Chapter 7

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   I awoke the next morning, still inside the holding cell at the police station.

   I let out a groan as I sat up, taking a quick look around, no sign of anyone to bail me out yet.

   I stood up and stretched my aching muscles, noticing a female officer smoking.

   I walked up to the cell door. "Excuse me, miss?"

   She turned around. "Yes?"

   'She couldn't have been much older than me.' I thought.

   "Do you mind if I borrow one of those?" I asked, pointing to her cigarette pack.

   She thought for a second before sighing and walking over, handing me one through the bars and lighting it for me.

   "Thanks." I said, leaning against the cell wall.

   She nodded. "So, what brings you here?"

   "Oh, just defending my lesbian honor." I replied with a bitter laugh.

   "What do you mean?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

   I let out a heavy sigh. "This guy called me a dyke in front of my best friends and fiancée."

   She nodded. "So, what'd you do to get locked up here?"

   "I punched him. He fell back into a waiter. The food went flying. And I guess the officers there weren't to happy about that."

   The lady officer bursted out laughing.

   I couldn't help but join in.

   "Hey! Get back to work, Andrews!" The sheriff yelled from his desk, cutting our laughter short.

   "Well, I better get back to work." She said with a small smile.

   "Thanks for the smoke." I said as she returned to her desk.

   After about an hour, my parents, Wendy, and Rebecca came strolling through the front doors.

   "... Mr. Valentine, I insist. It was my fault anyway." I heard Wendy say.

   "I appreciate it, Wendy, but it was my daughter who punched out that jackass." Came my dads reply.

   Wendy threw her arms up in fake surrender.

   After posting my bail, we all walked into the parking lot.

   "Thanks, dad, I'll pay you back." I started.

   "Don't worry about it." He said as he and my mom got in his truck.

   We waved them off as we headed to Wendy's car.

   "Where's my car?" I asked.

   "I drove it home last night." Rebecca replied.

   I pulled her into a hug.

   When I pulled away, I held her at arms length. "Thanks and I'm sorry about last night."

   "No worries. That asshole deserved it." She replied with a smile.

   I gave her a quick kiss before pilling into Wendy's car.

   She took off down the street towards our apartment...

   As we pulled into the parking lot, we saw the last person we expected to see.

   Wendy stopped the car and Rebecca got out.

   "What the hell are you doing here, mom?" Rebecca asked, clearly annoyed.

   "Can we talk..?" Her mom asked.

   Rebecca shook her head, contemplating it for a second, before turning to me, whispering in my ear. "I'll join you upstairs."

   I nodded and gave her a quick kiss before turning to Wendy and giving her a nod, inviting her to tag along.

   Wendy glared at Rebecca's mom the whole time until we got into our apartment.

   We walked in and I took a seat at the kitchen table.

   "Are you o-" Wendy started, but was cut off by muffled yelling, then the sound of a car door slamming.

   I looked down at the table.

   Wendy sat next to me, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders.

   After a couple minutes, Rebecca came storming in, tears in her eyes.

   I stood up. "What happe-" But, she threw her hand up, cutting me off, before making her way into our room and slamming the door.

   I sat back down and put my head in my hands.

   Wendy rubbed my back. "Wanna get a beer?"

   I let out a heavy sigh.

"Why not? I'm driving though." I replied as I stood up and grabbed my jacket.

   "We'll be back later!" I shouted as we made our way outside and to my car.

   We got in and sat in silence for a second.

   "Wanna talk about it?" Wendy asked.

   "Not now." I said, starting the car and peeling out of the parking lot...

   We walked through the front doors of Twist and took our usual seats at the bar.

   "What'll it b-" Blake started, but Wendy cut her off.

   "Two beers." Wendy ordered for us.

   "Thats for me." I said, head in my hands.

   Blake nodded and grabbed four beers.

   She took a sip of hers before asking, "Wanna talk abo-"

   "No!.. No..." I let out a heavy sigh.

   Blake and Wendy exchanged a quick glance.

   I took a big swig of my beer. "I'm sorry... it's just that..." I shook my head. "I don't know..."

   "Start from the beginning, kiddo." Blake said, leaning on the bar.

   I took a sip of my beer before running her through the whole story, about how Rebecca's been acting different since her dad came back into the picture and after she confronted her mom.

   "... there are times when she reminds me of... me... well the old me. And it scares me." I finished.

   Blake gave my shoulder a squeeze. "You gotta talk to her."

   "I know." I replied in barley a whisper, looking down at the bar.

   After an hour and a few more beers, I decided to text Rebecca.

   But, when I pulled my phone out, I noticed a missed text from her.

   It read: "Sorry."

   I sent a quick reply back: "it's ok. Can we talk?"

   "Sure." Came her reply.

   I stood up, facing Wendy. "You coming?"

   She shook her head. "Blake's gonna drive me home. Good luck and be careful."

   I just nodded before walking out the door...

   I pulled into the parking lot and flicked my cigarette butt out the window, nervously tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

   "Dammit." I whispered as I got out and made my way into the apartment.

   When I walked through the door, Rebecca was already waiting for me at the kitchen table.

   "Hey..." She greeted.

   "Hey... how're you feeling?" I asked, sliding into the seat across from her.

   She sighed. "Better. I'm so sorry fo-"

   I raised my hand to cut her off. "It's ok, I forgive you."


   "Yes. But, that is kinda what I wanted to talk about."

   She laced her fingers on the table and leaned back. "I'm ready."

   I sighed. "Look, I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but ever since your dad came back you've been acting a little off..."

   "What do you mean?" She asked.

   "Well, it's more ever since you confronted your mom, but you seem distant and cold. Like... like how I used to be..."

   She grabbed my hand from across the table. "Skylar..."

   "I just wanna know what's going on in that pretty head. I wanna be here for you, but it's hard when you don't let me in..."

   She released my hand and looked down. "I know... but, it's nothing I can't handle."

   "I'm not saying you can't... I'm just saying I wanna be there for you... because I love you."

   She fell silent. Then, she clenched her fists.


   "I said I'm fine!" She yelled before getting up and storming to our room, slamming the door.

   I threw my hands up and slammed them back down on the table before bringing them up to rest my head in them, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

   "I just wanna help..."

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