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It happened again.

Her punishment.

Except this time, it was a lot worse. Each time she did it, it got harder and harder to stay satisfied.

'It's not enough.' She told herself.

"Blair honey? You alright in there?" A sweet voice echoed from the other side of the door.

She looked into the mirror. Staring back at her was a teenage girl who was struggling to deal with the pain. Her usual pale white skin was flushed pink and her fiery red hair that was curled earlier was now a disheveled mop. Her brown eyes were red from all her crying and seemed to be drooping from the corners due to her smeared eyeliner. Pursing her quivering raw lips to muffle her whimpers, she pushed out a meek answer.


'No you're not.'

"...you sure?" Her eyes trailed down to her now inflamed stomach where she stared in sick fascination at the blood that was quickly rising to the surface.

"I'm just taking off my makeup," she answered before setting down the razor, only to slightly hiss in pain when her skin screamed in protest.

It burned as hell, but it felt good. She was satisfied, though if anyone saw what she had done and the amount of cuts that littered her skin...well she wouldn't be here anymore. Probably shipped off to a mental hospital or something...

She heard the footsteps fade away and she leaned against the wall and sighed heavily. The sound of her phone vibrating alerted her and she instantly knew who it was.

Cake Crusher

Plains of Grass
You still have so much to experience in your life

Cake Crusher
Like what

Plains of Grass
Like kissing the person of your dreams

Cake Crusher
Oh wow, didn't peg you to be the romantic type!

Plains of Grass
Wow was that another joke?

Cake Crusher
I guess

Plains of Grass
Have you ever kissed anyone

Cake Crusher
Is this a trick question
Are you going to beat me up if I answer

Plains of Grass
I'm too tired to get my softball gear out
So you can answer honestly

Cake Crusher
I've had my fair share of kisses
The most memorable one was when I got dared to kiss a girl and we ended up having a lot of fun in the coat closet

Plains of Grass
I'm so jealous of you

Cake Crusher
Haha you're so funny

Plains of Grass
I'm serious!
I have always wanted to have one of those reckless teenage moments

Cake Crusher
Well what about you? Have you had the experience of locking lips

Plains of Grass
Don't laugh
But I was on a movie date and we were watching Star Wars and while I was crying over Han Solo he just grabbed my chin and kissed me

Cake Crusher
Hold on I need to find something
Ugh where is it?

Plains of Grass
Where is what?

Cake Crusher

Plains of Grass
Idk I couldn't find it either and left the theater to go search for it

Cake Crusher
But hey, at least it wasn't during Gnomeo and Juliet

Plains of Grass
Wait what

Cake Crusher

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