Chapter 3

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   I laid on the couch next to Rebecca, feeling very satisfied.

   I held my hand out in front of us, inspecting my engagement ring. It wasn't anything super glamorous, but I loved it nonetheless.

   I glanced over at Rebecca, who was smiling.

   "Three weeks." She said.

   "I can't wait." I replied, kissing her on the cheek.

   We stayed like that for a while until she broke the silence.

   "So, who's last name are we gonna use?"

   The question caught me off guard. I guess I haven't put much thought to it. I mean, I didn't really care, as long as I got to spend the rest of my life with her.

   "I don't know." I replied.

   "You don't know!" She squealed.

   I chuckled and planted a kiss on her forehead. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

   She smiled. "Deal."

   She planted a deep kiss on my lips.

   Sadly, my phone rang out from my pants pocket.

I groaned as I bent down the get it. "Hello?"

   "Hey, it's Blake, sorry to bother you. But, I could use some extra help if you're interested?"

   "Payed help?" I asked with a chuckle.


   "Sure, I'll be there in a few." I replied before hanging up.

   "Who was that?" Rebecca asked as I sat up and started putting my clothes back on.

   "Blake, she needs a hand. Wanna tag along?"


   After getting changed we hopped in the car and headed for Twist...

We walked through the crowd of people and saw Blake behind the bar in a frenzy. Kat sat on one of the bar stools, giggling the whole time.

   "How can I help?" I asked.

   "I need three beers at table two and a bunch of shots at table five." She said hurriedly.

   "Aye, aye, captain." I said with a salute.

   She giggled as I helped prepare the drinks.

   Rebecca took a seat next to Kat and started up a conversation while I headed out and filled the orders.

   After about an hour, the bar started to clear out and it was just me, Rebecca, Blake, and Kat.

   We were deep in conversation when the door opened and two familiar faces walked in.

   "Aunt Lucy, aunt Kiki." Rebecca greeted as she pulled them into a hug.

They all took a seat at the bar.

"What can I get you ladies?" I asked with a smile.

"Two beers." Lucy replied.

I handed them the beers and Blake asked what brought them here.

"Well, it's the only lesbian bar in town." Kiki replied.

"Plus, we heard you worked here." Lucy added, gesturing to me.

I nodded. "Anything you need, just ask."

They nodded in return before Blake spoke up.

"This is Kat, I don't think you guys met yet."

"No, but it's a pleasure." Kat replied, holding her hand out.

They shook it. "Is she your girlfriend?" Lucy asked.

"You could say that." Blake replied, flashing Kat a quick smirk.

Everyone fell silent and I saw Kiki give Lucy a nod.

"Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" She asked me.

"Uh, sure. I'll be right back." I said, giving Rebecca a quick kiss.

I followed her outside.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Candace told me you talked to her."


"Yes, Rebecca's mom." She said with a giggle.

"Oh, right..."

"Look, I know she told you not to tell Rebecca, but I think you should."

"And why's that?"

"Because, as much as I love my sister, she'll never tell Rebecca the truth. She hasn't said anything for this long and I don't think she's going to anytime soon."

"I don't know, it's a family matter, and It's not really my business." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Of course it's your business. You're marrying her aren't you?"

"Well, yeah bu-"

"So, that makes you part of the family. She has a right to know, Skylar." She said, looking at me hopefully.

I thought for a second.

   What the hell was I gonna do? "I don't know... I'll think about it."

She let out a disappointed sigh.

"Well, just don't think to long." She finished before making her way back inside.

I stayed behind and leaned against the wall. 'What am I supposed to do? If I tell her it might break her heart. But, if I don't and she finds out I knew this whole time, she'd hate me.'

I saw Rebecca poke her head out the door. "Hey, what was that all about?"

"Oh, um... I'll uh... I'll tell you later." Dammit.

"Oh, ok. Well, Kat wants to challenge you to pool, Blakes been talking you up since you left."

I smiled. "I'll be right in."

She nodded and went back inside. After a couple minutes I joined them.

"Ready to lose?" I asked, strolling through the door.

"You're on." Kat replied with a chuckle...

It was past midnight when Rebecca and I walked out the front doors.

"What happened back there? I've never seen you lose a game of pool."

I looked her up and down. "Well, I was a little distracted."

She shook her head and chuckled as we got into my car.

We were on our way home when she brought up that subject again. "So, what did aunt Lucy want?"

I froze. "Uh... nothing, just uh..." My mind went blank, I had no clue what to say.

"Skylar? Are you ok?" She asked, giving me a serious look.

"Yeah... it's just... I don't know." I finished, letting out a heavy sigh.

   'Whats your problem? Just tell her.' I thought to myself.

"Skylar?" She asked again.

   I gave her a quick side glance, another sigh slipping out. "I'll tell you when we get home..."

We sat on the couch, I just got finished running her through everything that happened with her mom and aunt.

She sat there with her mouth hanging open.

   'I knew I shouldn't have told her.' I thought.

"Rebecca..?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face.

She clenched her fists, then her jaw. She started to shake a little and I could see the angry, pained expression starting to form on her face.

"That lying, no good, son of a bitch!" She yelled before standing up and whipping a pillow across the room.

"Rebecca, cal-"

She spun on me. "Calm down! Are you kidding me!?"

"Rebecca, lets just talk this ou-"

"I can't believe her! Twenty-one years, twenty-one goddamn years she lied to me!"

"I know, Rebecca, but this isn't gonna help."

She turned on me again and stuck a finger in my face. "And you, why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

I flinched. "Your mom made me promise not to say anything."

She laughed maniacally to herself.

"Of course she did, that- that- Ahhh!" She yelled before storming around the kitchen.

I knew she'd be pissed, but this was on another level. She huffed around the table in the kitchen for a couple minutes before taking a seat and eventually the tears started flowing.

   She put her head on the table and her whimpers turned to full on sobs.

I hesitantly walked over and took a seat next to her.

"Rebecca..?" I asked, tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"Just... leave me alone..." She said, her crying starting to die down a little.

"Ok..." I replied in barley a whisper before standing up and kissing her lightly on the back of the head.

I walked towards the bedroom and took a quick glance back before closing the door.

'That definitely went worse than expected.' I thought as I laid on the bed, whipping a tear from my eye...

I woke up the next morning, my eyes burned from crying myself to sleep.

   I rubbed them before standing up. Rebecca didn't follow me in last night so I assumed she fell asleep on the couch. But, when I walked into the living room, she was nowhere to be found.

"Rebecca?!" I called.

No response.

I looked around and saw a note on the table. It read:

"Be back later. P.S. I borrowed your car."

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