Chapter 19

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   I ran through the apartment, preparing for my big day.

   Today was finally the day Rebecca and I were getting married. I spent all morning doing my hair and makeup, preparing my dress.

   There was just one last thing I needed, my vows.

   "Hey, babe!" I shouted to Rebecca, who was preparing herself in the bedroom.

   "Yeah?!" She shouted back.

   "Did you happen to see a piece of notebook paper laying around?!"

   "No why?!"

   I froze, my heart sinking. The memories of last night flooding back.

   "I left it at Twist, dammit." I whispered to myself, lowering my head.

   "What'd you leave at Twist?" Rebecca asked, walking down the hallway.

   "Oh... uh... nothing important." I lied.

   'Of course it was important, it was my vows for Christ's sake!' I thought to myself.

   Just then, we heard a honk from downstairs.

   "That's them, you ready to get married?" Rebecca asked, a wide grin on her face.

   "Uh, yeah... of course." I replied, pulling her in for a quick kiss.

   We walked downstairs and I pulled Blake and Kat out of ear shot.

   "What's wrong?" Kat asked.

   "I forgot my vows at Twist last night." I said, lowering my head.

   They glanced at each other and sighed.

   Blake pulled the bars keys out of her pocket and handed them to Kat.

   "Take her there on your bike, but be quick." Blake said.

   Kat nodded and gave her a quick kiss before leading me to her bike.

   "I can't get on that, it'll ruin my hair." I said.

   "Don't worry." She said, handing me a helmet.

   I carefully put my helmet on and hopped on the back of her bike.

   "Where are you going?" Rebecca asked as we slowly rolled by.

    "I'll meet you there, don't worry." I said, flashing her a quick smile before Kat sped out of the parking lot towards Twist...

   We unlocked the doors and ran into the empty bar.

   We started looking around where I was sitting last night.

   "Dammit, nothing." I said.

   We checked behind the bar, but still nothing.

   "Maybe it slid under a table or something, when you fell?" Kat suggested.

   I nodded and we frantically searched under every table.

   I shot up. "Got it!"

   She jumped up.

"Great, just enough time, let's get going." She said, bolting out the doors.

   I locked them up as I followed her out.

   We hopped on the bike and sped off towards the wedding...

    We pulled into the beautiful park, overlooking a lake, that would hold our double wedding.

   I sprinted for the bathroom as Kat headed for her place on the stage.

   When I got into the bathroom, the other brides were already dressed and ready to go.

   Luckily, Wendy and Jen would go first.

   They walked up to me. "Cutting it kinda close don't you think?" Wendy asked.

   "I'm here and I'll be ready in a few, don't you worry." I said.

   They glanced at each other, then back to me.

   "Good luck, guys. I love you." I said with a smile as I pulled them into a tight hug.

   We heard the music ring out just as there was a knock on the door.

   "That's our dads." Jen said.

   "We'll meet you out there." Rebecca said.

   We waved them off as they excited the bathroom.

   We watched as they closed the door, then turned to each other.

   "Well, this is it." I said.

   "Sure is." Rebecca replied, a huge grin on her face.

   I returned her grin and kissed her on the forehead.

   A knock on the door interrupted our little moment.

   "I'll meet you out there." I said.

   She smiled as she walked towards the door. I put my wedding dress on and looked in the mirror.

   "This is it, Skylar, you're marrying the girl of your dreams." I said to myself. "Now get your ass out there." I finished my little pep talk and walked out the door.

   I was greeted by my dad, Rebecca and her dad.

   My dad pulled me into a big hug. "I'm so proud of you, kid."

   "Thanks, dad." I replied with a smile.

   He returned it.

   "You should ditch the tux though." I joked.

   He chuckled.

   "You may kiss the bride." I heard, then the following applause.

   "This is it." I said.

   "I just wanna say, I'm happy for both of you and I wish you a lifetime of happiness together." Max said with a smile.

   Rebecca and I glanced at each other before nodding.

   Then, Rebecca and her dad linked arms and started heading towards the stage.

   My dad stuck his arm out for me.

   "Here we go." He said as he led me towards the stage.

   I looked over as friends and family cheered me on.

We stopped in front of the stage and my dad turned to me. "I love you." He said as he pulled me in for one last hug.

I smiled as I took my spot next to Kat and Beth. Rebecca stood across from me, next to Stephanie and Kris.

   The officiant read through his part. But, all I could focus on was my beautiful bride standing across from me.

"I understand you've each prepared your own vows?" He asked.

Rebecca and I nodded.

   He gestured for Rebecca to start. Stephanie handed her a slip of paper.

"Skylar Valentine, I vow to love you for as long as we live. I vow to care for you and be there for you whenever you need me. You stole my heart the day you drove me home from school and ended up making me the happiest woman on the planet. I vow to spend the rest of my life making you feel the same way you make me feel everyday." She finished.

I stared at her, tears starting to well up.

   She smiled at me and I returned it.

"And Miss Valentine?"

"Oh right." I said, gesturing to Kat for my vows.

She handed me the sheet of paper and I began reading. "Rebecca Valentine, I vow to love you forever and ever, even after we're long gone. I vow to treat you like a princess every single day, because that's how you make me feel just being in my life. You deserve and will get all the love I have to offer, because you already made me the happiest woman on earth when you asked me to spend the rest of my life with you." I finished my vows and handed Kat the paper back.

I could see the tears start to well in Rebecca's eyes to. I felt one tear start to fall.

"And the rings?" The officiant asked.

Kat and Stephanie handed us our rings. Rebecca slid mine on and I did the same for her. We held hands in the middle of the stage.

"I now pronounce you, Mrs. and Mrs. Valentine. You may kiss the bride."

We smiled as we pulled each other in for our first kiss as wife and wife.

We pulled apart and everyone erupted into cheers.

"I love you, Skylar Valentine." Rebecca said.

"I love you more, Rebecca Valentine..."

The End

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