Chapter 19

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Grimm Beowolves who talked was scary enough.

Seeing one tear out its throat with its own claws was shocking and terrifying as well and as Ruby watched the Grimm killing themselves, it was beyond words to speak. She watched Beowolves disembowel themselves with their claws, Nevermores bash their heads open, Ursa tear one another limb-from-limb, Death Stalker stabbing themselves repeatedly with their stingers, Creeps rip each others throats out, and Boarbatusks throw themselves onto their own broken tusks and as everyone watched this, Ruby was appalled as Qrow kept himself quiet at the spectacle.

"This... is... the power... of Stalker?" asked Weiss in horror as the last of the Grimm soon were dead as they began to disappear from existence.

Winter watched them fall and as she did so, she was in pure awe at this incredible display of power from Stalker, especially if he was within a bacta tank back at the Main imperial base. She had never personally seen him in combat but as she watched the Grimm soon disappear into nothing, she knew that the tales were likely to be real.

Finally, Theodosius said to them all, "Hey I jut got news Stalker is fully conscious now and is expecting us!!"

"Let's move!" said Theodosius as soon gunships began to go down towards the ground, a mixture of Atlas, Rebel, and even a few Imperial, as they began to go and pick-up troops and as Winter, Wiess, Ruby, Yang, Theo, Ironwood, Retz, Qrow, and Ray boarded one of the old LAAT gunships, it soon closed as the rebels continued elsewhere as Ray said, "Team JNPR, Mara, Sky, Oobleck, Port, and Verde are also on their way towards the HQ... Ozpin, Alexandria, and Glynda are already there and waiting on us."

"Then tell the pilot to get going! I bet Stalker would be really disappointed if we arrived late." said Ironwood as he stood at parade rest within the moving dropship.

Alexandria heard the door open as she looked back to see RWBY, JNPR, Mara, Sky, Theo, Winter, Ironwood, Port, Oobleck, Ray, Retz, and Verde all enter the medbay as they all looked up towards the center figure right now on the bench before the center bacta tank as Ozpin and Glynda were to either side.

Stalker had been dried and was now in his repaired Beskar'garm as well as his Outlander, under armor. This was all thanks to Alexandria, who had done her very best to repair it as fast as she could for Stalker.

Stalker looked at the group now within the room and as he looked towards where Ironwood stood, he said to Ironwood, "General..."

"Stalker..." said Ironwood.

Stalker looked around at the group some more before he suddenly gave a sigh and said, "Ray... Verde... come help me to a bunk... I'm pooped.. you all forced me to summon Grimm into the fricking fight to help win it!"

Ray and Verde both laughed as then Retz said, " I also have your weapons ready for you, okay?"

"Good.... thanks.." said Stalker as Ray and Verde put him on their shoulders and as they began to walk out, Stalker then stopped them as he looked to Ironwood.


Ironwood looked at Stalker with a neutral face.

"Thanks for coming to help... we really needed it this time.." said Stalker as he soon was bore away from the room and towards the mercenaries bunks.

Ironwood suddenly let out a sigh of relief as he seemed to stagger and everyone looked at him in surprise as Winter said, "General! What happened?"

Ozpin smiled as Glynda then said, "He just got the best thing told to him by Stalker..."

"You bet.." The general smiled as he managed to wipe a tear from one of his nearby eyes and as he looked at them all before saying, "You see... we never really met eye-to-eye when we first met in... well, a special program..."

"He couldn't forgive me for some of the things that happened... but hearing him say that... means that I'm sure he forgives me..." said Ironwood as he sighed in happiness, one of the few times he may ever do that.

Winter and Weiss were both speechless at this as then Ozpin said, "General... I believe we should all get some rest.. Glynda, will take care of the assignments..."

The General nodded as he and Ozpin soon left the room and as everyone else looked to Glynda, she sighed as she was giving a smile before saying, "Alright... we have a lot of work to do.."

Ruby sighed in relief as she was headed down to go get some sleep. Whereas JNPR, Mara, and Sky would be taking first watch on the walls in case of normal Grimm attacked while the Rebels repaired the wall, RWBY, Alexandria, and Theodosius would be taking a nice nap until their shift began and as she walked along, she suddenly saw the mercenaries room ajar and she was curious and decided to poke her head in.

Verde and Ray were on the floor as they were playing what looked like a card game of some sort. Stalker was in the nearest bunk bed as the cover were over him and he had his armor on but his weapons remained at the foot of the bed as she saw his scythe and also what looked like a sword, wrapped up with cloth that was ragged and burnt but somehow still intact. She also swore she saw embers coming from the hilt but then suddenly Verde said, "Shhh! Keep quiet and sit down... he's sleeping as best as he can..."

She nodded as she slowly walked in and as she sat down next to the two mercenaries, she looked at Ray without his helmet on as she said, "Hey... what are you all playing?"

"Oh is just a small gambling game we decided to make... of course, credits are precious to us so we can't do that..." said Ray as he then took out what looked like-

"EH?! WHAT ARE THOSE DOING IN YOUR POCKETS?!" she shouted but when she heard Stalker groan, she soon realized the mistake as Stalker didn't wake up but he sighed as he went back to sleep.

"Wow... you almost woke a beast up..." said Verde with a small chuckle as his own helmet was next to him as he placed a frilly, pink pair of panties on top of the black, laced one Ray had put down.

"But why these? Does this mean you-" began Ruby as he face was getting redder when Ray held up his hands.

"No... no... none of us have ever gotten, laid... not even my bro, who is now in his forties and has a wife! I feel sorry for him..." said Ray as he chuckled. "No.. these.. well, they are paymets for some.. rather odd jobs we did and its part of our usual payout... you can imagine that those women weren't very... giving of these to say the least..."

"Besides.. if we had... man I would be taking so much medicine to keep the STD's off.." said Verde as he gave a sudden shiver in horror.

Ruby managed a small smile as she then looked around and asked, "Where is Retz?"

"Oh, him?" asked Ray. "You won't believe me.... but.. he's meditating with Sky..."

"How is that possible? I thought Sith and Jedi were suppose to be severe enemies?" asked Ruby.

"There's one more Jedi type that he could be right now..." said Verde as he put down the flop.

"A Grey Jedi...."

The night sky was above them as Retz and Sky sat facing away from one another as they sat cross-legged in the garden in the middle of the city. Both had their cloaks on and their hoods up as they were just meditating as the Force swirled around them and as they did, neither needed to speak a word.

Retz found it funny, how much he had truly changed since he had first Stalker many years ago. Back then, he had been a true Sith warrior, only killing and wanting death. He had met Stalker and had scoffed at how such a Mandalorian person could be so kind as much as he could be cruel. But as time went on, and after some more time with Stalker, he had found himself becoming something else.

A Grey Jedi.

"So... you come to me... to seek council?" asked Sky as he spoke for the first time.

Retz smiled from beneath his black hood as he said, "No... I seek a partner to keep me on the path I now am on..."

"I never thought to see a Grey Jedi in my life... especially from someone I thought you to be too far Sith..." said Sky as he opened his eyes.

"Well.." said Retz as his two red lightsabers appeared before him as they spun in his Force grip. "At first I was just a Sith... I killed... I tortured... but then Stalker appeared..."

Sky couldn't help but smile. It seemed so much like a naïve kid talking but as he watched Red slowly taking apart his lightsabers, he then said, "Don't change the blades..."

Retz looked at Sky as he then said, "It doesn't matter anymore if you area Grey Jedi.."

Retz nodded and as they both went back to closing their eyes, they soon began to meditate with the Force that was around them.

Leon was trying his hardest to not let loose with the Force as Lilly was nearby, slowly using her minor telekinesis to spin around her Dust kunai and as Lilly watched Leon from behind her mask, she sighed.

They were currently within the Vale small slums, meant for faunas sadly enough, as she had just decided to kill the land lord and take the place for their own use but as she watched Leon, she said to him, "You want revenge don't you?"

"OF COURSE I DO!" Roared Leon as his Force suddenly hit everything and sent almost everything in the small apartment flying through the relatively thin walls and as she ducked behind a desk, she said, "OKAY! Okay! I get it!!"

Leon finally calmed down as he soon curled up on the floor and as Lilly looked back to the broken holo-pad communicator nearby, it made her mouth turn sour.

Cinder was known to be cruel to them all but what she had told Leon had been as black-hearted as it could come.

"Your brother was a pawn... and that makes you nothing..."

Leon had smashed the communicator apart and as she looked back at him, she began to think about who they could maybe turn to that might help them out at the moment.

The Imperials? Not likely, not without a ton of stupid paperwork.

The Rebels? Maybe but only if those Hunters and Stalker didn't see them.

She then thought about Stalker and how he had taken on Xenon and as she thought more about Stalker, she then had the craziest idea ever. And as she watched Leon and how he was suffering, she began to slowly creep out of the room as she was going to go and do something she would not normally do.

She was going to find Stalker and have Leon be helped.

Ruby was so shocked at what Verde had just pulled out.

"My final bet of the day! My blue-white, striped, thong!" said Verde in a shushed tone as he slapped the thing down onto the floor.

"And then I go with a raise with a red, lacy, bowed, nekopara thong!" The infamous, shaped panties were thrown down and as Ruby picked them up, she said to him, "Are you serious?"

"Drat! I should have known you would pull that one out!" said Verde.

Ruby watched as the flop appeared, along with the run, and then she watched as Verde's two kings didn't beat Ray's two Aces.

"Frag you, you little mandalorian!! I hate you!!" said Verde as Ray took all and as he grinned, he then looked to Ruby and said, "Sorry you had to watch this.."

"Why do you say that?" asked Ruby.

"You're face is as red as a beat..." said Ray.

Her face was red and as she looked at them, she soon put her hood up over her face as she said, "Can I ask you one thing?"

"Yeah, sure." said Verde.

"Can I borrow one of those you have?"

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