Chapter 14

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   I knocked on the door of my old house, Rebecca standing next to me.

   We were here to pick up a few things I left behind.

   My mom opened the door and greeted us with a hug.

   "Hi mom." I said.

   "Hi, sweetie, what brings you girls here today?" She asked.

   "I forgot some stuff from the move." I replied.

   She nodded and invited us in.

   We walked in and were greeted by my dad and Rebecca's aunts.

   "What're you guys doing here?" Rebecca asked.

   "Getting to know our nieces new in-laws." Aunt Kiki said.

   "Is that such a crime?" Aunt Lucy asked with a humorous smile.

"No, no. Just curious is all." Rebecca replied.

An awkward silence fell over the group.

"Well, you guys have fun, I'll be right back." I said before heading up to my old room.

I opened the door and walked in, everything for the most part was exactly how I left it, except for the important things which were now in our apartment.

I grabbed an empty box from the closet and filled it with forgotten clothes and pictures.

   Once I had everything I wanted, I looked around one last time before heading out.

   I closed the door and let out a small sigh.

Then, I heard a noise from down the hall. It sounded like it was coming from Beth's room.

   I set the box down and walked slowly towards her room. The sound becoming clearer the closer I got.

I sucked in a tight breath as I quickly opened the door.

"What the hells going-" I stopped short.

Beth and Kris jumped up from the bed.

   They sported matching smeared lipstick and messy hair. They glanced nervously at each other before turning back to me.

   I looked between the two of them before bursting out laughing.

They looked at me, clearly very confused.

"What's so funny?" I heard Rebecca ask from the hallway.

I couldn't get a word out I was laughing so hard.

   I pointed into the room and Rebecca stuck her head in. She put her hand over her mouth, trying to suppress a giggle.

"Since when?" She asked.

"A couple days ago." Kris responded, lowering her head.

"Don't feel bad, this is great." I said.

"But, you're laughing?" Beth replied.

"I'm laughing because you should've seen the looks on your faces." I replied.

"So, you guys aren't mad?" Kris asked.

"Absolutely not." Rebecca replied.

"If anything, we're proud." I added.

They both let out a sigh of relief.

"Who else knows?" I asked.

"Stephanie." Beth replied.

"That's it?" Rebecca asked.

They both nodded.

"You mean both sets of parents are totally out of the loop?" I asked.

They nodded again.

"Why not just tell them?" Rebecca asked.

They took another nervous glance at each other.

"We're scared of what they might think." Kris said, Beth nodding her agreement.

"Kris, your parents are literally two moms and Beth, mom and dad are letting me marry a girl. Why would they have a problem with that?" I asked.

They both let out a long sigh.

"I guess you're right." Kris said before turning to Beth and taking her hands in hers.

"Beth, I like you a lot and I want people to know it. I don't wanna have to hide our relationship." She said.

Beth smiled before planting a quick kiss to Kris's lips. "Then, what're we waiting for? Lets go." She finished, leading Kris out of the room, hand in hand.

Rebecca and I watched as they marched down the stairs.

I turned to Rebecca. "Young love."

She giggled, giving me a light nudge.

"I guess we didn't have to play matchmaker after all." She said.

I nodded. "I guess some things just come naturally."

We stood there for a second.

   I let out a happy sigh as I grabbed my box and followed Rebecca downstairs.

   Both sets of parents hugged Beth and Kris in excitement. We snuck out before we got caught up in that.

Once I loaded up the box and got into the car, I turned to Rebecca.


"Sure." She replied.

I nodded and drove down the street towards Twist...

We pulled into the parking lot and got out.

   Once inside, we took our usual seats at the bar.

"Hey, guys, what brings you here?" Blake asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask you something." I replied.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'd like you to be my maid of honor." I said.

"To late, Wendy already asked me." She replied.

I shook my head. "That sneaky son of a-"

"When?" Rebecca asked, cutting me off.

"Couple days ago." Blake responded.

"Dammit, now what am I supposed to do?" I asked, putting my head in my hands.

"You could ask Stephanie." Blake suggested.

"Can't, I already asked her." Rebecca said, putting an apologetic hand on my shoulder.

"So, everyone has a maid of honor but me?" I asked sadly.

"What about Jen?" Rebecca asked.

"Friend from collage." Blake replied.

I put my head on the bar. "Gimme a beer."

After a few beers, Kat came strolling through the door. "Hey guys." She greeted as she planted a quick kiss on Blake's cheek and took a seat next to us.

"Bad day?" She asked me.

I sighed heavily.

"Well, everyone has a maid of honor except me." I said, taking a big swig of my fourth beer.

"That's to bad." She replied.

I nodded, then it hit me. "Kat, do you wanna be my maid of honor?"

"Do I get to plan the bachelorette party?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Then, I'm in." She said, a small smile on her face.

I returned her smile and gave her a quick hug.

   Just then, Wendy and Jen walked in.

"What's the occasion?" Wendy asked.

I released Kat and looked at Wendy.

"Well, Kat here is my maid of honor." I said, a proud smile on my face.

"That's great." Wendy said, taking the seat next to Kat and ordering a beer.

"I get to throw the bachelorette party." Kat said happily.

Wendy set her beer down and eyed Kat. "I throw the parties around here."

Kat laughed nervously before glancing at the rest of us. "I can't tell if she's serious."

"Serious as a heart attack." I replied.

Kat nodded slowly and glanced back at Wendy. "So... how do we solve this little problem?"

"We could flip a coin." Jen suggested.

We all glanced at each other.

"How about a game of pool?" Wendy challenged.

"Uh... Wendy? I hate to burst your bubble, but you suck at pool." I said.

Sadly, it was to late, they already shook hands and got up, heading over to the pool table.

   The rest of us sat there silently.

"Twenty bucks on Kat." I said.

"I'll take that bet." Rebecca added.

"I feel obligated to put my money on my fiancée. So, twenty on Wendy." Jen said.

"I'm with her, Wendy takes her parties very seriously. She wouldn't have challenged Kat if she didn't think she could win." Blake added.

"It's settled then." I said, pulling a twenty from my pocket.

Everyone followed suit and laid them on the bar.

After a half an hour or so, Kat had to sink the eight ball to win, while Wendy still had one normal ball left.

"Eight ball, corner pocket." Kat said as she lined up her shot.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath as Kat took her shot. Naturally, she sunk it.

   The small crowd that formed around us cheered and the ones who bet on Wendy booed.

As money was handed around, Wendy walked up to Kat.

"Good game." She said, stretching her arm to shake Kats.

"Same to you, partner." Kat Replied, shaking her hand.

"Partner?" Wendy questioned.

"Yeah, you know these guys better than I do. Plus, I have to admit, you throw one hell of a party."

Wendy smiled as she shook Kat's hand.


I turned to Rebecca and whispered in her ear.

"This should be interesting."

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