Chapter 15

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   It was the night of the big bachelorette party Wendy and Kat planned. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew it would be wild.

   We were meeting everyone at Twist, which Blake closed for today.

   "How do I look?" Rebecca asked, stepping in front of the mirror with me.

   She wore a bright blue denim jacket with matching jeans, a white shirt and knee high brown boots. It perfectly offset my black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, Saxon T-shirt and my favorite pair of black Frye boots.

   "You look great." I said, kissing her on the cheek.

   We smiled at each other in the mirror.

   Then, my phone rang out from my pocket, ending our little moment.

   "Hello?" I answered.

   "Skylar, where are you guys? Everyone's already here." Came Wendy's reply.

   "Sorry, we'll be right there." I said, hanging up the phone and rushing out the door, Rebecca close behind me...

   We walked through the front doors of Twist and were greeted by Wendy, Jen, Blake, Kat, Beth, Stephanie, Kris, and a girl I didn't recognize.

   "Sorry we're late, everyone." Rebecca said.

   "Who's she?" I asked, pointing to the new girl.

   "This is Abigail, my maid of honor." Jen said.

   Rebecca and I shook her hand.

   "Nice to meet you, any friend of Jen's is a friend of mine." She greeted with a heavy English accent.

   "So, when did you and Abigail meet?" Rebecca asked Jen.

   "Well, I met Abby in high school originally, but we ended up going to the same college so." Jen replied.

   We nodded.

   "Now that the formalities are out of the way, lets get a move on people, we have a plane to catch." Wendy said.

   Everyone followed her out the door, except Rebecca and I.

   "Plane?" She asked.

   Everyone turned around.

   "Yeah, we're heading to Vegas." Wendy replied.

   "Great." Rebecca said as she followed the rest of the group out the door.

   We got into my car and followed the string of cars to the airport.

   I glanced over at Rebecca. "You ok?"

   "No..." She replied.

   I took her hand in mine. "What's wrong?"

   "Well... I'm scared of flying." She said, lowering her head.

   "Don't worry, lots of people are scared of flying." I replied.

   "Yeah, but what if I can't handle it?" She asked.

   I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. "Don't worry, I'll be right there next to you the whole time." I said, flashing her a warm smile.

   She returned my smile and looked down, playing with my hand in her lap. "How did I get so lucky?"

   "I ask myself that same question every day." I replied.

   We pulled into the parking lot at the airport and joined everyone else as Wendy handed out the tickets.

   "So, what's the plan once we get there?" I asked.

   "Well, we're staying for a few days. a family friend owns a hotel down there and is letting us stay for a couple nights, rent free." She replied.

   "Rent free?" Blake questioned.

   "Yep, lets just say, he owes my father a favor."

   Everyone glanced around at each other before nodding.

   "Ok, lets get going people." Wendy said.

   "Vegas, here we come!" Kat shouted as she followed everyone towards the entrance.

   After being checked in, we walked down the entrance tunnel and boarded the plane.

   I took my seat next to Rebecca. Wendy and Jen sat in the isle next to us, Beth and Kris sat in front of us, Blake and Kat behind us, and Abigail and Stephanie sat in front of Wendy and Jen.

   After what seemed like hours, the flight attendant ran through her speech and we all fastened our seatbelts for takeoff.

   Rebecca grabbed my hand as the plane started off down the runway.

   Then, we were finally in the air, headed for Vegas.

   Rebecca released my hand once we were in the air.

   "See, it's not that bad, right?" I asked.

   "So far, so good." She replied.

   I chuckled as I laid my head on her shoulder...

About halfway through our journey, a stewardess stopped in front of us.

   "Can I get you ladies anything?" She asked.

   "No thanks." Rebecca replied.

   "Uh, do you guys really hand out peanuts?" I asked, causing my surrounding friends to laugh.

   "Yes, would you like some?" The stewardess asked.

   "Sure." I replied, sitting back in my seat.

   After a few more hours, the flight attendant walked back in front of everyone.

   "Ok, everyone, we're starting our descent soon, everyone should fasten their seatbelts at this time." She said before returning to her seat.

   We all did as she asked and soon, the plane started to descend.

   Rebecca grabbed my hand again.

   After a little bit, we touched down.

   We all exited the plane and met in front of the airport.

   I looked around at all the lights, buildings and people.

   "Wow, this place is better than I expected." I said.

   "And we're not even to the best part yet." Blake said.

   "What's the best part?" Beth asked.

   "The casinos. Obviously." Blake replied with a chuckle.

   Wendy put her phone in her pocket and addressed the group. "Ok, everyone, a few cars should be here soon to take us to the hotel."

   "So, what's the plan once we're settled in?" I asked.

   "Well, it's not to late yet, I guess we could go to a casino." Wendy replied.

   "I'm in." Blake said.

   "Seconded." I added.

   After a few minutes, three cars pulled up. Once everyone was in, we were whisked away to our hotel...

   When we finally made it to the hotel, everyone except Wendy looked up in awe at the huge, luxurious building.

   "That must've been one hell of a favor." I said.

   We all walked through the huge glass doors.

   I looked around at the shining marble and slot machines that covered the walls.

   We stopped in front of the huge wooden front desk.

   "Wendy, party of ten." Wendy said to the man behind the desk, who typed away at his computer.

   Then, a booming voice rang out through the room. "Wendy, it's been far to long."

   We all turned to see a sharply dressed man walking towards us.

   "Uncle Dave, how's it been?" Wendy greeted, pulling him in for a hug.

   I leaned over and whispered in Rebecca's ear. "Uncle Dave?"

   She shrugged.

   "Everyone, this is Dave Washington. He owns one of the biggest hotel chains here in Vegas."

   "Nice to meet everyone, I hope you enjoy your stay here." He said.

   We all said our thanks as a man dressed in a red uniform walked up and led us to our rooms.

   He stopped in front of one. "Skylar and Rebecca?"

   We walked up. "That's us." I said

   He handed us a key card.

"Enjoy your stay." He said before leading everyone else further down the hall.

   I glanced at Rebecca before swiping the key card and pushing the door open.

   I stopped dead in my tracks and took in the room. The living room alone was bigger then our apartment.

   "Holy shit." Rebecca said, mouth hanging open.

   "Agreed." I said, looking around the room.

   The living room consisted of a big leather sofa, a flatscreen TV and beautiful paintings all over the walls. We walked into the bedroom which had a four post bed in the middle, two leather chairs, a fireplace and a huge mahogany dresser. The attached bathroom was huge with a walk in shower and probably the nicest toilet I've ever seen.

   We plopped down on the bed next to each other.

   "Wendy really pulled out all the stops." Rebecca said.

   "This is gonna be one hell of a bachelorette party, that's for sure."


Abigail: Cara Delevingne.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far :)


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