Chapter: Seventy-Five

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   Rebecca and I walked into Twist, which was closed for tryouts today. We joined Blake, Kat, and Bailey, who were sitting on a few chairs in front of the stage.

   A barstool and bass sat in the middle of the stage.

   After the greetings, I looked at Blake. "How many people showed?"

   "Twenty or so."

   I nodded, sitting back in my chair. "Well, let's get this show on the road."

   Blake nodded, calling out for the first audition.

   A tall, skinny guy about our age walked onto the stage.

   "Hi. What's your name?" Blake asked.

   "Tony." He replied.

   "Whenever you're ready, Tony." Blake replied.

   Tony nodded and took a seat, resting the bass in his lap. After a few short breaths, he started playing a soft tune.

   After he finished, he looked at us.

   Bailey smiled. "That was great, Tony, we'll get back to you if we think you're a good fit."

   He smiled and thanked us before exiting the stage.

   A few good auditions and a few bad ones later, a shy girl with dark hair walked on stage. She gave us a small wave.

   I smiled at her. "What's your name?"

   "Alice." She replied, rubbing her arm.

   "Nice to meet you, Alice, you can start whenever you're ready." I replied.

   She nodded and picked up the bass, placing the strap around her shoulder. After a minute she started strumming a familiar riff.

   I smiled and bobbed my head to the song, noticing Kat tapping her foot. Bailey closed her eyes and smiled, moving her fingers across an imaginary guitar.

   Suddenly, she stood up, raising her hand. "One second, Alice." She said, jumping up on stage and grabbing her guitar.

   She plugged it in and glanced at Alice. "Start from the top."

   Alice gave her a small smile before starting the riff over. Bailey soon joined in, adding a little flair to the song.

   I leaned over and whispered to Kat. "They sound great."

   She nodded. "I think she's the one."

   I glanced back at the stage, waiting for them to finish.

   When they did, our small group stood up and clapped.

   "That was great, Alice." I said.

   "You have some serious skill." Kat added.

   Alice blushed. "Thanks."

   Bailey put a hand on her shoulder, looking at us. "I don't know about you guys, but I think she's it."

   Kat and I shared a quick glance and smile.

   "She's in." I said.

   Alice smiled at me. "Seriously? Oh my God. Thank you, guys. How can I repay you?"

   We laughed.

   "Just keep playing like that." Kat said.

   She nodded. "You got it."

   She gave Bailey a quick hug before jumping off the stage and pulling Kat in for a hug, then me.

   I chuckled. "Welcome to the band."

   She smiled at me. "So, what do you guys call yourselves?"

   We glanced at each other and Kat shrugged. "We haven't gotten that far yet."

   "Oh, that's ok. We can come up with it together." Alice replied with a smile.

   "Definitely... right after we get rid of the rest of the auditions." I said.

   Kat started heading for the door. "On it."

   She opened the door.

   "Sorry, the position's filled, you can leave now." She said before closing the door.

   Blake glared at her.

   "What?" She asked.

   Blake shook her head and smiled. "What am I gonna do with you?"

   Kat winked at her. "I have a few ideas."

   Blake smirked. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

   "Seriously guys?" Rebecca asked.

   They laughed.

   "We'll pick this up later." Kat said, giving Blake a quick kiss.

   I shook my head and led Alice to the bar. "Ignore them."

   She giggled. "I think it's sweet."

   I glanced at her. "Trust me, after a few years you won't."

   She laughed and took a seat at the bar before the rest of us joined her.

   Blake walked behind the bar. "What can I get you, Alice?"

   "Beer's fine, thanks."

   After passing drinks to everyone, Kat raised her glass, we all followed suit. "To a kick ass band."

   "To new friends." Bailey added.

   "Seconded." Alice said.

   "To a new adventure." I finished.

   Everyone clinked their glasses. "Cheers."

   After a few drinks, Blake, Kat and Rebecca talked with Alice, while Bailey tried to teach me a little guitar.

   I sighed out of frustration. "This is to hard and my fingers hurt."

   Bailey chuckled. "I never would've taken you for a whiner."

   I shook my head. "Yeah, well, get used to it."

   Bailey laughed again, but before she could answer, her phone rang. She held her finger up as she answered it, walking a few steps away.

   I looked down at the guitar, trying to remember the strings, when Rebecca walked up.

   "That sounds awful."

   I looked at her. "Thanks for the words of encouragement."

   She laughed and took Bailey's seat. "I'm only kidding, you'll get better with practice."

   I sighed. "I know... I just feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew."

   "How so?"

   "Well, with the house hunting, the anger management classes, work and now a band. I'm worried I won't have time hang out with you and the kids."

   She rested her hand on my thigh. "We'll support you no matter what, you know that."

   I gave her a small smile. "What would I do without you?"

   She laughed lightly. "Now that's a scary thought."

   I returned it, giving her a playful nudge. "You're lucky you're cute."

   She shook her head and smiled. "And you're lucky I love you."

   I pulled her in for a deep kiss. "I love you to."

   "Break it up, ladies, we have a problem."

   Rebecca and I looked at Bailey. She stood next to us, a worried look on her face.

   "What's wrong?" I asked.

   "It's John."

   I rolled my eyes. "What'd that jackass do this time?"

   Bailey looked down. "He... he, uh... he hit Heather."

   "What? When?" I asked, getting to my feet angrily.

   "She went to his house to try and talk to him and I guess he got pissed off. He hit her pretty hard, gave her a concussion."

   "Where is she?" I asked.

   "The hospital."

   "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get a move on." I said, marching towards the front door.

   "What happened?" Alice asked.

   I didn't mean to blow her off, but now I was pissed and I was determined to knock some sense into that asshole.

   Rebecca and Bailey followed me out the door, while Blake and Kat stayed behind to fill Alice in.

   We got in my car and I started it.

   "What're you gonna do?" Bailey asked.

   I let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know yet..."

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