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Jake POV

Tank and Iron Fist meet me at the door to the garage.

"What are the girls watching?" Tank asks. "Trina wouldn't tell me."

I laugh. "They're watching Fifty Shades of Grey. It's a good thing The President called a meeting." I open the door to the garage and enter the building. I take a seat next to the President as he starts the meeting."

President talks about the way we took The Viper's out last week. He wanted them all gone because of what they did to his daughter.


The President got us all together the morning of the attack on The Viper's. He looked at us and said. "They tried to kill my daughter. I want everyone of The Viper's to suffer, just like my daughter did. She didn't deserve any of the things that happened to her. He dismissed us.

I picked up a gun and put it over my shoulder. I put a few grenades in my jacket pocket. I climbed onto my bike and drove to The Viper's MC.

The President is driving next to me and the rest of the MC are behind us.

At The Viper bar I pull the pin off the grenade and I throw it at the bar.

A couple seconds later the bar explodes and I hear people scream.

President pulls the pin off the second one and he throws it at the clubhouse.

People run out of the house and they see us.

Tank and Iron Fist pull the strap of their guns of them and they start to shoot at The Viper's.

President of The Viper's raises his hands and he walks towards our President. "I didn't know that my guy's did that to your daughter."

President shoots the guy in the leg. He stands above the guy. "You should know what your club are doing behind your back and you failed The Viper's. The Viper's are going to be wiped out now." President shoot the guy in the head and blood splutters across his face. He wipes the blood away.

I rip off the fabric of the shirt I'm wearing and hand it to the President.

He takes it from me. "Thanks, get the guy's we're going home." President touches my arm. "Don't say a word to my daughter. I don't want her to know about this."

"Yes, Sir." I walk over to everyone. "Pres says it's time to go home."

The guys climb on their bikes and we speed all the way back to the clubhouse."

*flasheback over*

President looks at everyone. "Today, I was informed that we have someone leaking important information to someone that doesn't need to know club business. We're not leaving until this matter is sorted."

A guy I haven't seen before walks into the garage and he takes a seat at the back. He has dark hair and a scar that goes from his eyebrow to his nose.

I won't forget what that guy looks like.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and I send the President a message.

President looks at his phone and he reads the message, before he looks at the back of the room and his eyes land on the guy and he shakes his head. He picks up his phone and starts writing a reply to me.

My phone goes off and I look at it.

I rise and look at Iron Fist and Tank. I indicate to them to follow me and they do.

As soon as we're outside Tank says. "What's going on?"

"A guy walked into the garage and he's not one of ours. We need to get the girls out of the house."

The guys and I head to the house, but by the time we get there the house explodes, sending all three of us to fly through the air and land a couple feet from where we were standing.

Tank rises and he yells. "TRINA,"

Iron Fist yells. "RAYNA,"

And I yell out. "KATIE,"

President walks out of the garage with the guy in a headlock. He shoves him on the ground. "Did you plant the bomb?"

He shakes his head. "No, that was Michelle. She needed to get rid of a girl that was pushing her away from her future with one of your boys."

The next time I see that girl she's dead. Twice she's...

I look over at the side of the house as I see something on the ground.

Walking over I see that it's one of the girls. I turn her over and see that it's Trina. "It's Trina." I yell.

Tank runs over to her and he holds her in his arm.

Trina opens her eyes. She starts coughing. "Where's Rayna and Katie?" She pushes Tank away. "They were right behind me." Tears fall down her face. "Rayna had to help Katie out when we heard a ticking from a box that was left by the front door."

Some debris start to move and I see a hand rise in the air. "Can you see the hand?" Iron Fist and I run over to the burning building and we pull away some debris.

Iron Fist pulls the girl out from the debris and I notice it's Katie. She has cuts on her arms, legs and face.

When is my girl going to catch a break? She doesn't need to go through this as well as being beaten a couple weeks ago.

"Rayna was next to me. You have to get her out, Iron Fist."

He hugs her. "I will." Tank moves more of the fallen debris and he pulls out Rayna.

She opens her eyes. "I knew you would save me." Rayna hugs him. "You're my personal superhero," she says over exaggerating.

Katie leans against me and she laughs. "I brought an app a couple weeks ago that can detect stuff and it did its job when I saw I package on the ground." She looks at the ground. "But I couldn't get out of there on my own. I had to use my cousin."

Rayna walks over to her. "It's alright," she points at herself. "I'm all good, cuz."

President let's the guy go and he looks at us. "He's all yours. He tried to hurt your ladies, show him what happens to guys that hurt your old ladies.

Trina walks over to Rayna and Katie. They hold onto each other as the three of us walk over to the guy.

Katie yells. "Get down,"

I fall to the ground just before the bullet hits the guy that we were supposed to attack.


Looking around the club I look for any signs of where she could be hiding. There's a forest not too far from where we are that she could be hiding in.

The guys look at me. "We're going to the bush. If you find Michelle knock her out. I want Katie to choose what she wants to do with the girl that betrayed her and then tried to kill her with a bomb. I don't know why Katie was ever friends with that girl. All she wanted to do was cause problems for Katie."


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