Chapter 14

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Ray and Stalker zoomed across the plains and hills as the speeder bike engines whined and as Stalker, having on his back his sword still and on the bikes back his scythe, Ray had his Weskars on him while his rifle was on the speeder bikes back and as they continued across the ground at break neck speeds, Ray leaned over to Stalker as he said to Stalker, "When will we stop?"

"There!" Stalker pointed to a large hill ahead of them, as it bristled with trees and bushes, and Ray nodded as they zoomed towards it.

When they reached the top of the hill, they quickly dismounted as they took their gear off the bikes and as Ray and Stalker ran through the woods, they crashed through the under brush as then Stalker halted them both as he kept his Stalkers Hunter out and as he flipped it into its rifle form, Stalker got down into a crouch as Ray followed his suit and as the two made their way through the brush, the dew coated their mandalorian armor as it also wetted the metal of their rifles.

"You think the Imperials have set up a landing zone for the assault to eventually use?" asked Ray.

They stopped as they came to the top and as Stalker looked out from the hill crest to the plains that extended before them as it also seemed to extended slowly to the ocean that was between Vale and Atlas. And as Stalker and Ray began to set up, laying down on their stomachs, they also took up some camo cloaks and nets as they draped the things over themselves as they got comfortable on the cold, hard ground.

"Look for yourself." said Stalker as he extended his rifles bipod and popped up the scope as he brought the rifle stock to his shoulder.

Down below was an Imperial base being set up. It was huge, obviously meant for the assault, as he could easily the platoons and squads of Stormtroopers patrolling around with what looked like AT-DP's, the single cannon, defense variant of the AT-ST. Ray also could see the large hangars in the base as he knew that they were meant to hold some of the Imperials larger and also the larger landing pads meant for large landers.

"What... are those meant for?" asked Ray as he pointed to what looked like large containers of Dust.

"I see... Lightning Dust, Fire Dust... a tad bit of what looks like... maybe Acid Dust? But why they are here... I don't know.." Stalker said as he looked around when he then saw something else.

"Those... what do those look like to you?" asked Stalker as he pointed towards something near the hangars.

And as Ray looked to them, to him they looked like-

"Armor hangars... bit armor hangars.. Dark Troopers you think?" asked Ray.

"Possible... this looks like the General's response to us taking Vale." said Stalker as he continued to watch.

"By the way, did you remember to bring the extra fuel for the bikes?" asked Ray.

"Yep. I even double-checked. No Nar Shadda's happening today." muttered Stalker as the two then got quiet and prepared for a long watch.

Theo slowly watched with his beam rifle as he was with Mara and as he watched the plains that were out this way. Mara was, of course, bored and sore from sitting around and as she brought the magnoculars to her eyes, she then spotted it.

"Theo! 1 O'clock!" She said as she took out her two pickaxes and flipped them into blaster pistols as Theo turned to see what she saw through his scope.

A squad of eight Stormtroopers were slowly advancing down the plains as Theo put his rifle away and took out his Gatling laser as he began to advance down the hill. Mara jumped up as she ran down the hill and as she went wide of the squad, Theo advanced down straight towards them as he kept his Galting laser up and revved up.

The Stormtroopers were soon facing Theo and as they fired, Theo stopped as he then fired a stream of blue lasers that struck down a chunk of the Imperial squad and as the remaining four began to flee the area, Mara ran in with her blasters and gunned them down in a wave of blue blaster fire.

As Mara and Theo looked over the bodies, Theo looked at his Gatling before he asked, "You think I did a little bit of overkill with this?"

"Nah. I think its fine." said Mara.

"Alright... back to lookout." said Theo as he sighed and began to walk along.

Mara sighed but nodded as she walked back to the lookout hill they had.

Ruby, Yang, and Weiss all looked from atop a hill as they had been bored for the few hours. Even after Stalker and Ray, mounted on their speeder bikes, had zoomed past them, the girls had gone from being at least somewhat bored to bored enough to be dead from it.

But as Ruby looked around, she let out a groan as she then said, "I'm bored! can we just go fight some monsters now?"

"Ruby, you dolt! We have orders to keep a watch over the area! Not everything is about fighting!" said Weiss curtly as she looked around with magnoculars.

"Weiss, ease up on Ruby!" said Yang as she stood up and looked all over.

As Weiss looked all around with the magnoculars when Ruby shouted, "Monsters!!"

"Waah!!" Shouted Weiss as Ruby dashed past her, using her super-speed to blast on a wave of rose petals and Yang ran after her sister as Weiss looked over with her Myrtenaster out as she dropped the magnoculars as she took out her Naboo blaster and saw the Grimm, mostly Beowolves and Creeps as they came like a large black wave across the green landscape.

Ruby spun her scythe over her shoulders as the first beowolf was sliced in half from its downward slice and as she spun around with Crescent Rose, she fired a few shots from the built-in blaster as the heavy rounds punched through a few Creeps and as she jumped back, Yang slammed a beowolves head into the ground as her scatter blasters took out and wounded several of the Grimm around her as she was grinning.

Weiss sighed as she watched a few Creeps run towards her and as she then suddenly launched them all up with her glyphs, she took her blaster and nailed each one of them out of the air. As she watched them slowly disappear from existence, she smiled as she then felt something behind her and she rolled forward as the Ursa Minor slashed at her with its claws and she rolled to her feet just as Yang stepped in and delivered an uppercut to the things face as it fell back and she smiled at Wiess as she said, "Come on, Weiss! Don't be so frozen in combat!"

"I hate you." Weiss muttered as Yang ran off the take down some more Grimm from nearby.

Meanwhile, Ruby was slashing and slicing apart the Grimm that were all around her as she fired her blaster when she could and as she ducked a swipe from the claws of a beowolf, she reloaded her Crescent Rose before spinning it around in her hands like a baton and slicing it straight up into the things head as she watched with satisfaction as the thing stumbled back and then disintegrated into nothingness.

But then, suddenly, the Grimm stopped and sniffed the air as one before scampering off and Ruby heard a crackle over her communicator as she heard Stalker say over it, "Keep focused on your task. I ask nothing more or less."

"Roger, Stalker. We'll get back to looking out." said Weiss as she grabbed Ruby's cloak and dragged both of them back to the lookout spot.

When the sun slowly set down upon the area surrounding the Rebel encampment, everyone returned to the base camp as Ruby sighed in relief as she told them, "Sitting around and doing nothing is so boring!"

"Oh hush, Ruby! You at least had some Grimm attack you! It can't be that boring after that!" said Sky as he ate a Insta-ration from its container.

"You, like, seriously, I didn't even bring any of my holomags with me to keep me from being bored!" said Alexandria.

"No one wants to see your porn stash, 'lexy. Its also pretty boring too." said Stalker from nearby.

Ruby was confused when Weiss said, "You scum! Don't say stuff like that in front of Ruby! She's only 15!"

"My brother was getting some at that age." said Ray as he drank something from his canteen.

"OH! GROSS!!" Weiss made a face as Yang said from nearby, "Oooh... sounds like you know what can make a lady happy."

"Oh, yeah, you know." said Ray with a smile when Retz hit his head and said, "Enough of that! Before I shove my lightsaber so far up, you'll become a living glowstick!"

"Boy, that escalated quickly." said Verde. " I mean that really got out of hand."

As everyone was having a fine and dandy time, Stalker smiled from beneath his helmet when Yang then said, "So... Stalker... I hear you've been checking out my little sis."

Stalker watched Sky spew his drink from his own canteen as he coughed as Ruby blushed and Weiss gave another grimace as she said, "That's nasty."

"Oh no, you must be mistaken." said Stalker as he got up and put his hands together.

"You see, I like Weiss over Ruby. Flat-chested girls are justice." said Stalker.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" began Weiss when Stalker then said, "Which won't be long because I have something that should make her bosom grow into something a little better..."

Everyone looked at him in confusion as he then said, "Don't worry. Its not implants. it just all normal stuff."

"THATS NOT THE POINT!!" Shouted Weiss when Mara said, "Well, how then do you do it?"

"If I told you, I would kill you." said Stalker.

As Stalker took a canteen, he took form his back pocket a pulsing, green Dust sliver as he put it into the canteen before he swished it around lightly before he said to Weiss, "Here, drink up. You'll need it."

"Why should I drink anything from an Outlander?" said Weiss.

"Because you are most likely needing water yourself." said Stalker.

"I have my own canteen." said Weiss when she took up her canteen to find it empty.

Ruby pointed to a hole in it as she said, "Look! Seems like Grimm punctured it."

Weiss gave frustrated groan before she saw Stalker offer his canteen and she took it before she guzzled down the water before saying, "Thanks..."

"You are very welcome." said Stalker as he went to go take a quick break in the woods.

Stalker walked in a little ways and as he opened the access port on his armor and took a pipe out, he slowly relieved himself as it came out of the tube and onto the ground in a glittering stream.

As he did this, he kept an eye out for trouble when he heard it from nearby.

"Hello, Void Hunter." said Xenon as he appeared behind Stalker, his dual lightsabers on his belt as he had his cloaks hood up and his orange scythe in hand.

"Um... excuse me but I do like to have some privacy when I'm taking a leak. Thank you." said Stalekr as he continued relieving himself unabated.

"Oh, I'm sorry... but you are wanted dead by some people... so that's what I'm going to do." said Xenon as he twirled his scythe.

Stalker finished up as he closed the port and as he had his weapons still on him but instead of drawing them, he instead said to the rogue Jedi, "You don't want to do this..."

"Oh... and what can you offer me in exchange for your life then?" asked Xenon.

"Only a swift death..."

Xenon frowned beneath his cloak as Stalker then said, "Now... leave with your life..."

"No... you are dead..." said Xenon as he spun his scythe around and then pointed it at Stalker.

And so, Stalker slowly took off his scythe as he twirled it around in his hands as both blades from the scythe gleamed in the moonlight coming down through the trees.

Ruby was watching the flames from the fire when Retz suddenly shot up from his spot like a rocket as Sky did the same and they took out their lightsabers but didn't ignite them when Weiss said, "Whats wrong?"

Suddenly, from out of the brush all around the small camp, several Stormtroopers and Army regulars came charging out as the whole group jumped up and fired whatever blaster they could grab as the first few shots from the troopers were blocked and deflected by Sky's and Retz lightsabers and as Mara threw up her souls shield, she blocked for Theo as he scrambled for his rifle and as he brought up the old Clone War-era rifle, he loaded the blaster pack and then began to spew death into the enemy as they charged the group. The Imperial Army troopers, who were the most seen in the Empire, wore a greenish-grey jumpsuit, a plasteel chest plate that covered their upper torso, and wore a helmet that was grey and extended down past their ears. They often times had attached to their helmets goggles that were pure black and protected their eyes. These guys instead wore besides the chest plate a pack on their backs, face plates that looked like a Stormtroopers, and had on their shoulders plasteel shoulder pads and they were all armed with the normal Stormtrooper E-11 blasters.

Sky stopped another blaster bolt with his lightsaber and as he sliced it across the army troopers chest, Retz suddenly lashed out with Force Lightning as the lighting stitched itself between two Stormtroopers and a single Army trooper as they screamed and writhed in pain before soon falling to the ground as they died in the most agonizing way.

Verde swung his twin axes as he lopped off an arm from a Stormtrooper, who screamed before having the axe blade dug into his gut and as Verde kicked the man off, he combined the axes as he fired his powerful rifle as it blew off the torso of another trooper.

Stalker slashed above Xenon as he then flipped his scythe in his hands upward and as Xenon attempted to block it, he watched in surprise as his scythe was completely cut in half as and as he pulled out his lightsabers and activated the hilts to make the orange blades leap out from them, he watched as Stalker stopped and put away his scythe very quickly and then pull out a Force pike as the tip ignited and crackled with energy as Stalker twirled it around him and then pointed it at Xenon.

"I see you are a resourceful mercenary." said Xenon as he then Force Pushed Stalker back.

Stalker skidded back on his heels but did not fall and as he brought up his Force pike to stop one of Xenon's blades, he knew he was going to have to pull off a dirty move to kill this rogue Jedi. He had fought one or two Jedi before but then he had friends helping him take them out. Now he was on his own and as he blocked another attack, he spun the pike around as he stabbed at Xenon but it was blocked as Xenon spun and brought both blades down.

Stalker pushed back Xenon as he suddenly cloaked and powered down his pike and as Xenon tried to sense him, suddenly Stalker punched him as he slammed the butt of the pike into Xenons gut and as Xenon stumbled back Stalker cloaked again before tripping up Xenon and slamming the staff down onto Xenons face.

Or he would have had Xenon not pushed him back with a Force Push that sent him skidding along the ground and as Stalker stopped himself, he heard the fighting going on at the encampment as he said, "You lead them to us, didn't you?"

"Gotta keep them away long enough." said Xenon as he twirled his lightsabers.

Stalker sighed beneath his mandalorian helmet when he suddenly kept low as his jetpack he had on his back, something he had just taken from the black market that was still working on the moon above, as he fired a fusion missile at Xenon, who stopped it with the Force till Stalker took up a one-use blaster and blew up the missile frozen in the air and Xenon shouted as the flames reached out and smacked his face a little as he both lightsabers and one tumbled into Stalker's reach as he launched himself at t and grabbed it as he ignited the blade and held it up.

Xenon stumbled over to his other and brought it up and as he saw Stalker, he said to him, "Can you even use that?"

"Wanna find out?" asked Stalker.

Xenon gave grin as he then dashed at Stalker, who brought up the blade of orange as both lightsabers met in a clash of energy and as both tried to push against one another when Stalker lashed out with a kick and Xenon spun away as he slashed with his lightsaber and Stalker blocked the blow before lowering his shoulder and charging.

Xenon rolled away as he threw his lightsaber and used the Force to curve it towards Stalker, who batted it away before he launched himself on his jetpack at the Jedi. Xenon tried to dodge but gave up as he decided to block the attack and as he pushed Stalker back into the sky, Stalker circled in the sky as he came back down again.

Leon ran from the firefight unfolding at the camp with Lilly as they knew the small platoon they had brought with them was being easily slaughtered by the rebels and mercenaries and as they reached the woods Stalker had supposedly gone in, they stopped as Leon stopped with Lilly as he saw Xenon dueling with Stalker.

Stalker suddenly got low as he activated his jetpack and angled himself as he began to spin like a top but the speed of the jetpack propelled him towards Xenon as Stalkers blade blurred around him as Xenon had to shift his defense low for about a moment just as Stalker twisted his body to do a vertical spin attack as Xenon spun from the attack and as he brought up his lightsaber to block another blow, Stalekr faked a high to go for a low attack and as Xenon felt the pain as it grazed his side, Stalker jumped back and he watched as Xenon to grimace before he said, "Is that the best you got?"

"Bring it." said Stalker as he kept the lightsaber up.

Xenon gritted his teeth as he Force dashed at Stalker and Stalker was hit back as the lightsaber bounced off hi Beskar'garm and Xenon looked incredulously at Stalker as he said, "Impossible!"

"Not impossible. Just good Beskar." said Stalker as he then did one last launch with his jetpack as he slashed as hard as he could with the lightsaber.

Xenon blocked but Stalker angled his blade down and took off the other half of Xenon's lightsaber and as Xenon stumbled back from a kick, he then felt something stab his middrift and smelled charring flesh.

"NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!" screamed Leon as he saw Stalker spear his older brother in his gut with his own orange lightsaber and as Lilly grabbed Leon, she began to drag him away as Xenon looked to Stalker before keeling over.

As Stalker broke the lightsaber in his hands, he looked down at the deflated cloak before him as he knew what had happened and sighed. And then he slowly began to walk back to the encampment as everything had gone quiet.

Theodosius stood watch with his Gatling laser as he was with Verde and Alexandira, who had her mace in its rocket launcher form. Weiss and Yang were trying to salvage the supplies that had been attacked by the troopers. Sky and Retz were exhausted as Mara was curled up on a portable cot as she was exhausted and hurt from using her Soul shield semblance and as Ruby was sitting on the remains of her caught, she saw Stalker as he slowly came from the woods as she managed to get up and said, "What happened? Where were you?!"

"Dealing... with the ones who caused all of this." said Stalker as he noticed his droids had been taken down but from the looks of it they had take out a lot of the enemy.

"What do you mean?" asked Ray as he then saw the marks on Stalkers armor.

"You killed a Jedi didn't you?"

Stalker nodded as he then said, "He was a rogue... if he was any bit a normal Jedi, he wouldn't have attacked me.. or lead the troopers here."

Stalker looked around as he then said, "At least he died fighting... the last one.. well, Ray had to kill him because that mans mewling drove me up the wall."

Sky was about to say something when Weiss then said, "Wait... then what is that?"

Stalker held up his hand as he held up the symbol that had been attacked to Xenons shoulder pads.

"The Roman Syndicate.."

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