Chapter 11

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   'One more week.' I thought to myself as I rolled over in bed, planting a lingering kiss on Rebecca's forehead.

   She smiled without opening her eyes. "Good morning."

   "Morning." I replied.

   We snuggled close together and I closed my eyes, letting out a happy sigh.

   Then, my phone rang out from the nightstand.

   I rolled my eyes and dropped my head, Rebecca groaned in return.

   "Hello?" I answered groggily.

   "Hey, it's Wendy."

   "Wendy, it's five in the morning. I'll call you later."

   "Wait-" I hung up the phone, cutting her off.

   I leaned back into Rebecca and whispered in her ear. "Sorry."

   She nodded slightly before nuzzling her head on my chest.

   Just as I closed my eyes, I heard three loud knocks from the front door.

   "Why me?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling.

   Three more loud knocks got me out of bed.

   Rebecca pulled a pillow over her face as I threw a shirt on and walked to the door.

   I flung it open, only to see Wendy and Jen standing there. Wendy had a huge grin on her face while Jen stared at the ground, fiddling with her finger nails.

   I rolled my eyes. "Wendy, I said I'd-" She put her hand over my mouth, effectively cutting me off.

   "I know, but this is important."

   I shook my head and removed Wendy's hand. "What is it?"

   "We have to drive out of town-"

   "Why!" I squealed, cutting her off again.

   "To get a wedding cake." Jen added.

   I looked between the two of them and let out a long sigh.

   "Give me fifteen minutes."

   "You have ten." Wendy replied with a smile.

   I slammed the door on her and walked back to the bedroom.

   I carefully shook Rebecca awake, as to not anger her more than she already was.

   "What..?" She asked sleepily.

   "We have to drive out of town."


   "To pick out our wedding cake."

   She suddenly shot up, a refreshed smile on her face.

   "Let's get going then." She said, making a beeline for the bathroom.

   I chuckled to myself and sat on the edge of the bed.

   After five minutes, I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

   "We have to leave in five minutes and I still haven't showered yet."

   "Then join me." Came her reply through the door.

   A small smile crept onto my face as I opened the door and joined her for a steamy shower...

   After we were dressed, we grabbed our jackets and joined Wendy and Jen in the parking lot. They leaned against a brand new Jaguar XJ.

   "Nice car." Rebecca said with a smile, inspecting the car.

   "Wheres the Corvette?" I asked.

   "At home." Wendy replied.

   "This is mine." Jen said with a proud smile.

   "How the hell did you even afford this?" Rebecca asked from the other side of the car.

   "I got promoted." Jen replied.

   Rebecca and I nodded.

   "Shotgun!" Wendy yelled as she made her way for the passenger seat.

   The rest of us laughed as we got into the car.

   Jen started it up and drove off down the street.

   "How far is this place?" Rebecca asked.

   "About six hours." Came Wendy's reply.

   "Why? Why do we have to drive six hours to get a wedding cake?" I asked.

   "Because they make the best wedding cakes in the whole world." Wendy replied.

   "The whole world? Yeah right." I said.

   "You just wait, Skylar Valentine." Jen added

   I chuckled to myself as we got onto the highway.

   About half way through our trip, my phone, which was playing music, died.

   "Damn, does anyone have a charger?"

   Everyone glanced around at each other.

   "No." They all said in unison.

   "Well, I guess this is gonna be a boring trip." I huffed, leaning back in my seat.

   "We could always just talk to each other, you know?" Wendy said.

   "I might dive out of the car first." I replied.

   "Hey? What's wrong with you?" Rebecca asked.

   "Oh, don't worry about her. She hates road trips if she doesn't have her music." Wendy replied.

   "Well, c'mon, who the hell wants to be cramped up in a car for hours on end 'talking?'" I replied.

   Rebecca shook her head and chuckled before starting up a conversation with Wendy.

   As if I wasn't bored enough already, now I had to listen to their boring conversation.

   "Jen, can we stop at this gas station?" I asked.

   "Sure." She replied, pulling into the parking lot.

   I got out and Rebecca followed me.

   "Bathroom break?" She asked.

   "No, I need a smoke." I replied, making my way to the doors.

   Rebecca let out a sigh from behind me.

   I walked up to the front counter.

   "How can I help you today?" The young guy behind it asked.

   "I need a pack of Winston lights." I said, picking out a lighter from the display.

   I payed for my things and left.

   When I walked into the parking lot, Wendy bolted past me into the store.

   "Where's she going?" I asked, lighting my cigarette.

   "Bathroom." Jen replied.

   I nodded and leaned against a concrete pillar next to the gas pump.

   "Are you sure you should be smoking right next to a gas pump?" Rebecca asked from the car.

   I exhaled the smoke and walked towards the field next to the gas station.

   Rebecca walked up next to me. "You ok?"

   I nodded.

   She looked at the ground. "Are you sure?"

   "Yeah... I just..." I let out a short sigh. "I don't know. Ever since the accident, I don't really like being in a car any longer than I have to be."

   She took my free hand in hers.

   "It's ok, I'll be right next to you the whole time." She said with a reassuring smile.

   I returned her smile and gave her hand a slight squeeze.

   "Ok, we can hit the road now." Wendy said, walking back towards the car.

   "Jesus, did you fall in or something?" I asked, flicking the remainder of my cigarette to the ground before returning to the car.

   Once we were all in, we took off down the long, empty highway towards our destination...

   We finally pulled up in front of the bakery.

   I got out first.

   "Finally." I mumbled under my breath.

   We all walked in and the smell of baked goods filled my nose. A small smile spread on my face as I inspected all the items.

   A younger lady walked up to us.

   "How can I help you ladies today?"

   "We're looking to buy a cake." Wendy replied.

   The woman nodded and led us to the counter where she pulled out a book with all the possible cake options.

   "What's the occasion?" The woman asked.

   "We're getting married." Rebecca replied.

   "All of us are." Jen added in.

   The woman glanced between us, a confused look on her face.

   "It's a double wedding." I said.

   She nodded, seeming to understand. "Well, in that case, you should check these ones out." She said, flipping to a page with pictures of huge tier cakes.

   After a couple hours of arguing back and forth, we finally decided on a beautiful five tier cake, half chocolate, half vanilla.

   "Ok, looks awesome, ladies. Can I help you with anything else today?" She asked with a smile.

   "Uh, no-" Wendy started, but I cut her off.

   "Do you have any chocolate chip cookies?" I asked.

   The group chuckled to themselves at my question.

   "It's a bakery, Skylar." Rebecca said.

I shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to ask."

The woman smiled and nodded before showing me the cookie options.

After we payed for the cake and cookies, we gave the nice lady a date to deliver the cake and exited the bakery.

   We all pilled back into the car and I pulled the fresh baked cookies out, opening the box.

   "Cookie anyone?" I asked.

   They all nodded and I passed them out.

   "Don't get any crumbs on my new leather seats." Jen said with a slight laugh.

   "Yes ma'am." I replied as we pulled out of the parking lot, back towards home...

   About two hours into our journey, I stared out the window, my hand resting in Rebeccas on her lap.

   I watched as the trees and empty surroundings flew by us.

   "I guess this isn't that bad." I said.

   Rebecca chuckled and gave my hand a squeeze, the car growing silent again.

   Then, we heard a loud boom come from under the car, I jumped in my seat.

   "What the fuck was that?" I asked, grasping Rebeccas hand a little harder than I should have.

   "The tire blew out." Jen said, struggling to keep the car straight.

   "Let's pull over." Wendy said.

   Jen nodded and pulled off into the grass next to the highway.

   I hopped out and inspected the drivers side front tire, which was completely flat.

   I pulled out my phone to use the flashlight, but remembered it was dead.

   I put it back and felt around the tire for something that could've punctured it, stopping when I ran my fingers over what felt like the head of a nail.

   I pulled it out and inspected it.

   The rest of the group walked up behind me.

   "What happened?" Jen asked.

   I stood up and handed her the nail before walking to the back of the car.

   I asked Jen to pop the trunk.

   She did and I looked inside for the spare.

   "Hey, Jen?" I asked.


   "How much did you spend on this car?"

   "Ninety grand or so, why?"

   "Because clearly ninety grand doesn't buy you a spare!" I shouted, slamming the trunk.

   Jen lowered her head and I walked off towards the edge of the woods, lighting another cigarette.

   I puffed away as Rebecca walked up behind me.

   "That was a little harsh." She said.

   I exhaled and lowered my head. "I know... I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

   Rebecca put her hand on my shoulder. "I know... you're stressed out. Just, hang here for a few and calm down a little, ok?"

   I nodded. "Could you tell her I'm sorry?"

   "Sure." She said, pecking my temple before walking back towards the car.

   I rejoined the group a few minutes later and pulled Jen in for a hug.

   "I'm really sorry." I said.

   She nodded. "It's ok."

   We released the hug and gave each other a quick smile.

I turned to the group. "So, my phone's dead, does anyone else have one?"

   Everyone searched their pockets, Jen and Rebecca shook their heads, but Wendy continued to frantically search every pocket.

   "Where's yours, babe? I know you brought it with you." Jen asked.

   "I... uh... I don't know..."

   "So, no one has a phone?" Rebecca asked.

   "I must've dropped mine in the bathroom at the gas station." Wendy said, lowering her head.

   The sun was already setting in the sky, the temperature was dropping and there wasn't another car in sight, just like when we drove up.

   "So, now what?" I asked.

   "I guess we camp out here 'til morning." Jen said.

   "Not again." I muttered under my breath...

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