Chapter 18

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The Rebels along the walls saw the army first as it began to crest one of the larger hills surrounding.

The first to be seen were the AT-AT's as they slowly lumbered over the hills, their lasers ready to blast apart anything before them. Swarming around their feet were what looked like a dozen of the AT-ST's as the chicken walker kept their guns aimed at the city. Soon following them were the Imperial walkers with the Dust Cannons as the Dust glowed inside of the cannons containers with the weapons.

And then, aboard what looked like some small transports and running across the ground, were the Imperial Army troopers and the Imperial Stormtroopers.

The Rebels all were scrambling across the walls and city of Vale as they were trying to quickly set up whatever defenses they could while hastily made armored cars and vehicles mounted with all sorts of weapons were being deployed, everything from heavy blasters to a few small laser cannons.

Ozpin watched everything being deployed as he wished he could have some Rebel T4-B's, T3-B heavy tanks, or maybe even some T2-B Repulsor tanks to help support the ramshackle fleet of armored vehicles he was using. But they would have to make do with what they had available to them when suddenly he heard something on the holopad in his pocket and he took it out as he saw Qrow there.

"You ready for what's to come?" asked Qrow.

"We'll see." said Ozpin as he then said, "To all units, prepare to repulse an Imperial assault. We must fight as hard as we can to fend them off from taking this city."

"Hunters, prepare to engage the enemy." said Glynda from nearby as she soon put her tablet down and took her wand out. "Ozpin, are you ready for combat?"

Ozpin looked at her as he took up his cane and then he nodded.

"It's now or never.."

Ruby watched from atop the walls of Vale as the Imperials slowly came over the hills as they came straight towards the walls and as she heard the turbolaser batteries slowly start to power up. Seeing such a huge assault slowly coming towards Vale made her actually feel scared, even if there seemed to be less men coming towards them than Stalker may have seen back at the coast.

And then, slowly rising from behind the Imperial forces, a scant few remains of the Dark Troopers slowly began to form up and as she watched them, Weiss popped up next to her with her rapier and her Naboo blaster pistol as she said, "You think we can hold off these Imperials?"

"If anyone had a chance, it would have been Stalker.." said Ruby.

"You make it seem like he's that good.. why?"

"Well, " said Yang from nearby as she appeared while some rebel troopers began to quickly run around the walls as they prepared launchers and more to be used against the Imperials, "he has seemed to get out of a lot of bad situations and of course rally us when we needed it..."

"But he currently is in a bacta tank from doing one of those... that says that he's just as useful as any of us are.." said Weiss as she went back to watching the Imperials.

"Still, he would know what too do... and how to deal with them all..." said Yang.

Weiss looked at her as she sighed and then she thought about it before saying, "Well.. lets just hope someone maybe comes and helps us... otherwise we won't last long against such a assault.."

Ruby and Yang nodded as then they watched the Imperials slowly begin to march towards the city just as the first Imperial AT-AT began to fire at the walls.

The camp was positioned ontop of a hill as General Winter and General Ironwood both watched their men work around the clock to prepare whatever they had coming for them at the moment. There was Paladin mechs with Dust Cannons, Atlas soldiers with normal Dust rifles, and then there was the few Atlesian Knights with their own Dust rifles and as Ironwood watched them, he asked Winter, "What news do we have from the rebels?"

"Nothing sir.. they've gone quiet for a few days now.." said Winter as she watched the camp slowly coming together as earthen barriers with spikes were made. "What of our dropship fleet, sir?"

"They should be arriving here very soon... but I hope that we can get out of here before the Imperials hit us.." said Ironwood as he took out his revolver and checked it.

"Agreed." said Winter as she looked around before she then said, "Now I think we should begin on the reports here.."

"Find the ones that really need our attention..." said Ironwood as he continued to watch the small base slowly form up.

Winter nodded as she took out her tablet and began to flick through the reports but she was going very quickly as the reports were rather dull and minor reports about supplies, scouts, and more. But as she came to one, suddenly she stopped as she enlarged and went through the report and then saw the date as she puffed her cheeks out as she was both mad at what it was about and how it had not been reported earlier. And then she saw another report and she puffed her cheeks up even more.

"Sir.. it looks like The... The Hunter is here... and that an Imperial Assault force was seen north of Vale, near the sea.. and that the Imperial assault was heading towards Vale to retake it..." said Winter.

"The Hunter?... wait.. wait... isn't that Stalker?" asked Ironwood.

Winter was quiet for only a moment before she said, "Yes... it is Stalker..."

"Hmmm... he's come back..." said Ironwood as he put his pistol away before he sighed. "You said the Imperials are going to retake Vale?"

"Yes, sir.." said Winter.

"Then prepare the men. We're going to Vale and helping defend it..." said Ironwood.

".... Yes, General." said Winter as she went off to inform the men.

We're coming Stalker... just hold out until we arrive... thought Ironwood as he went to go get his armor and equipment ready.

The cannon blasters from the AT-AT's hammered the wall sof Vale as old masonry came crashing down while AT-ST's tried to fire up at the turbolaser cannons way high up on the walls. However, the turbolasers were too high up and were firing down a steady stream of power blaster fire onto the enemy as explosions ripped apart groups of highly exposed infantry and already four, downed AT-ST's attested to the firepower they had. Ruby watched as another group of rebel troopers were blown up as a AT-AT hit them with its powerful blasters and she gritted her teeth as she said, "We better hurry and get of the walls before they come down!"

"Agreed!" said Yang when suddenly they heard something huge explode down below them.

Weiss looked down as she saw the Dust-cannon armed Imperial walkers begin to fire at the walls and as Lightning Dust, Ice Dust, Fire Dust, and Acid Dust hit the walls and as the walls began to shake, Ruby shouted, "Everyone off the walls!!"

Every man and woman of the Rebels fled as AT-AT's, who hadn't taken a loss, began to join the attack on the walls as the modified AT-MP's with the Dust cannons and AT-AT's began to take large chunks from the walls and as Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and several dozen Rebel troopers of all sorts of species ran to get of the walls, the turbolasers kept to fire as they provided what support they could, their green lasers blasting apart more enemies that were below on the open plains surrounding Vale.

As Ruby ran as hard as she could, she was a shuttle full of other troopers as they shouted and waved to her and she used her Semblance to instantly be there and as shenwatched Weiss and Yang quickly jump on, everyone else shouted for the rest of the troopers still running to the shuttle.

However, a TIE Fighter came howling in as twin cannons blasted the walls and as the group of rebel troopers were blown to bits, the shuttle quickly began to dive from the wall as more TIE fighters began to appear from the skies.

AA-fire lanced out from turrets within range and some of the TIE fighters went down to them. But the damage was done and as there was a thunderous crack that everyone in the city could hear as suddenly the walls of Vale began to slowly crumble.

Vales walls had fallen and now the Imperial would be entering the city itself.

General Varm watched the assault from the comfort of his main HQ in Atlas as it was playing out on a large holopad. He watched the walls coming tumbling down and as the Dust-MP's, AT-ST's, and AT-AT's slowly began to slowly march through the gap, he smiled as he knew that this assault was coming to a close now the walls had been broken wide open.

Nothing could stop them.

Alexandria was within the medbay as she heard the battle raging on outside and as she checked her launcher, suddenly she heard something from behind her and whipped around as the launcher became a mace instantly in her hands.

Stalker had his hands against the glass of his tank and as she watched him, she watched his body slowly go to face her as it stayed suspended in the tank.

"S-Stalker?" asked Alexandria.

Stalker didn't move again after this and as she watched him, she took her commpad out as she said, "Hey guys, Stalker just moved but he isn't anymore... he's alive but I don't know what he is doing..."

Ruby, who was currently busy shooting at a large force of Imperial Stormtroopers and Army Troopers with Weiss and some Rebel troopers, heard this and said, "Maybe's he is trying to get back to us?"

"If he is... he's sure taking his time." said Qrow as he appeared and fired his blaster from his scythe.

He peeked around as he fired again and as a Army trooper went down, a rebel suddenly held up a grenade launcher and fired a few grenades down the road as the explosions lit up the eyes of everyone but just as the trooper tried to reload, a Phase 2 Dark Trooper appeared with a gatling laser and it fired a stream of death and the trooper didn't even scream as the blaster bolts ripped him to shreds and Qrow ducked back as he said, "But lets just hope he appears at all!"

Ruby poked out as her Crescent Rose was in its balster form and as she aimed at the Dark Trooper, she sighted up on the head and steadied her aim for just a short bit of time before she fired. The Dark Trooper fell over with a thud! that could be heard and as she ducked back, suddenly Mara appeared as she fired her blasters and then suddenly put the two pistols together as they became a large shotgun and as she fired it, the shot flew down the road as several troopers were hit by it in a line and as she switched it back to her pistols, the Imperial force on the other end of the road began to try an attempt to advance down.

"They just keep coming!" Shouted Mara as blaster bolts crisscrossed down the street between the two sides.

Meanwhile, Theodosius, Verde, Retz, and Ray were holding out with a more larger group of Rebel troopers as they were going against the more centralized part of the Imperial assault and as Theodosius fired his gatling laser down the large road, he watched as a AT-ST appear and begin to fire at them. Blaster cannons obliterated rebel troopers behind cover and as Theodosius ducked behind some barricades to reload the charge pack to his gatling blaster, he shouted over to Ray, "You have anyth9ng to destroy that thing?"

"No..." said Ray as he fired his Sniper blaster and took out a Scout trooper with another sniper blaster.

"But I do." said Retz as he suddenly ran out into the middle of the road.

The AT-ST looked down at him and as Retz held up his blazing red lightsaber, the thing humming as blaster bolts seemed to lessen as most of the troopers from either side waited to watch the spectacle. The AT-ST came towards Retz as it looked down at him and as Retz watched it, suddenly he summoned some Force Lightning and launched it at the chicken walker. The AT-ST walked jolted and shook like a highlander doing the jig but Retz suddenly shut off the Force Lightning as he began to run towards the Imperial walker. It quickly recovered as it fired at him and as he Force Dashed around the shots, suddenly he Force Dashed up the AT-ST's legs as he slashed his lightsaber around the legs and then he appeared on the top as he suddenly took the force and began to crush the AT-ST's main cabin.

Screams and shouts were heard inside as the cabin began to slowly crumple and as Retz focused even more as the cabin began to crumple together even faster and then suddenly the whole cabin gave one last, long groan as it suddenly crumbled into a metal ball and as Retz flipped off, he managed to deflect and then reflect some blaster bolts back at the Imperial troopers as several of them immediately began to retreat as they had seen their only support be crushed by a Sith.

"Well.. that's one way of doing it." said Ray as he nodded to the surrounding troopers just as Theodosius shouted, "Alright everyone! Advance!!"

Troopers jumped up as they ran after the retreating enemies.

Ozpin watched from his command center as the assault slowly ground down into the city and as he did so, he could hear the radio and communication chatter from everywhere around him.

"... Squad 7 moving in to engage a Imperial position east of the river with Squads 8 and 9..."

"... Imperial AT-AT has been downed in the industry sector by Platoon 10 but heavy casualties have been sustained..."

"Imperial TIE Fighters have been reduced to half strength but the Imperials are targeting our AA turrets..."

"Sir! We have a situation! A sudden horde of Grimm are approaching the city!" shouted an officer and Ozpin looked around the map as he then saw the horde. It had Beowolves, Ursa, Creeps, Boarbatusks, Nevermores, and Death Stalkers and as he watched the horde approaching, he cursed as he said into the nearest radio, "ALL UNITS AND HUNTERS!! Listen up!!! We have a horde of Grimm on its way to the city!! We have to deal with the Imperials before then!!"

He clicked it off and as he watched the battle continue, he knew that they needed to pull off a miracle here to win the day and still be alive.

Ruby ran with Weiss and Qrow as the remains of their Rebel troopers ran right behind them, blindly firing behind them, as behind them was a horde of Imperial Stormtroopers and Army troopers and as blaster fire bolted past the group, two more rebels went down as the enemies were pursuing them viciously and as Ruby ran, suddenly Professor Oobleck appeared with the Cyber-Zwei as he hefted his flamethrower.

"FORE!" Oobleck hit Zwei like a golf ball and as Zwei, now on fire, went flying through t =he air, he slammed into the group of Imperials as several Imperials were instantly downed while the rest were blown over and as Ruby and everyone else suddenly skidded to a halt, they turned around and then unloaded a furry of blaster fire at the Imperials and as blaster fire tore down several of the Imperials, the few remaining Imperials began to flee as Zwei was quick to run over as Oobleck smiled.

"Well, I say we gave those chaps a good walloping! Nevertheless! Grimm are approaching the city and we must push the Imperials back before then!" said Oobleck as he began to run after the Imperials.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a explosion above them and as everyone looked up, they watched in surprise as old Atlas dropships began to drop both Atlesian Knights and Atlas troopers, along with some Atlas Paladin mechs, as the group watched one come down and come from it was-

"Winter!" Shouted Weiss as she ran to her sister, who held both a blaster and a Dust rifle, along with her saber on her hip.

Winter smiled as she waved to her sister before she said, "We heard you all needed a hand. So we came to lend you all one."

And then Ironwood appeared and as he walked down, he held out his .300 magnum-styled revolver as he looked around and said, "Where's Stalker?"

"Took a rocket for a buddy just before the battle. He's in a bacta tank right now." said Qrow as he watched the few Atlas military run off the continue the fight.

"Damn it! We need him now more than ever, and especially with the Grimm coming!" said Ironwood.

Winter and Weiss both exchange a glance at this before Ironwood said, "Still, we need to go help the battle out. My dropships can fight off the TIE's but they can't deal with those AT-AT's."

"I know one went down by a platoon but they had heavy equipment nearby to attack the AT-AT's... we don't have much of that." said a trooper with a radio.

Ironwood nodded before he said, "Well.. lets go and join the fight."

And with that, the whole group ran off to join the fight.

Sky was with Mara as he ran with some troopers and as he turned the corner, suddenly his lightsabers blazed to life as he blocked both of Retz lightsabers and as they backed off, Retz asked, "You all good?"

"Yeah... what about you all?" asked Sky.

"We could be better." said Retz when suddenly there was an explosion from nearby.

Sky and Mara, along with the rest of the troopers, looked around the corner as they watched the Rebels with Verde, Ray, and Theodosius try to hold off an AT-AT and several Army and Stormtroopers and as the group ran to join the other, Theodosius watched another blast of the AT-AT take out a group of Rebels and he cursed in his Phase 1 armor as he shouted, "Someone find me something to take out that walker!!"

Suddenly, an Atlas mech appeared and as it began to fire at the AT-AT, several Atlesian Knights and Atlas troopers ran to support the Rebels and Ironwood appeared as he said, "Mind if I help you all?"

Theodosius nodded as then Ironwood began to advance and as he took out his revolver, he aimed it towards the AT-AT as Ray said, "No way... no way..."

Ironwood fired and they watched the shot blast through the AT-AT's view window and as they watched it give a sudden wobble, it then began to keel forward as Ironwood brought his revolver to his side as the AT-AT hit the ground hard just as its head began to smoke.

"NO FRICKING WAY!!!!!" Shouted Ray as the Imperials began to flee and as Ironwood looked at them all, something was coming over the walls just as Ruby and the others appeared.

The Grimm horde had arrived and were making short work of the Imperials.

Troopers screamed as Grimm Beowolves, Boarbatusks, Ursa, Death Stalkers, Nevermore, and Creeps tore them apart and as Ruby switched Crescent Rose into a scythe, suddenly a Beowolf ran at her before stopping in its tracks.

And then it smiled as it waved slowly and said in a unhuman voice, "Even in a bacta tank... I can save you all...."

"And now for the cleanup time." said the beowolf as it took its claws and tore its throat out.

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