Chapter 6- Angry Dark

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Third person preview:
Reaperela wakes up in Anti's and Dark's bed they are sleeping. Reaperela smiles and gets up from between them without waking them up. She then went into the kitchen, Reaperela wanted to make breakfast for them to thank them for loving and caring for her when no one else wanted to. Reaperela wasn't tall enough to reach anything but she used her wings to get things and do things on the counter.
-Time skip to when she is done because I am lazy to put all the details and you all want to know why the chapter is named as it is-
Reaperela brings the eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes to Anti and Dark's room. She puts the food on the table next to the lamp that was by the bed. (I forgot what it is called it has draws to put underwear or something and there's a lamp if anyone can tell me in the comments that will be great I totally forgot what the hell they are called) Reaperela got on the bed and tries to wake them up. Anti starts to wakes up but Dark doesn't so Reaperela shakes him harder. This still doesn't work so she did the only thing she can think of.
"Daddy Dark help he's going to hurt me" Reaperela said as she makes her voice sound like she is in distress. Dark instantly wakes up and ready to protect his little girl. Anti watches and giggles at Dark's new dad instincts kick in. Dark sees that Reaperela is fine and calms down.
"Reaperela why did you yell in distress when you are clearly not" Dark said Reaperela looks down and her tail goes in between her legs. She feels like he is mad at her for sounding like she is in trouble.
"It was the only way that could wake Ye with out hurting ye" Reaperela said in a soft voice. Dark heard her and then hugs her.
"Hey it's ok I am not mad and you would never hurt me" Dark said.
"Ela why did ye wake us up? do ye need something?" Anti asked.
"No I made ye guys breakfast to thank Ye both so much" Reaperela said both Anti and Dark were shocked.
"Ela ye didn't have to make us breakfast to thank us" Anti started.
"All you have to do is be our little girl" Dark finished as he messed up Reaperela's hair.
"It is still sweet of ye to make us breakfast" Anti said. "But how do ye know how to cook?" Anti asked.
"Oh I um it's hard to explain when ye guys don't know some things but when I got my magic I gotten smarter then a normal 5 year old" Reaperela said as she rubbed the back of her neck. Anti then hugs Reaperela and rubs her back to reassure her.
"It's ok lass" Anti said. "Dark we should start to eat before the food gets cold" Anti said and Dark brings the food to them. Both Anti and Dark were surprised to see so much food that Reaperela had made.
-Time skip to when they are done eating-
"Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark can we go to town so I can explore it" Reaperela asked.
"Sure" Anti said as him and Dark got up to get changed. Reaperela got up and went to her room to go change as well.
-Time skip to when they get to town-
"Can I explore by myself?" Reaperela asked.
"Yeah but when yer in danger just call one of our names" Anti said.
"Ok Daddy Anti" Reaperela said then nodded and she started to walk away looking at everything. Once she was probably 4 to 5 blocks away from Anti and Dark, Someone grabs Reaperela into the alleyway he covered her mouth. The guy puts something in Reaperela's mouth to stop her from making noises and Reaperela couldn't bit it off.
"Your going to love this girl" The guy said as he started to take Reaperela's clothes off.
-An hour and a half later with Anti and Dark-
Anti and Dark were searching all over for Reaperela they knew it wouldn't take more then an hour for Reaperela to explore.
"Ela lass where are ye" Anti yelled then he went down an alleyway. He then sees Reaperela on the ground passed out and it looked like her clothes where torn. Anti gasps at seeing this he goes to Reaperela and checks her pulses. "Dark over here" Anti yelled. Dark then comes into the alleyway he sees Reaperela and he gets pissed. He goes to Anti and Reaperela and he picks Reaperela up.
"What happened?" Dark asked.
"I don't know I found her like this" Anti said then he sees Reaperela still has the gag in her mouth. "We should bring her to PewDiepie he will check if she is alright" Anti said. "Dark when we find out what happened no killing the person responsible" Anti said sternly.
"No promises if it is what I think it is" Dark said.
-Time skip to the Alter ego hospital after the check up-
PewDiepie came out of the room and he went to Anti and Dark. "Reaperela is fine it's just we found cum inside her but she may have been traumatized when she got rapped" Diepie said.
"What?!" Anti said shocked about this and he hugs Dark because he needed some comfort. Dark hugs back instantly and he tries to calm Anti and himself.
"Do you know who did it" Dark asked.
"No but we can tell by the type of sperm and cum that it was a male demon" Diepie said. "I am so sorry this happened to you guys" Diepie said.
"It's ok but why would a older male demon do this to a little lass?" Anti asked.
"Maybe the demon was in rut and he didn't have a mate yet" Diepie said. Dark was gets even more pissed off that a older male demon did this to his little girl.
"Is Reaperela pregnant?" Dark asked because he just realized the sperm was inside Reaperela.
"Thank Satan she isn't, her body was built to be only get pregnant by a dominant female demon her soulmate" Diepie said. "But I saw she doesn't have her soulmate tattoo yet" Diepie said.
"Yeah we wanted her to get it when she showed if she had fire magic so we know that she can take getting her soulmate tattoo" Dark said.
"Well you have to have her get her soulmate tattoo now so she will know what gender her soulmate is" Diepie said. "Just like Anti knew to look for guys" Diepie said with a smirk.
"Hey I told ye not to say anything of that again" Anti said and Dark chuckles.
"Ok we will but I still think to wait a little bit like a year so we can see if she has fire magic so she doesn't get too hurt from getting the tattoo" Dark said. "Anyways can we see Reaperela now?" Dark asked.
"Yeah but she is asleep" Diepie said. They both go into Reaperela's hospital room and Anti goes to hug her. Dark gently puts his hand on Reaperela's head and he goes through her resent memories. He growled once he found the memory and saw what the demon guy looked like. Dark then erased the memory of her getting rapped but he had to leave the kinks that she had. If he erased that then she will be questioning on how she got the kinks she has. Dark then hugs Reaperela and he kissed Anti on his head. He then leaves the room so he can hunt down and kill the demon that rapped his daughter.
-Time skip-
Dark comes back and he uses his magic to give Reaperela little bit of a fake memory to replace the rape memory. He then goes to a chair and he cuddles with his Anti in it.
-Time skip to when Reaperela wakes up-
Reaperela wakes up in the hospital bed and she puts her hand on her forehead.
"What happened?" Reaperela asked with a groan and she see that she is in a hospital bed. Then she 'remembers' what happened. "Oh that's right I was going to go get a check up then I got a flashback of my mother dying and I passed out" Reaperela said to herself. She sees Anti and Dark sitting in a chair asleep together and she smiles at this. She tries to get up off the bed but her lower back is hurting her. Reaperela yelps in pain and she lays back down. Anti and Dark hears Reaperela yelp then they wake up. They see Reaperela is awake, they go to her and they hug her.
"Ela yer ok oh thank Satan yer ok" Anti said.
"Of course I am ok I just passed out is all" Reaperela said, Anti sees this and he gives Dark a little glare saying 'ye got some explaining to do when we get home mister'. (*laughs* he's like 'you mess with my little lass then I mess with your face' *laughs harder*)
"How are you feeling Reaperela?" Dark asked trying to shake that he was nervous because of Anti.
"I am good but my lower back hurts for some reason" Reaperela said.
"Ye should get some more rest lass me and Dark are going to go outside for a second" Anti said and Dark knew he was in trouble. Reaperela nodded and she started to fall back to sleep.
-With Anti and Dark-
"Dark why did ye erase her memory and replace them?" Anti said mad.
"I don't want Reaperela to have those memories and be traumatized her whole life she has enough problems with flashbacks she don't need another one" Dark explains.
"But she has the right to know what really happened even so she isn't lying to herself all her life" Anti said.
"Ok fine we tell her but when she is older like when she is 19" Dark said.
"Fine but ye are taking the blame if she is mad that ye didn't tell ye sooner and that ye erased her memory without her knowing" Anti said as he crosses his arms on his chest.
"Ok I take full responsibility when we tell Reaperela what really happened" Dark said as her lifts his hands up almost in surrender.
"Good let's go back inside" Anti said and they both go back inside the hospital room.

Hi guys I am so sorry this took so long school and writers block were the reasons why it took so long. Anyways I hope that you all like chapter 6 this chapter has 1,810 words. I think this is the longest chapter I have anyways I will see you all in the next chapter bye~

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