Chapter 16

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We got back from the casino and everyone retired to their rooms for the night. I followed Skylar into ours.

   I couldn't believe we were actually here. The room was beautiful and I had the best company anyone could ask for.

I walked into the bathroom and changed for the night. When I walked out, I saw Skylar laying suggestively on the bed in her T-shirt and panties.

"Uh..." I couldn't get a word out, the way she looked, sprawled out on our bed.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not ready for bed just yet." She said, flashing me a mischievous smirk.

"Well... what did you... Uh, have in mind?" I asked, even though I knew full well what she was planning.

"Well, I figured we'd make out for a little bit and see where the night takes us." She said seductively, biting her bottom lip.

I swallowed hard, my entire body heating up from her words.

   It's not the first time we've done it, but with her, every time felt like the first time.

I walked slowly to the bed before crawling on top of her, planting a deep kiss on her lips.

   With every kiss, we grew more passionate and hungry for each others love.

She pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it to the side. I helped her out of hers and began kissing her neck, down to her collar bone, then to her chest and all the way down to her waistline.

   She lifted her legs as I pulled her panties off and threw them to the floor.

   I didn't feel like wasting anymore time, kissing up her inner thigh, stopping just below her waist.

"Rebecca!" She moaned.


I woke up early the next morning, naked, wrapped up in Skylars arms.

   I looked around the room and realized it was day time.

   I kissed Skylar on the forehead and she opened her eyes, smiling at me.

"Good morning, beautiful." She said.

"Morning." I replied as I leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips.

Three loud knocks interrupted our kiss. I groaned.

   "I'll get it." I said as I hopped out of bed and threw some clothes on.

I answered the door and found Wendy, Jen, Abigail and Blake standing in the hallway.

"Oh, what's up, guys?" I asked.

"We're heading down for breakfast, you guys wanna come?" Wendy asked.

I glanced around at them. "Where's everyone else?"

"Sleeping." Blake said.

I nodded.

"Uh, yeah, Im in. I'll go ask Skylar, one sec." I said as I closed the door and walked back to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed next to Skylar. "You wanna get breakfast with some of the girls?"

"Some?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I guess the rest are sleeping." I replied.

She closed her eyes. "I'll stay here, you go on though, I'll meet you later."

"Ok, babe." I replied, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you." She called out as I was closing the bedroom door.

"I love you more." I replied.

I rejoined the group in the hallway. "So, where are we headed?"

"This nice little restaurant a couple blocks from here." Wendy said.

"Supposedly they have the best pancakes in the world." Jen added.

I smiled. "I can't wait to rub that in Skylar's face."

"She's not coming?" Blake asked.

"No, she said she'd meet us later." I replied.

"Well, no point in wasting more time." Wendy said, leading us down the hall.

"So, should we call a cab or something?" Abigail asked.

"Its a nice day, I figured we'd walk, it's not that far." Wendy said.

"Well, then, lead the way, I'm starving." Blake said.

We all chuckled as we followed Wendy down the sidewalk towards the restaurant...

We walked through the front doors and found a nice booth near the back.

   We all took our seats as a waiter walked up. "What can I get you ladies this morning?"

"How does pancakes sound?" Wendy asked everyone.

We all nodded and Wendy ordered five orders of pancakes.

We fell into normal conversation as we awaited our food.

   It arrived shortly after and we all dug in.

"These are amazing." Blake said.

"Seconded." Abigail added.

   "Skylar would be pissed if I didn't bring some back for her." I said.

   Everyone let out a chuckle, except Abigail.

   "Why?" She asked.

   "Pancakes are like her thing." Wendy said.

   "Whenever she comes by the diner, that's all she orders." I added.

   A few more laughs rang out as we enjoyed the rest of our meal.

   After we finished our food, I ordered a stack of pancakes to go.

   We excited the restaurant and headed back to the hotel, where we were greeted by everyone else waiting in the lobby.

   I walked up to Skylar.

"Babe, you gotta try these." I said, handing her the takeout box.

   She opened it and smiled when she saw the pancakes, taking a bite of one before groaning in approval.

   "I know, right?" I said with a smile.

   She just gave me a thumbs up as she finished off the rest of the pancakes.

   Wendy called for everyone to join her.

   "Ok, ladies, the next stop on the best bachelorette party ever is-"

   "More casinos?" Blake asked.

   "Strip clubs?" Skylar added, which got her a nudge from me.

   She chuckled.

   "You're both wrong, we're going to a magic show." Wendy said, a big smile plastered on her face.

   Everyone seemed excited, except Skylar.

   "You know it's not really magic, right?" She asked.

   "Well, duh. But, it's still fun and that's what we're doing. so, suck it up." Wendy said.

   Everyone laughed and Skylar rolled her eyes.

   We walked out front and Wendy called a few cars to come pick us up. We all pilled in before the drivers took off to our destination.

   We shared a car with Wendy, Jen and Abigail.

   Skylar sat next to me, arms folded over her chest.

   "Oh, lighten up." I said.

   "Yeah, it'll be fun." Jen added.

   Skylar rolled her eyes. "Right, watching some middle aged, Penn and Teller reject pulling rabbits out of a hat sounds like loads of fun."

   I rolled my eyes and smiled, the rest of the girls letting out a small laugh...

   A little while later, we pulled up in front of the building which held the magic show.

   We all walked in and got seats at a table while we awaited the magician.

   A short man in a suit and top hat walked onto the stage, followed by a beautiful woman.

   "Hello ladies and gentleman! My name is Mike the Marvelous Magician and this is my lovely assistant, Mars." He said, gesturing to the beautiful woman, who was smiling and waving to the audience.

   "At least the view is good." Skylar said, eying Mars.

   I nudged her. "We're engaged you know?"

   She chuckled and slid her hand in mine.

"You know you're the only girl for me." She replied, giving me a quick kiss before refocusing on the show.

   We all watched in wonder as he started his first trick, which was sawing his assistant in half.

   We all cheered as he finished the trick.

   Skylar gave a small clap.

   "Thank you, everyone. For my next trick, I'll need a volunteer." He said, scanning the audience.

   Everyone cheered and threw their hands up, hoping to be picked, except Skylar.

   His eyes landed on our table.

   "How about you, miss?" He asked, pointing to Skylar.

   "Oh, no thanks-" We cut her off though and pushed her towards the stage.

   She gave us an evil glare as Mike's assistant helped her on stage.

   She stood there with her arms folded over her chest as Mars brought a chair into the middle of the stage and walked backwards out of sight.

   "Ok, for my next trick, I'm going to make this lovely lady-" He stopped himself and put the microphone in front of Skylar.

   "Why don't you tell this amazing audience your name?" He said.

   She rolled her eyes. "Skylar."

   "I'm going to make the lovely, Skylar, disappear."

   Everyone erupted into cheers as Mike led Skylar to the chair and asked her to sit.

   When she did, he pulled out a sheet and covered her with it.

   Then, he took his place in front of her and waved his wand around her head.

   "And now, she has disappeared." He said as he pulled the sheet away, revealing Mars sitting where Skylar once was.

   Everyone erupted into cheers once again as Skylar walked out from behind the curtain, a huge grin on her face.

   She waved to the audience as she ran back to our table.

   "How the hell did he do that?" Wendy asked.

   "That's for me to know and you to never find out." Skylar replied.

   "So, you don't know then." Beth said.

   "Wish I did." Skylar replied.

   Everyone laughed as we clapped one last time for Mike.

   We left the building and caught a few cars back to the hotel.

   Everyone retired for the night, overjoyed with what could be waiting for us tomorrow...

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