Chapter 13

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The Gauntlet fighter, newly restored in all of its glory, was now ready for lift off and as Stalker, Verde, Ray, Retz, Alexandria, Team RWBY, Theodosius, Mara, and Sky all marched towards the large fighter, Stalker could see the rebels had already loaded it up with what he had asked for.

Mainly, his Battle droids, some supplies for a few weeks, ammo out the wazoo, and at least two speeder bikes for them to also use.

As Stalker walked up the newly, remade ramp, he walked past the supplies as he came to the cockpit and as Ray joined him, Stalker looked around with a smile as he said, "I know I put a lot of credits to repair this thing but it's so worth it."

He looked back at everyone slowly strapping in as he decided to have a little fun and he brought down the comm system as he said, "This is your captain speaking and welcome to Rebel Scout Flights 001."

"Here we have a policy for no smoking and drinking, so if any clones does have a sudden panic attack we hope that someone next to them could do us the kind favor and knock them out."

"I would also like to say that this is also a flight without pampering so if there is any Schnee back there, so you'll have to wait till we get on land to break out the tea and crumpets."

"And finally, if we run into the Imperial air space and end up going down into water, nothing in here is a flotation device so it'll be every man for themselves." said Stalker as he then turned it off.

"I dunno wether to applaud you or to give you a look." said Ray next to Stalker.

"Hey, you know I needed some fun when we do this." said Stalker as he went through his pre-flight checks.

Suddenly, Verde walked in as he looked at Stalker and said, "Hey, you know where the peanuts are?"

"What made you think I have peanuts on this flight?" asked Stalker as he didn't even look at Verde.

"Well, we do seem to have a ton of supplies so I figured they were amongst them." said Verde as he then said, "Also, that was a good speech. For a Mandalorian that is."

"Thanks. Tell them all to strap in. We're getting ready to go north." said Stalker as he finally did everything and got readied to bring the ship into the air.

As soon as Verde gave the all clear, Stalker brought up the ship from the Launchpad as he slowly boosted it away and as he did, he didn't notice the Corellian YT freighter slowly following it.

It wasn't long before Stalker was landing the Gauntlet fighter down and as he powered it down, he looked outside as he said to Ray, "Alright, time to break out the camo netting. Have Theodosius, Mara, Sky, and Alexandria to begin setting up the camp... and have RWBY set up a watch."

Ray nodded as he went to get everyone and as Stalker slowly went through the systems before he himself got up.

Theo, Mara, Sky, and Alexandria were all currently unloading the supplies with the help of Stalker's droids and as Stalker walked down, he watched as the droids help bring down the speeder bikes, although they were some of the older Clone War speeder bikes. He continued past as he opened up a container on the ships hull and as he began to pull out a large camo net and Verde, Ray, and Retz all jogged over as they began to slowly drag the thing over the Gauntlet fighters hull.

This left Ruby, Yang, and Weiss to slowly jog from the large transport/fighter craft as they went to set up a small scouting outpost nearby. Thankfully, not only had Stalker chosen near a forest where they could use natural camouflage to hide themselves but this place was also hilly and it would be very good to overlook everything around them. Ruby decided to use her speed to bolt from her group as she reached the top of a hill in a trail of rose petals and as she reached the top, she took out Crescent Rose as she scoped in and looked around with it as she put her bright red hood up and laid down on the hill.

Yang and Weiss both soon reached the hill as well and as Weiss took out some magnoculars and looked around with them, she said, "Alright guys, looks like the area is clear enough. Hopefully the Imperials aren't rushing their forces."

"Knowing Imperial assaults, not likely they are rushing anything." said Stalker over the comms as he continued to drape the camo net over the fighters hull.

Theodosius stacked another crate of ammo as he took the nearby camo netting and draped it over the cache and as he did so, he watched as Sky effortlessly drag several through the air and pile them up before putting the netting over it.

"I thought the Force didn't work like that." he said to Sky.

"Well, I can choose when to use the force and when not to." said Sky as he looked at Theodosius.

Xenon, Leon, and Lilly all watched the rebel set up their camp amongst the trees and the hills as Xenon watched them through his magnoculars before he said, "Is that Stalker in the Mandalorian armor?"

"That's him alright... looks like they got that ship back in one piece..." said Leon as he watched them with his naked eyes.

Lilly, who wore her White Fang mask, watched through her own magnoculars as she said, "What's the plan for taking them on?"

"We let them get Stalker alone and then we attack him and kill him before leaving as fast as we can. maybe the imperials will divert his attention long enough for us to deal with him." said Xenon as he kept watching the rebels as they moved around.

As night fell, the Rebel group all gathered up together around a fire as Stalker looked at them all from behind a portable holoprojector as he said, "Alright, here's the plan.

"Tomorrow morning, RWBY will go north and keep watch there and report anything they see up there. Theo and Mara will take the west while Sky and Alexandria will be taking the east."

"Meanwhile, Retz and Verde will head south and keep watch there while myself and Ray will provide us a base of operations. Everyone will rotate watches and where they watch so there shouldn't be any issues there. Additionally, we have been given permission to engage hit-and-runs on any Imperial patrol around here when it suits our advantages and since most of you will be outnumbered compared to the patrols, try not to get killed taking on a platoon or something larger because, frankly, that's my gig and it's a waste of energy."

"Any questions?" asked Stalker as he looked around.

"Who gets the speeders?" asked Theo.

"Sadly that'll be me and Ray. And only since we'll be doing long range scouting so we'll need the bikes to achiee that range in short periods of times." said Stalker.

Theodosius nodded as everyone else seemed to agree to this decision.

"Alright then, lets get some shut eye. We'll need it." said Stalker as he went inside of his ship to take shelter and sleep there.

Everyone slowly walked from the fire as they walked to where the tents had been set up and as Stalker watched them all from his cockpit, he pulsed his feelings around once to make sure the Grimm weren't around him.

" You can't control me!"

Stalker jolted in his cockpit as he clutched his body and he felt the Grimm in him trying to breakout, make him lose control.

" Allow me Control!! I must KILL!!!! "

Stalker jolted as he was losing control of his body rapidly but he fought tooth and nail against it.

" KILLLLLL!!!!!!! "

Suddenly he wretched it from his control as he was suddenly exhausted from his fight against he Grimm in him. This has been the first time it had spoken since ages, since he had first Turned as he called it when he is controlled by the Grimm. As he looked around, his muscles twitching and clammy from the internal fight, he wished he could find a way to control Grimm without this... or maybe to get this thing out without killing him.

But as he looked around, his vision began to swim and he slowly slumped from the chair and hit the deck as he slowly spread across it. As he looked down the ship towards the ramp, something must have clattered as he watched Ruby pop up and she saw him as she jogged over and grabbed him as she dragged him over to some of the benches meant for mandalorians with jetpacks as she laid him across a row and as she took out what looked like a scanner and she slowly went over his body with it as it beeped when it was done and she brought it up to her as she said, "Your temperature is running pretty high.. and your pulse is high as well.. not to mention it looks like your muscles seem to have been totally exhausted..."

"What... what happened?" she asked Stalker as she looked to him.

"Just... go to sleep... I'll be fine." said Stalker in a raspy tone as he tried to make himself comfortable

"I'll sleep with you, then. To make sure you don't do anything stupid." said Ruby as she laid down on the row across rom him and arranged herself to watch him.

That was before Zwei suddenly waddled in and it gave a small bark at Ruby before jumping on her and slowly snuggling up with her as she cooed and cuddled it like a pillow and Stalker couldn't help but smiled beneath his helmet at the cute sight.

".. what.. a beautiful... Rose..."

General Varm walked down the halls of the Schnee manor as he walked a red carpet lined by pedestals full of Dust, crystals, and more as he walked towards where he would be meeting Mr.Schnee, the current head of the Schnee Family and Dust corporations well as the only one currently sided with the Imperials.

Two butlers, standing to either side of a large double door, nodded their heads to the General as they took white, gloved hands and slowly opened the doors and the General marched right past them as he then entered the room beyond.

It was full of lush furniture and tabling as Mr.Schnee was sitting next to a butler at a cart with tea, sugar, and more and as Mr.Schnee watched General Varm walk in, he stood up as he said to the General, "Evening General, it is good to see you here. I hope you want some tea for this?"

"Three lumps." said General Varm as he sat down in a nearby chair and the Butler took three sugar lumps and put them into the cup of tea in his hands as he then stirred it with a spoon before putting down the spoon and putting the cup on a saucer as he then walked over and gave the saucer and cup to the General.

As the General took it and sipped it, he then said, "Now, let's talk business."

"Yes, yes. I hear the rebels have taken the city of Vale. A rather troubling thing, I will say." said Mr.Schnee as he sipped his cup of tea as well.

"And that is why I come to you." said the General as he put down his cup of tea. "I have come asking you to bring out our little... projects.."

"Surely a few Rebels are not enough to trouble us with bringing-"

"We have The Hunter with them... you may know him as the last Outlander." said the General as he picked up his cup of tea and gave a sip.

Mr.Schnee looked at the general as he then pursed his lips before steepling his hands together.

"How many shall we take out?" asked Mr.Schnee.

"I have for the assault, I have deployed 3 AT-AT's, a dozen AT-ST's, Two Stormtrooper regiments of 2,048, and two Army regular regiments, also 2,048 strong. But in order for me to be confident we can win... I have deployed an additional unit of Dark Troopers, about 80 of them... but I need some of our projects to be there as well, in case of him being there."

Mr.Schnee looked at the General as he thought about this before he said, "Can you promise me one thing, General Varm?"

General Varm put down his tea, his attention on the man before him.

"Bring me the head... of the Last Outlander."

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