Chapter 4

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   I pulled in front of my moms house and stared at the door, determined to get to the bottom of this whole thing once and for all.

I stepped out and walked up to the front door, giving it a hard knock, waiting for my mom to answer. My aunt Kiki opened the door instead.

   "Where is she?" I asked between my teeth.

   She backed up and pointed to the kitchen table, where she, aunt Lucy, and Kris sat. Kris looked over and smiled before making her way towards me.

   "Hey cous-" She started, but I put my hand up.

   "Not now." I said, effectively whipping the smile from her face.

   I marched right up to my mom.

   "When were you planning on telling me, you lying son of a bitch?!" I shouted, causing her and my aunt to flinch.

   "T-tell you w-what?" She stuttered.

   I let out a harsh laugh.

"Oh, that's cute. You wanna play that game? Fine." I finished before taking a seat across from her.

   My aunt started to stand. "Maybe we shou-"

"Sit." I interrupted.

   She did as I asked and I turned my attention back to my mom.

   "So, when were you gonna tell me?"

   She looked down and sighed. "I... wasn't."

   I threw my hands up before slamming them on the table. "That's just great. So, you expected me to live my whole life without knowing who my real fucking father was!"


   "I'm not done yet. All my life I've done everything I can to make you happy and how do you repay me?"


   "First!" I said, counting my finger. "You tried to force me away from the love of my life, the woman I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with."


   "Second!" I continued, counting my next finger. "You lie to me basically my entire life, is June even my real last name?"

   "Uh... well-"

   "Dammit, mom, answer the question!"

   "No! Ok? Are you happy? I've been a terrible mother. I lied to you, I tried to control you, and worst of all, I kept you from your real father. I'm so sorry, Rebecca." She said, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

   I looked at her and shook my head, tears starting to well in my own eyes.

  "It's to late for sorry, mom." I said as I stood up and walked to the front door.

   "Rebecca! Wait!" She yelled, but I slammed the door and walked back to Skylar's car.

   Once I was in her car the tears started running down my face.

I peeled out down the street.

'I don't wanna be anywhere near that house anymore.' I thought as I pulled into an empty parking lot.

   I let the tears run free, slamming my hand on the steering wheel.

After the tears subsided I leaned my head on the steering wheel. looking over, I saw Skylar's cigarettes sitting invitingly in the cup holder.

   I knew I shouldn't, but I pulled one out and lit it anyway, taking one hit before coughing the smoke back up.

   "How the hell does she do this?" I asked myself before flicking it out the window.

   I took a few deep breaths after that, trying to calm myself another way before starting the car and heading back home...

   I pulled into the parking lot, letting out a heavy sigh before getting out and walking into our apartment.

When I walked in, I saw Skylar at the table, tears in her eyes.

She looked up as I started walking over to her.

   "I'm so sorry, Rebecca, I should've told you when I first found out." She said, wiping her eyes.

   I pulled her up into a tight hug.

"No, I should be the one to apologize. I lashed out at you and you didn't deserve that. You did nothing wrong." I finished, tears starting to well in my eyes again.

   "Rebecca..." She started, but I cut her off, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

   When I pulled away, I looked her in the eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't wanna lose you, Skylar, what can I do to make it up to you?"

   She looked at me before pulling me into another kiss. "Just love me."

   I smiled and nodded. "It's hard not to love someone as perfect as you."

   She smiled back before pulling me into a tight hug.

   "I love you so much." She said.

   "I love you more." I whispered.

   She chuckled and pulled away. "So, how'd it go?"

   I let out a heavy sigh and sat at the table, patting the seat next to me.

   She joined me and I ran her through everything that happened at my moms house.

Afterwards, she looked at me silently for a second. "Damn..." Was all she said.

   "Tell me about it." I replied.

   "So, what're you gonna do?"

   "Well, I should probably start by apologizing to my aunts and Kris."

   "Well, that's a given, but what about your mom?"

   "I don't know yet. But, I do know I wanna talk to my dad."

   She let out a low whistle. "You sure?"

   "Yeah, I should at least get his side of the story before coming to any final judgments."

   She nodded. "That's fair."

   "Yeah... But, for now, I wanna push that as far back as I can."

   "Wanna order a pizza and watch a movie?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

   "Honestly... that sounds great right now." I replied with a smile of my own.

   She jumped up. "Alright, you go pick a movie, I'll order the pizza."

   I chuckled as I made my way to the couch...

After a little while of watching the movie, there was a knock on our door.

   "I'll get it." She said before sprinting for the door.

   I laughed a little as I paused the movie.

She payed the guy and returned with the pizza, setting it on the coffee table in front of us.

We dug in, enjoying the little moment of peace we had to ourselves for the time being...

   After we finished the movie and most of the pizza, we snuggled up on the couch.

   "Now what?" She asked.

   "Well, I can think of a couple things." I replied with a smirk.

   She smirked back and leaned in for a kiss.

We made out on the couch as I slowly lifted her shirt over her head.

She smiled into my kiss as she returned the favor.

   Just as things were starting to get good, there was another knock on our door.

   "It's your turn." She said with a groan, putting her shirt back on.

   I laughed and put mine back on before walking up to the door, opening it.

   "Hello..." I started, but stopped dead, starring at the man standing on the other side.

   "Who is it?" I heard Skylar call out before making her way over.

   "I swear, if it's that damn pizza guy agai-" She froze as well.

   "Aren't you gonna invite me in?" My dad asked with a smile...

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