Chapter 18

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Our double wedding was only one day away and I haven't written my vows yet. I walked through the kitchen and passed Rebecca sitting at the table, looking over her finished vows.

"What're you up to, babe?" She asked.

"Oh nothin'." I lied.

I was freaking out internally. I needed help.

   I pulled my phone out and dialed Wendy as I walked out onto the balcony, shutting the slider behind me.

"Hey, I'm kinda busy right now." Wendy answered.

"Wendy, I guarantee you this is more important." I replied.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well, I need help, I haven't written my vows yet an-"

"What?! Are you kidding me?!" She squealed trough the phone.

"Wendy, do you think I'd call you if I was kidding?" I asked.

"Skylar, this is serious. You do know the wedding's tomorrow, right?"

"Again, I wouldn't be calling if I didn't need help."

"Ok, let me think for a second." She said.

I lit a cigarette and leaned on the railing of the balcony.

After a couple minutes she replied. "Ok, I texted Jen, she's gonna pick you up and take you to Twist."

"Wendy, I don't think drinking is gonna-"

"She's taking you there so her and Blake can help. I'm to busy at work right now."

"But, you're my best friend, the only one I trust with helping me." I replied.

"Skylar, this is your only option."

I blew my smoke out in a heavy sigh. "Fine, when is she coming?"

"She'll be there in ten minutes, good luck." She said before hanging up.

I flicked my cigarette over the balcony and ran back inside.

"What's the rush?" Rebecca asked as I sprinted by.

"I'll tell you later." I replied, changing clothes and grabbing my jacket before leaving the apartment.

Jen pulled into the parking lot in her new Jaguar.

   I swallowed hard as I got in the passenger seat.

"Hey, Skylar, Wendy told me everything. Don't worry, we'll help you out."

"Yeah, uh... you got the tire fixed and everything, right?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Yes, you were there. Everything's gonna be alright. Ok?"

"Ok, ok. Let's get this show on the road before I change my mind."

She chuckled again as she pulled out of the parking lot...

We walked through the front doors of Twist and took a seat at the bar.

"How's it hanging, ladies?" Blake greeted.

I opened my mouth to talk, but Jen cut me off.

"Skylar hasn't written her vows yet and we're the only help she has."

Blake looked between the two of us. "Last call!" She shouted to the half empty bar.

After the bar cleared out, Blake handed me a notebook and a pen.

"Ok, we'll figure this out together." She said.

"I don't know where to even start." I replied, putting my head in my hands.

"Well, write how you feel." Jen said.

"Yeah, write from your heart. How does Rebecca make you feel?" Blake asked.

"Well..." I took a deep breath. "She makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth. Just the sight of her makes my heart wanna leap out of my chest. I'd give up anything just to see her smile, let alone spend the rest of my life with her. I'd do anything for her and I'd be there for her, anytime, anywhere." I finished, exhaling a long breath.

Jen and Blake glanced at each other before turning back to me.

"Skylar, you don't need our help." Jen said.

"Yeah, everything you just said, that's your vows." Blake added.

"Well, maybe tweaked a little, but basically yeah."

"Well, can you guys help me tweak it then?" I asked.

"Sure. Let's get to work, ladies." Blake said as she pulled three beers from the fridge...

We sat at that bar for hours, tweaking, making everything I just said sound good on paper, writing up the best vows anyone's ever heard in their life.

Just as we were putting the finishing touches on my vows, Wendy, Abigail, and Kat Came strolling through the doors.

"Sorry we're late, but we're here to help." Wendy said, a triumphant smile on her face.

"To little, to late, we just finished up." Blake replied.

"Oh, well, let me read it." Wendy said, grabbing the paper from the bar.

The other three girls hovered over the paper, reading it quietly to themselves.

   Then, they set the paper back down, silently.

"So, what'd you think?" I asked.

They nodded their heads. "Not half bad." Kat said.

"Well, I think it's great." Abigail added.

"I second that." Wendy said.

"Awesome. So, I'm done?" I asked.

They all nodded.

"Great, drinks on Blake." I said.

Blake shook her head and chuckled as she pulled out beers for everyone...

A couple hours and lots of beer later, we were all pretty trashed.

"So, are you girls excited for the wedding?" Kat asked.

Wendy pulled Jen in for a sloppy kiss. "Overjoyed." She slurred.

"I concur." Jen replied, before bursting with laughter.

We all joined in.

"How about you, Sky?" Kat asked.

"I get to spend the rest of my life with the sexiest woman on the planet... of course I'm excited." I slurred.

I went to stand for a toast, but tripped over my foot and fell on my ass.

   I started laughing and everyone joined in once again.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Rebecca.

"Who are you calling?" Wendy asked.

"Shh." I replied.

"Hello?" Rebecca answered.

"Hey, baby, our wedding's tomorrow and I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

I heard her giggle on the other end. "Do you need me to pick you up? You sound hammered."

"Uh... yes please." I replied.

"I'll be there in a few." She said.

"Ok, baby, I love you."

"Love you to." She said before hanging up.

I used the bar stool to help me to my feet.

"How are you guys getting home?" I asked.

"Who's says we're going home?" Blake asked.

"Well, the wedding's tomorrow and you guys are way to drunk to drive." I said.

"Don't worry, we'll drink some water and sober up a little before we go. Ok?" Wendy replied.

"Yeah, mom, we'll be fine." Blake added.

I chuckled as Rebecca came walking through the door.

"Baby-" I started to walk forward, but caught my foot on the bar stool, falling to the ground once again.

I laughed again as Rebecca knelt down next to me.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yep, that'll hurt tomorrow though." I replied.

She chuckled lightly.

"Ok, drunkie, let's get you home." She said as she hauled me up and held me, bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"See you losers later." I said, sticking my tongue out.

I helped her with the door and she sat me in the passenger seat.

"Wow, you're strong." I said, looking around the car interior.

She giggled as she got into the drivers side and started the car.

"Take me home, beautiful." I said, resting my head on her shoulder...

We pulled into the parking lot and she helped me up the stairs and into our apartment.

   She stopped at the door and helped me get my jacket and boots off, then led me to our bedroom.

She laid me on the bed and plopped down next to me.

   I turned my head, looking her in the eyes.

"We're getting married tomorrow." I said, a slight tear starting to form in my eye.

She giggled. "I know, aren't you excited?"

"Yeah, I'm more than excited... they have to invent a new word for how I feel."

She laughed again. "Well, I'm glad to hear that."

I smiled as a single tear ran down my cheek.

"I love you so much, Rebecca." I said, cupping her cheek with my hand.

She placed her hand on mine.

"And I love you so much more." She finished with a smile.

I leaned forward and kissed her.

"Good night, my future bride." I said.

"Good night." She replied.

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