Chapter 12

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   I kicked a rock into the street as I paced around the car.

   "Hell no. There has to be a gas station or something around here." I said.

   "Do you remember passing one on the way?" Wendy asked.

   I stopped and glared at her. "Only the one you dropped your phone in."

   "Oh, so now this is my fault!?" Wendy shouted.

   "Maybe it is!" I shouted back.

   "Guys, we really need to focus here." Jen said, trying to de-escalate the situation.

   We just ignored her, continuing to shout at each other.

   "Maybe if you weren't so damn clumsy, we wouldn't be in this mess!" I shouted.

   "Well, maybe if we didn't have to stop for your nicotine fill!"

   I opened my mouth, but her shouting cut me off.

   "Or, maybe, if you didn't waste your battery listening to that shitty music!"

   I started again, but her shouting turned into nearly screaming as she kept naming off reasons why it was my fault.

   "Oh and maybe if you weren't so fucked up in the first place, we would be on the road heading home!"

   The memories of the car accident immediately flooded back into my mind. The headlights, then the sound of crumpling metal and shattering glass.

   I felt a cold tear drip down my cheek.

   Wendy stopped her barrage and stared at me, mouth slightly open, sorrow in her eyes.


   "Fuck you!" I yelled, turning on my heel and marching towards the gas station.

   I heard footsteps quickly making their way towards me. Then, a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around.

   "What now!?" I yelled, expecting to see Wendy standing behind me. Instead, it was a cowering Rebecca.

   My anger subsided and was replaced with sorrow.

"Rebecca, I'm sorry, I thought you were Wendy." I said.

   "Skylar... where are you going?" She asked, completely ignoring my apology, which I didn't blame her for.

   I lowered my head. "The gas station."

   "You mean the one two hours in that direction?" She asked, pointing a finger down the empty road.

   I nodded.

   "C'mon, Skylar, you're smarter than that." She said, taking my hand in hers.

   "Well, what else are we supposed to do? Its freezing out here and we can't heat the car all night."

   She let out a heavy sigh.

"I don't know... But, we'll figure it out, we always do." She said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

   I nodded, letting out a small sigh.

She pulled my hand, leading me back towards the car.

   Wendy walked up to me first.

   "Skylar, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say any of that." She said, looking at the ground.

   "I know, Wendy, I'm sorry to. It's not your fault. It's not any of our faults. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

   She nodded, still looking down.

   I put a hand on her shoulder. "But, for now, we have to figure out how to keep ourselves warm because if we run the heater all night, it's gonna kill the battery. Then we'll be in an even shittier situation."

   She nodded again. "I know, how do we do it though? It's not like we came with sleeping bags and a tent."

   I chuckled lightly at her statement, which made her smile in return.

   "Jen?" I asked.

   "Yeah?" Came her reply.

   "Do you have any blankets in the car?"

   "No sorry, I just bought it."

   I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck as I thought of another plan.

   Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw headlights in the distance.

   Without even thinking, I ran into the middle of the street and started flailing my arms in an attempt to get the car to stop.

   Rebecca grabbed my arm and pulled me off to the side, just as a giant semi truck came to a screeching halt fifty or so feet past the car.

   "Are you insane?" She asked. Or rather scolded.

   "I prefer ingenious." I said, making a beeline for the semi truck.

   I walked up to the door and stepped up the side, gesturing to the man inside to roll down his window.

   "Are you nuts, little lady?" He asked.

   "Maybe, but my friends and I have a flat tire and no spare. We don't have a working phone either to call for help. So... do you have one we can borrow?" I asked, flashing him a big smile.

   He pulled his hat off and ran his hand over his balding head before putting it back on.

   "Sure." He said, pulling an old school flip phone out and handing it to me, giving me the number for a tow truck company.

   "Thank you so much. I'll be right back." I said, hopping down and walking towards the side of the road.

   I dialed the number he gave me and waited out the rings.

   Eventually, a man with a husky voice picked up. "J and B towing, how can I help you today?"

   "Hi, um... my friends and I have a flat tire and no spare, we need a tow to the nearest gas station to get it fixed."

   "Well, we can have a tow truck out there bright and early tomorrow morning."

   My heart sank. "There isn't an earlier option?"

   "Sorry, ma'am, that's the best we can do."

   I rolled my eyes. "Ok, thank you, sir. It's a gray Jaguar sedan by mile marker fourteen."

   He was silent for a second, I assumed he was writing down the details.

   "Ok, ma'am, we'll see you tomorrow."

   "Bye." I said as I hung up the phone.

   I climbed back up the side of the truck and handed him the phone back.

   "Thanks again, sir."

   "No problem, miss."

   Just as I was getting ready to climb down, I noticed a pile of pillows and blankets in the sleeper part of the truck.

   "Uh... I hate to ask... but, do you mind if we borrow a couple blankets?"

   He looked at me, then to the mattress stacked high with blankets. He exhaled and nodded.

   "Thanks, we can pay for them." I offered.

   He put his hand up and shook his head. "No need, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you ladies froze to death out here."

   I smiled. "Thank you again, we would've been shit out of luck if you hadn't driven by."

   He smiled and nodded as he crawled into the back and returned with two huge blankets.

He handed them to me. "Y'all be carful out here tonight."

   "Will do, have a good trip." I said, hopping off the side of the truck, blankets in hand.

   I walked back to the car.

   "So, what's the plan?" Wendy asked.

   "We'll have to camp out here for tonight, but a tow truck will meet us bright and early tomorrow morning."

   Everyone looked a little disappointed, but happy that we didn't have to walk back to the gas station.

   "What's with the blankets?" Rebecca asked.

   "Well, if we heat up the car a little, the blankets might hold enough so we don't freeze tonight and save the battery." I said, a proud smile on my face.

   Everyone shook their head and smiled.

We got set up in the car, Wendy and Jen shared a blanket in the front seats, while Rebecca and I shared one in the back.

   After about an hour of running the heat, we shut it off and got cozy for the night.

   'It's gonna be a long one.' I thought to myself...

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