life if they weren't connected with me."

"That's not true, President." I stand in front of him. "We made mistakes with those girls. Can you give us another chance to make things right?"

He sighs. "Fine," he points at Iron Fist. "But you better talk to her. She's been hiding something from you."

Iron Fist rushes out of the room.

President looks at me. "Jake, I'm going to let you persue my daughter. I know how much you care about her and I was selfish to keep the two of you apart." He points to the door. "Get your girl."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Pres."

"Don't make me regret this."

"You won't." I walk out of the garage and head towards Katie's room.

She sitting on her bed and she turns towards he door as I open it. "Jake, what are you doing here?"

"Your Dad told me to talk to you."

"Okay," she whispers. "I'm going to lie down my ribs hurt." She lies on the bed and I sit next to her.

"There's something I need to tell you."

She looks at me. "Yeah,"

"I have liked you for a really long time. You're father didn't want us together because he was afraid, but with what happened to you he knows that I would do everything to keep you safe."

"I feel the same way." She places her hand on my arm. "Every time you took Michelle to your room I was jealous. I wished that it was me, but I had to keep the way I felt for you at bay. I don't want people that want to hurt you to go through me, but they found that out when I snuck out." She looks away from me. "I'm sorry, Jake. I should have listened to you.


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