Chapter 6

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   I sat on the couch, patiently awaiting Rebecca's return.

   I got back from Twist a few minutes ago and she still wasn't home yet.

   There were so many questions running through my head. 'Did it go well? What'd you guys talk about?'

   My thoughts were cut short when I heard a car door close from outside. I heard the steps creak as she made her way up. Then, I heard the key enter the lock and in she came.

   "How'd it go?" I asked.

   She jumped a little. "Jesus, you scared me..."

   I chuckled. "Sorry."

   "It's ok." She shrugged. "It went good." Then, she walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

   "Just good?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

   "Yeah." She replied as she sat at the table and took her phone out.

   I sat across from her and looked at her curiously.

   She just played on her phone, taking a sip of water.


   "So what?" She asked with a giggle.

   Just as I was about to answer, my phone starting ringing in my pocket.

   I groaned as pulled it out. "Hello?"

   "Hey, it's Wendy."

   "Oh, what's up, Wendy?"

   "Is Rebecca back yet?"

   I took a quick glance at her. "Yeah, what's up?"

   "Well, Jen and I are at the dress store, they have this awesome deal going on and you gu-"

   "Wait, I thought Jen was sick?"

"I thought so to, turns out she lied so she could plan this." Wendy replied, I could almost hear the accusing glare.

"Uh huh... So you're wedding dress shopping without us?"

   "That's why I called, silly. Get your asses down here." She finished with a chuckle.

   I returned it. "Ok, ok, we'll be there in a few."

   "Ok, bye."

   "Bye." I hung up and looked at Rebecca, who was still lost in her phone screen.

   "Hey?" I said with a snap.

   She looked up. "What?"

   "We're meeting Wendy and Jen for wedding dress shopping."

   "Ok, sounds cool." She said before looking back at her phone.

   I rolled my eyes and snatched her phone from her hands.

   "Hey! What the he-"

   "Like now." I interrupted with a laugh.

   She rolled her eyes and smiled as she stood up and grabbed her jacket. "Well, let's get a move on then."

   I laughed a little as I joined her by the door, handing her phone back. "No playing on your phone while we're shopping. Deal?"

   "Deal." She said before kissing my nose...

   We parked behind Wendy's Corvette outside of the dress shop before making our way into the crowded building, spotting Jen's red hair through the crowd.

   "Hey! Jen!" I shouted.

   She turned around and waved us over with a smile.

   We joined her, but Wendy was nowhere to be found.

   "Where's Wendy?" Rebecca asked.

   "She's trying on a dress." Jen replied.

   "So.. since we're all brides, does that mean we can't see each others dresses?" I asked.

   They both glanced at each other before starting to laugh.

   "That's a load of crap." Rebecca said.

   "Yeah, who cares?" Jen added.

   "Fine, I was just trying to stick to tradition." I replied as I crossed my arms.

   Eventually, Wendy returned with a extravagant, low cut, frilly wedding dress.

   We all looked her up and down, mouths on the floor.

   "Y-you look... great, babe." Jen struggled to get her words out.

   I couldn't agree more, she looked fantastic, although I would never tell her that to her face.

   "Thanks guys!" She beamed.

   "Ooh, I found mine." Rebecca said as she plucked a dress of the rack and made her way to the dressing room.

   I flipped through the dresses as I awaited her return. Nothing really interested me, white was never my color.

   Eventually, Rebecca came walking back in a simple, but beautiful low cut, cream white dress.

   "How do I look?" She asked when she made it to me.

   "Beautiful? Stunning? Sexy? Take your pick." I finished with a smirk.

   She giggled as she planted a quick pec on my lips.

   We locked eyes and shared a smile.

   Until Wendy broke up our little moment by clearing her throat.

   "Yes Wendy?" I asked, still looking deep into Rebecca's eyes.

   "I found the perfect dress for you!" She squealed.

   I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from her hands before making my way to the dressing room.

   I observed it in the mirror. It was a strapless dress that hung bellow my feet with beautiful designs sewn into it.

   I couldn't help but smile as I looked at it in the mirror, a few tears starting to well up in my eyes.

   Then, there was a knock at the dressing room door.

   "Who is it?"

   "It's me, can I come in?" Came Rebecca's reply.

   I smiled as I opened the door, revealing my dress.

   Rebecca looked me up and down. "You look stunning..." She said, jaw hanging on the floor.

   I smiled as I pulled her into the room and held her close to me in front of the mirror, feeling the tears start to roll down my face.

   "We look beautiful." She said

   All I could do was nod, I feared if I spoke I'd start full on sobbing.

   We joined the other two, Jen wearing a elegant dress that complimented Wendy's perfectly.

   We all looked between each other, every one of us looked beautiful.

   "I can't wait for the wedding!" Wendy squealed.

   "Me neither." Rebecca added, wrapping her arm around my side.

   We admired the dresses for a little longer before taking them off and paying for them.

   We walked out into the parking lot, a smile on everyone's face.

   "Wanna grab something to eat?" Wendy asked us.

   Rebecca and I exchanged a quick glance.

"Sure, lead the way." Rebecca answered.

   We got in my car and followed Wendy to wherever she was taking us.

   "I like it when you take control like that, its pretty hot." I said with a wink.

   Rebecca rolled her eyes and laughed. "Oh, shut up."

   I laughed in response.

   Eventually, Wendy pulled into a parking lot and we took the spot next to her.

   We followed them into the fancy restaurant and took our seats before ordering.

   As we awaited our food, I noticed a table of guys across from us. They looked, or rather "gawked," at all of us.

   I rolled my eyes as one of them made his way over.

   "Hey, ladies, what brings you here?" He asked with a grin.

   "Food, dumbass." Rebecca replied.

   "Whoa, no need to be harsh... But, you can join our table if you want."

   "Hard pass." Jen replied.

   "Awe, why not?" The guy asked.

   "Sorry, you're not our type." Wendy said.

   "What? Handsome, muscular and charming isn't your type?" He finished with a smirk.

   I chuckled. "You're missing one thing, stud."

He folded his arms over his chest. "Yeah? What's that?"

"A vagina." I said with a smirk, kissing Rebecca on the cheek.

   When I pulled away, I stared him in the eyes.

   He threw his arms up in surrender and stalked back to his table. But, not before making a hateful comment under his breath.

   "Excuse me!" I shouted towards him.

   He turned to me, a sly smirk on his face. "You heard me... dyke!"

   I jumped out of my seat, making my way towards him.

   "Listen closely, asshole! If you call me that again, I'm gonna make you regret it!" I shouted, the whole room had their eyes locked on me and this jerk.

   "Oh yeah? And what're you gonna do about it, dy-"

   Before he could even finish, I planted my fist into his jerk-y face, causing him to stumble back and crash into a waiter, sending food flying everywhere.

   The other guys rushed to their side.

   I looked back at my table, they all had their heads in their hands.

   Unluckily for me, there was two cops sitting at the bar.

   They made their way over and I rolled my eyes, waiting.

   "Excuse me, miss?" One said.

   "How can I help you, officer?" I asked.

   "I'm gonna need you to put your hands behind your back." The other said as he pulled out his handcuffs.

   "That's bullshit!" Rebecca yelled, standing up from the table.

   "Please take your seat, ma'am." One of the cops said.

   "This doesn't concern you." The other added.

   "Are you kidding me? Why aren't you arresting that asshole?"

   "Because, he didn't assault anybody." The first cop said.

   Rebecca looked like she wanted to protest, but the cop was right. Even though that jerk deserved it, I threw the first punch.

   "Rebecca, it's ok. Just, go back to having fun, I'll... See you soon." I said as the cops hauled me out of the building and into their car.

   "It's been awhile since I've been in the back of one of these." I said as the cop slammed the door and took of towards the police station...


   Quick authors note:

Hey guys, just wanted to say, I hope your enjoying the story so far and the picture I added to this chapter is Skylar's wedding dress.

   Enjoy :)


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