Chapter 15

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The syndicate was in a buzz. Cinder watched as Syndicate thugs and White Fang all went to-and-fro as they were running all over to abandon the hideout they had made beneath Vale and as she watched them, she sighed as she looked back to Emerald and asked, "Are you sure Xenon is dead?"

"Yes, ma'am." Emerald said as she then took out Xenons cloak and two lightsabers as Cinder took them and then cursed as she tossed them away.

"Damn that man!"

Emerald winced as the items clattered to the ground as Mercury appeared and he said, "Want me to kill him now?"

"NO! We must consolidate our forces elsewhere before the Imperials attack Vale and destroy it!" said Cinder as she sighed and wished once again Roman was still alive and here as he would have known what to do best.

But he was gone and she had to pick up the pieces now.

"Where will we go?" asked Emerald.

"Mt.Glenn. The White Fang have set up shop there. We'll continue our operations there." said Cinder as she began to walk towards her own private ship that was sitting idly nearby.

When the Imperial craft and shuttles came, it was a huge mass that almost darkened the skies. Stalker and Ray watched them all as they watched the three AT-AT's first be unloaded from their craft before over a dozen AT-ST's were dropped off. As those transports went away, the more obvious transports meant for the Army regulars and the Imperial Stormtroopers came down and disgorged at least four regiments in total, half Stormtroopers and the other half being Army regulars. But as Stalker watched the transport come down, he watched in shock and surprise as 80 Dark troopers, Phase 2 and Phase 1 class troopers, slowly march down as Ray said, "And you fought which ones again?"

"I believe they were the human versions, jetpacks and blasters although I know some have also electrical shockers but... this many for us? Ridiculous.. even for me." said Stalker as he watched the troopers and everyone else begin to take up residence in the base.

And then, slowly, one last one appeared and slowly came down and put down a container and as it was opened, Stalker saw something that surprised him.

"I see Dust Cannons... on what look like squat walkers... Imperial projects?" asked Ray.

"Possibly." said Stalker as he then said, "We need to move... Ozpin must be warned about this huge force."

Both nodded and then ran off to get on their speeder bikes as it wasn't long before they went sweeping away from the area.

When Weiss woke up, she slowly lifted herself when she felt her chest constricted and she sighed as she looked down, expecting some form of wrapping or rope that Stalker the pervert and scum probably put on her. But when she looked down, she found her dress barely containing a sudden bust that was at least C and as she looked down at it, it was getting increasingly tighter as she quickly began to try and relieve it from being anymore pressed against her as she reached down and began to undo her corset as she also began to take off her bra because now it was too small for her. She also looked around and saw no one else in the camp was awake and was relieved.

But just as she took off her bra and most of her upper clothes, suddenly she heard the sound of Ray and Stalker appearing on their speeder bikes and before she could even move, she heard Stalker turn off his speeder as he said, "Holy cow... that is a bosom if I ever saw one from a Schnee..."

"EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!" She screeched out, loud enough to wake everyone up as he covered herself with her arms and she got red in her face as she then said, "YOU PERVERTS!!!!!"

"I'm taking a pict." said Stalker as he was about to when suddenly Sky said, "Hey, what brought you here early?"

"The Imperials are here... Four regiments... AT-AT's, AT-ST's... Dark Trooopers... and some new Imperial tech with Dust Cannons." said Ray as he then went to grab something from Stalkers Gauntlet fighter to cover up Weiss. "I'll be back Weiss to help cover you up."

"She can use this though." said Yang as she took off her orange scarf to reveal a shirt she used to sleep in as she currently had her normal clothes on since she had slept in it.

Weiss took it as everyone away to let her change and as Stalker went into his fighter, he said to them, "We need to go back to Vale now! Before the Imperials slowly begin their advance. They might not have anyway to get their right off the bat but we must act fast now or we lose any advantage of preparing for them in Vale."

"What about us taking them on and hitting them while they still are here." asked Retz.

"Too risky." said Stalker as they began to quickly load up the scant remains of the supplies as Stalker and Ray began to pilot the Gauntlet fighter.

It took them less than a few hours for them to reach Vale, thanks to Stalker going full power to the place as they discarded all forms of stealth and as they soon came in for a landing at the spaceport, everyone was quick to dismount as they went to report to Ozpin.

They took a armored transport for everyone but Stalker and Ray, who went there on their speeder bikes, zoomed away and as Stalker slowly lifted the craft above the buildings, Ray continued after him as they went straight for the HQ. The Rebels all along the perimeter watched them as they soon entered the compound and as they ran through the halls and as they took the elevator up, they had to get this going fast so defenses could be prepared.

The thing stopped and as the doors opened, they flew out like a whirlwind as they ran straight into the command center as Ozpin and Glynda looked over at them as Ozpin said, "You two look like you have news..."

"Three AT-AT's, a dozen AT-ST's, 80 Dark troopers, Three mechs that look Imperial with Dust Cannons, and four regiments in total of Imperial troopers... a force that could destroy Vale.." said Stalker.

Ozpin looked at them as he then slowly went to the holoconsole nearby as he brought up a map as he said, "And this was where?"

"Just north of us near the ocean..." Stalker said.

Ozpin gave a sigh before saying, "All units... prepare the city for a siege.."

Glynda began to tap commands on her tablet as Ozpin looked to Stalker and said, "Get teady in that fighter. You are gonna do a strike attack on them and hit them where it counts but only on my command."

Stalker nodded as he ran off and Ray followed as Ozpin then asked, "Anything else to report?"

"I found out the Roman Syndicate is real." Stalker threw the patch before continuing from the command center.

Ozpin took it and then he looked to Glynda as he said, "Get the turbolasers ready, get the AA defenses, get everything ready and have the recruitment go in overdrive. We need people to defend Vale now!"

She nodded as she then began to tap more rapidly on her small tablet as she then said, "What about the rest of his team? What shall they do?"

"Keep them on standby and then prepare for them to have to do another strike attack after Stalker."

Stalker and Ray were back at the spaceport within about 15 minutes and as Stalker and Ray were going through the systems and the weapons systems, Stalker said, "I hope you're ready to hit and run these guys. I want those Sonic warheads to be ready to rain Mandalorian justice on these Imperials."

"What about the AT-AT's and AT-ST's and maybe some sort of aerial support?" asked Ray as he soon settled down into his co-pilot seat.

"I'm expecting mostly shuttles and transports but maybe some Coffin Jockeys might pop up." said Stalker as he settled into his pilot chair and as they got the fighter prepared, suddenly the holonet in between the two suddenly lit up as Ozpin was on it, a foot-tall version of him, as he said to them, "Stalker, Ray, you have full clearance to light up those Imperials where they are and don't spare them once!"

"This is Stalker. Orders understood." said Stalker as he closed the back hatch of the fighter and then slowly then lifted the spacecraft into the sky.

As soon as they were at the right altitude, Stalker punched the engines as he powered up the shields and then also the laser cannons as Ray prepared the sonic missiles, which were based on the Jango Fett's Slave I bombs. They did the same thing but had a small radius for the sonic warheads.

As Stalker brought he craft low over the landscape, he kept an eye on the radar as he was expecting to see a ton of Tie Fighter pops up and begin an attack on them.

When they began to near the base, it was obvious there was new air traffic in the sky and as Stalker began to bring them up high, he said to Ray, "You in range yet."

"Not yet." said Ray as he began to keep an eye on the radar and the targeting terminal.

Stalker continued to keep his course as he watched one of the Tie Fighters begin to turn towards them. He kept the shields up as he kept the laser cannons powered and as he looked on the ground, he could see the base in all of its glory.

And he was going to lay waste to it like no other.

"Target range reached. Stalker, firing two missiles!" said Ray as he pressed a button.

Two missiles came streaking from pods within the main body of the craft, since the wings could move independently, and as the missiles streaked towards the ground, stormtroopers looked up before attempting to run for cover. The sonic missiles hit the ground and then the sonic booms cracked the sky and the ground as people were thrown all over and as Stalker continued to go straight at the base, he said to Ray, "Fire more! I know these missiles are expensive but we're gonna level this place!!!"

"You got it!" Ray fired ten more missiles and as the base began to shudder from the sonic booms rocking its surface and sky. Stalker watched with much satisfaction as the whole thing becoming an anthill and as he fired a few laser cannons, he destroyed an AT-ST as he then heard the screams of the Tie Fighters.

"INCOMING! EVASIVE MANUEVERS GO!!!" Shouted Stalker as he jinxed the craft just as the iconic Imperial craft, at least six, began to come after the craft.

Stalker flipped the large craft as his cannons spat yellow bolts of laser as the first two blew up in huge fireballs and as Stalker blasted past the others, the four remaining Ties went after them, the shields began to take some hits from the back and as Ray diverted some of the power to the rear shields, he said to Stalker, "I hope you don't try to do anything stupid in the front! I just some power to the rear to keep us alive."

"Good! Because I'm going low!" Stalker dipped the large fighter craft to the ground as Ray held onto his seat.

The fighter craft followed them and as Stalker jinxed it tot he right, he suddenly said "FIRE!" as Ray fired three missiles.

Three fighters blew up as the last one was tossed around and as it began to try and go back, Stalker pursued it as he fired at it and as it dipped and dived, Ray said, "I only got one missile left!"

"Can you hit the base?" asked Stalker.

"Yeah! Firing now at the AT-AT bays!" The missile streaked towards the base as Stalker put his crosshairs of his laser cannons on the craft and fired as the cannons spat laser bolts at the fighter.

It exploded and as Stalker looked back, he watched the missile hit the AT-AT hangars and he smiled as he said, "Alright, lets go home!!"

Ray nodded when they heard the sound of something else above them and then the craft took several hits as they began to go down.

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