Chapter 5

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   Rebecca and I stood frozen by the door. Her father stood on the other side, a small smile on his face.

   "Aren't you gonna invite me in?" He asked.

   Rebecca just stared wide eyed at her father.

   She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

   I closed my eyes and shook the shock away.

   "Uh... yes... please come in." I finally spoke.

   Rebecca shot me a quick glance before watching her dad walk in.

   He looked around before pulling a chair out and sitting at the kitchen table. Then, he scooted the chair out from across him, gesturing for Rebecca to sit.

   I gave her a small nudge as she slowly made her way to the chair.

   She sat across from him, but still didn't speak a word.

   I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed the half empty pizza box.

   "Would you like some... uh... pizza?" I asked hesitantly.

   "No thank you." He replied with a shake of his head before looking back to Rebecca.

   I placed the box back and took a hesitant seat next to Rebecca.

   "So... uh... what brings you here?" I asked.

   "Her mother gave me your address. She said I might wanna drop by. So, here I am." He replied as he sat back.

   I opened my mouth to respond, but Rebecca beat me to it.


   "Well, she told me about your guys' 'conversation' and I thought maybe you'd like my side of it."

   Rebecca glanced at me. I shrugged.

   "Uh... S-sure..."

   He nodded before starting to tell us his version of what happened all those years ago.

   "... I wanted to get a hold of you years ago, but your mother wouldn't allow it. I'm so sorry I missed the chance to see you grow up and fall in love with a woman who clearly cares a lot about you. But, most of all, I'm sorry for the pain I put you through not being there." He finished as he sat back and folded his arms across his chest.

   Rebecca stared silently across the table at her dad.

   I stood up to leave. "Maybe I should lea-" But, Rebecca grabbed my arm, pulling me back down. "Or not."

   She cleared her throat. "Look... I know this is mostly my mothers fault... and I'm sorry for that... But, did you expect to just pop back into my life and I'd accept you with open arms?"

   He shook his head. "Not at all. I know I messed up all those years ago and I wanna make up for it. I know I'm a little late, but I'm still your father and I'd like to be a part of your life now."

   Rebecca swallowed hard next to me. "How do you plan on doing that?"

   "Well, I'd like to start by walking you down the isle at your wedding." He said with a small smile.

   Rebecca grew silent again.

   I looked between her and her dad, both sat silently staring at each other.

   Eventually, a small smile grew on Rebecca's face. "I'd... like that."

   Her dad returned her smile before standing up.

   We did the same.

   He took a step forward, but decided against it.

   Rebecca smiled and pulled him in for a big hug. "I know you're twenty years late, but I'd like you to be in my life now to."

   They held the hug for a few minutes.

   I stood off to the side, awkwardly, until they released the hug and her dad opened his arms for me.

   "C'mon, daughter-in-law, you don't get off that easy." He said with a smile.

   I smiled back and he pulled me into a tight hug. Ours didn't last as long, which I was ok with.

   When he pulled away, he looked at both of us. "I really am happy for you guys and I'm excited to be a part of the wedding."

   "Me to, dad." Rebecca replied with a smile.

   He smiled and turned to leave, but Rebecca stopped him.

   "Uh... dad... could we, um... maybe get lunch tomorrow or something?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

   "That sounds great." He replied with a wide grin.

   She nodded. "Bye, dad."

   "Bye." He said before closing the door behind him.

   Rebecca let out a long sigh before plopping down on the couch.

   I took a seat next to her, wrapping my arm around her. "So, you seem happy about this whole thing."

   "Well, yeah, I guess I am. I was a little nervous at first. But, it seems to me like he really wants a second chance. And I've learned that second chances can have incredible outcomes." She said, smiling at me.

   I smiled back and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

   We pulled apart and stared at each other for a long minute before she broke the silence.

   "Now, where were we?" She asked, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips...


   I woke up the next morning to see Rebecca frantically sprinting around the apartment.

   I chuckled to myself as I rolled out of bed.

   She made her way back into our room and started searching the closet and drawers frantically.

   "Good morning." I said with a smirk.

   "Morning." She replied before planting a hurried kiss on my cheek and bolting back out the door.

   I followed her into the living room with a small laugh. "What're you looking for anyway?"

   She stopped and looked over at me.

"The locket you gave me for our one year, I lost it again." She said sadly.

   I giggled as I picked up a loose pair of her pants off the floor from last night and checked the pockets.

   I pulled it out and looked over at her.

   She threw the cushions off the couch, continuing her frantic search.

   I giggled before clearing my throat. "Looking for this?"

   She looked up and her face, that was once filled with sadness, now turned to embarrassment.

   "Pocket?" She asked.

   "Pocket." I replied.

   She walked over and pulled me into a hug. "What would I do without you?"

   "That's a scary thing to think about." I replied with a chuckle.

   She pulled away and snatched the locket with a playful shake of her head.

   She made her way to the bathroom and I took a seat at the kitchen table.

   When she returned, she had minimal makeup on and a pair of blue jeans and a black sweater.

   "My dad will be here in fifteen minutes, are you sure you don't wanna go?" She asked as she sat across from me.

   "No, it's fine, you have fun. And if there's any trouble just give me a call and I'll come pick you up."

   She smiled and started to thank me, but my phone rang.

   I pulled it out and answered. "Hello?"

   "Hey, it's Wendy. Do you and Rebecca wanna come hang out at Twist for a little bit?"

   "Rebecca's busy today, but I'll meet you there in twenty."

   "Ok, see you soon."

   "Alright, bye."

   "Bye." She said as I hung up.

   "Who was that?" Rebecca asked.

   "Wendy, I'm meeting her at Twist."

   She chuckled. "Well, don't get to drunk just in case you have to be my getaway driver."

   I gave her a salute. "Aye, aye, captain."

   She laughed as we heard a honk from outside.

   Rebecca stood nervously. "I guess that's him. I'll see you later." She said as she planted a quick kiss on my lips.

   "Bye, Love you." I said as she opened the door.

   "Love you to." Came her reply as she closed the door behind her.

   I let out a sigh as I started getting ready for the day.

I got in my car afterwards and sent Wendy a quick text, telling her I'd be there soon...

   When I pulled into the parking lot, she was already there.

   I walked in, being greeted by Blake and Wendy.

   "Hey guys, where are your counterparts on this fine day?" I asked with a chuckle.

   "Jens sick today." Wendy replied.

   "Oh, that sucks." I said.

   She nodded as I looked over at Blake.

   "Kats picking out a dress for your wedding."

   I nodded and they both looked at me.

   "What about Rebecca?" Wendy asked.

   "She's uh... having lunch with her dad today."

   "No shit?" Blake replied.

   "How? Why?" Wendy asked.

   "He dropped by yesterday and they made up. Actually, she was the one who asked him." I said.

   They both glanced at each other, a little confused.

   I chuckled. "I know, I thought the same thing."

   "Well, I hope everything works out." Wendy said.

   "Agreed, she deserves to have her dad in her life. It's a good thing." Blake added.

   "Well, I hope so..."

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