Chapter 7- A lit and cool suprise

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-The next day 5 days till Reaperela's birthday-
Reaperela's point of view:
I was finally was able to get out of the hospital after getting the check up. I was happy about because I didn't want to remember where my mother died. But I thought I got my check up already probably they didn't want to do it while I was out. Me, Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark were going to the car. I yelped in surprise as I got picked up and I was now in Daddy Anti's arms. He puts me in the back seat and he goes to the passenger's seat while Daddy Dark went into the driver's side. When the car started the radio went on one of my favorite songs came on and I couldn't help but dance and sing along to it. Once the song was over Anti turned around to look at me.
"Lass ye have a beautiful voice why don't Ye show it more?" Anti said.
"Oh thank ye Daddy Anti I just haven't heard music in more then a year and I haven't sang in more then a year" I explained.
"Oh but now on yer going ta be my cheerful lass" Anti said and I smiled at him with a nod. I started to feel tired and I laid my head on the car door then started to fall asleep.
—Time skip 2 hours—
I woke up on the couch in Anti's arms and I smiled. I get out of Anti's arms without waking him up and I went to get something to eat. When I went to reach up to open a cabinet I saw my hands were on fire but they were green and pink, I started to freak out scared. "Daddy Anti Daddy Dark" I shouted scared out of my mind as I had no idea what to do and I was afraid I was going to burn someone. Soon enough Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark came running in they saw that my hands were on fire. "What do I do? How do I make it go away?" I asked panicking even though I didn't feel the heat or the pain I still panicked.
"Lass first ye need ta calm down magic goes based on yer emotions first till ye can control them" Daddy Anti explained and I started to calm down.
"Close your hand to a first like you are about to hold the fire and take out" Daddy Dark explains I followed his instructions and the flames went out. I was relived that I didn't hurt anyone or anything. Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark comes to me and they hug me of course I hugged back.
"I'm sorry I don't know what happened or how I did that" I said.
"It's ok lass ye are now discovering some of yer magic" Daddy Anti explains. "So if anytime ye discover more magic just call our names and we will help ye" Daddy Anti said I just realized I couldn't feel heat or coldness for some reason. I guess Daddy Anti noticed something and he looked me in the eyes. "Lass yer freezing cold" Daddy Anti said.
"What?" I asked surprised as I couldn't feel heat or cool at all. "What do ye mean I don't feel cold" I said I saw Daddy Anti look at Daddy Dark and I started to worry while panicking as I thought it was something awful. They then saw my panicking body language and Daddy Anti hugs me.
"Lass calm down nothin' is wrong with ye, ye have ice magic just like ye have fire magic" Daddy Anti said.
"When a demon had fire magic they can't get burned by fire anymore once they control their magic and they can't feel light warmness like from a hug" Daddy Dark starts to explain. "While a demon that has ice magic they can't get cold or even freeze to death once they control their magic and they can't feel coolness from the breeze on an autumn day" Daddy Dark explained and I started to calm down.
"So I have ice and fire magic" I said. "Awesome!!!!" I said excitedly as I always wondered what magic I have. I heard Daddy Anti giggle while Daddy Dark chuckle. I then went back to the cabinet to get something to eat as I was hungry I didn't really eat at the hospital. I yelped in surprise as I got picked up I look to see Daddy Dark had help me reach. I smile with a giggle I open the cabinet to get a chocolate bar. "Thank ye Daddy Dark" I said he chuckles and he puts me down.
"No problem Reaperela" Daddy Dark said and I started to eat the chocolate bar. I then walk out of the kitchen to go upstairs to Daddy Anti's and Daddy Dark's gaming/recording room. I always loved exploring this room and even start playing a game. I think a couple minutes later my ears twitched as I heard someone coming I was playing Gmod and I look to see Anti there. He was smiling at me and I smiled back then I paused the game so I can look at Daddy Anti.
"Dinner is ready lass" Daddy Anti said I nodded and I followed him downstairs. Once we got downstairs to the kitchen table Daddy Dark with Uncle Sam was sitting down, me and Daddy Anti sat down.
—After Dinner—
Me and Uncle Sam were on the couch together he wasn't human now he was a septic eye his pupil was a blue and it looks like a cat's eye. His tail was around me and I was purring at this. He must of heard me because he chuckles then he nuzzles me and I nuzzle back with a smile. I then started to feel tired and I slowly start to fall asleep wrapped in my Uncle's tail.

Hi everyone I hope you all liked chapter 7. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get this out I had a little writers block and I have school to worry about too. This chapter got 1,044 words in total. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and I will see you all in the next chapter bye~

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