Chapter: Seventy-Six

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   We pulled into the hospital's parking lot and charged through the front doors. Mike sat outside one of the rooms, he waved us over when he saw us.

   "Is she alright?" Bailey asked.

   Mike looked at the floor. "She'll live, but she hit her head on a table when she fell, knocked her right out."

   Bailey gave him a sad look. "Can we see her?"

   "The police are talking to her now. But, once they leave the doctor said we could talk to her."

   So, we all quietly took seats and waited for the police to leave...

   When they finally walked out, Bailey and Mike walked in, closing the door behind them.

   I pulled the cops off to the side. "What happened?"

   "Well, she went by his house because he stopped showing up to counseling. She was only looking out for him." One cop replied.

   I clenched my fists. "That bastard... what gives him the right?"

   Rebecca rubbed my back.

   "Don't worry yourself, ma'am, we're gonna find him." The other cop said.

   'Not if I find him first.' I thought.

   After the cops left, Rebecca turned to me. "What're you thinking?" She asked, a worried expression on her face.

   "I'm thinking I wanna punch a hole through his face."

   Before she could answer, the door opened and Mike stepped out. "She wants to talk to you, Skylar."

   I sighed and walked in, passing a tear-y eyed Bailey on the way. She closed the door on her way out.

   I looked at Heather, there was a bandage around her head and her right eye was swollen and purple.

   I felt more anger start to well up in my stomach.

   "Take a seat." She said.

   I sat down in the chair next to her bed.

   "Skylar, I haven't known you long. But, I know you have a problem with John and I want you to promise me you'll let the cops handle this."

   I shook my head. "Im sorry, Heather, I can't do that, not after all the shit he's pulled."

   She sighed. "Well then, I guess the only thing I can say is... give him hell."

   I gave her a small smile. "Sure thing, Heather."

   She returned my smile and waved me off.

   When I walked out, Rebecca, Bailey, and Mike stood in front of me.

   "What's the plan?" Bailey asked.

   "Give him hell." I replied.

   Mike crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm in."

   We looked at him.

   "Are you sure?" Bailey asked.

   "Heather is like family to me... and nobody fucks with my family." He replied.

   I patted his shoulder. "I'm glad you're on our side."

   After leaving the hospital, we headed back to Twist to devise a plan...

   "How is she?" Blake asked.

   "She'll be alright, the concussion looks minor." I replied.

   Alice raised her hand. "If you guys need anything, I'm here."

   "I could really use a beer." I said.

   Everyone looked at me.

   "Are you sure?" Blake asked.

   I nodded as I sat down at the bar.

   She cracked one open and slid it to me.

   I took a big swig. After the last few years of sobriety, I really needed that beer.

   "So, what're we gonna do?" Bailey asked.

   I set down my half empty beer. "It's simple, we're gonna give him a taste of his own medicine."

   "You mean... assault?" Alice asked.

   I looked at her. "I mean payback. He's threatened me since the first day he met me. I don't know what happened with his wife, but Heather definitely didn't deserve that. She was only trying to help him."

   Mike stood up. "I'll do it."

   We all glanced at him.

   "Not without me." Bailey replied.

   "Or me." I added.

   "What about us?" Rebecca asked.

   "It's best if we don't get you involved." Mike replied.

   "If she goes, I go." Rebecca said.

   I sighed and led her away from the group. "I need you to stay here."

   "No chance in hell, I'm not letting you do this alone." She replied, tears starting to well in her eyes.

   "I'm not alone and I'm not gonna put you in danger."

   She crossed her arms and looked at the floor. "Promise you'll be safe?"

   I wrapped her in a hug. "I promise."

   She looked up and kissed me. "I love you."

   "I love you more."

   After holding our embrace for a minute, we rejoined the group.

   "You guys stay here, we're gonna go see if he's home." Mike said.

   I followed Mike and Bailey outside.

   "Who's driving?" Bailey asked.

   "I'm the only one who knows where he lives." Mike replied.

   "Then you're driving." I added.

   We followed Mike to his van and got in before heading off to Johns house...

   After a quiet ride, we pulled into his driveway, seeing a car parked outside.

   "That's his car." I said.

   "Then lets go see if he's home." Mike replied, exiting the van.

   We followed Mike to the front door.

   He knocked and, after a minute, the door swung open.

   "What the hell do you want?" John asked, the smell of alcohol on his breath.

   Mike stood tall, squaring his shoulders. "I want you to apologize to Heather."

   John laughed. "Fuck off." He replied, starting to close the door.

   But, Mike pushed it back open, causing John to get in his face. "I said... fuck off."

   "This is your last chance." Mike replied, staring John down, not once flinching.

   John was still for a second, before taking a swing at Mike. Fortunately, Mike was quicker. He grabbed John's arm and twisted it, then punched him hard in the jaw.

   John fell to the ground, unconscious.

   "Well, that's one way to do it." I said.

   Mike hoisted him up over his shoulder and started heading back to his van.

   "Where are you taking him?" Bailey asked.

   "The police station." Mike replied, continuing to walk towards his van.

   I glanced at Bailey. "You guys go ahead, I'm not very popular down there."

   Bailey nodded and followed Mike to his van.

   After they left, I sat on the curb and lit a cigarette, pulling my phone out to call Rebecca...

   A few minutes later, she pulled up next to me and I got in.

   "What happened?" She asked.

   "Mike knocked him out and now they're taking him down to the police station."

   Rebecca nodded. "Why do you sound disappointed?"

   I sighed. "I guess, after all the shit, I just figured I'd be the one to do it."

   "I know he pissed you off, but look at this as a good thing. You had control of your anger. You didn't throw the first punch."

   I leaned back in the seat. "I hate it when you're right."

   She chuckled. "Well, get used to it, because I'm always right."

   I laughed. "Just drive."

   She gave me a small smile and placed her hand in mine.

   We drove home in silence, ready to put this day behind us...

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