Chapter 20

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When Stalker woke up, he slowly sat up as he gave a small moan and as he looked around, he saw Ray and Verde both on the floor playing their card game still with the panties as money and as Stalker slowly managed to swing his feet over the bed edge, his feet touched the cold floor as Ray saw him and said, "Oh hey dude! You are awake!"

"When did this begin?" asked Stalker as he pointed to the whole game.

"Oh sometime ago... wanna join in?" asked Ray.

"Are you kidding me?"

Ray and Verde suddenly got cold chills in their spines and stomach.

"I would but I don't want to lose these things." Stalker took out from one of his compartments on his suit what looked like a lacy, almost completely see-through panty that was red.

"Where the hell did you find that thing?" asked Ray as he stared at it.

"Oh.. it was a job I got from a Corellian Noblewoman... and she just so happen to have these things lying around and all that jazz..." said Stalker as he was grinning behind his helmet just as he felt his feet touch his weapons.

He looked down as he slowly managed to lean over and pick up Stalker's Hunter as his ribs complained harshly from where the rocket had hit and Stalker winced as he straightened up just as he began to look over the weapon. He saw it had a few scratches from accidently being bumped around but it wasn't too broken yet and so Stalker put it back on his back as it magnetized to his jetpack.

And then he looked down at his other weapon. Stalker's Hate was a longsword/longbow that he had created only a little time after his outpost was destroyed and he had made it so that it was an Hate-Emotional, Fire Dust weapon as well. However, as Stalker looked at the charred scabbard with the cloth he had wrapped around it being just as charred and burnt as the scabbard, he could see the occasional ember fly out from where the handle was and as he put it back onto his back, he felt his hate from years of his life going through him as he sighed in both relief and weariness.

"You know.. one of these days, that weapon will break... and when it does, I'll be there to help celebrate it.." said Verde.

"Agreed." also said Ray.

Stalker snorted as he said, "I know... it's a stain upon my life.... but its an emotional connection... I cannot break it till either it breaks... or I die..."

Verde and Ray both sighed as then they both put up the cards and what they gambled with away and as they both stood up, Verde stretched as he said, "Man... its a good feeling to get moving after sitting a long while on the ground.."

As Stalker slowly managed to stand up, he wobbled a little bit just before he then steadied himself and as he looked around, he then noticed something.

"Hey... where did you get those?" asked Stalker as he pointed to a pair of red panties on Rays bed.

"Oh... that... um... about that... yeah.." Ray said as he didn't seem to want to explain what had happened.

"Alright... who gave it to you then?" asked Stalker as he crossed his arms.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you.." said Ray.

"Oh? Who was it, Weiss?"

"Um.. no... it was... rather... it was.. Ruby.."

Stalker stared at him as Ray said, "She took the one I had, you know my nekopara one.. I can't believe she took that one of all of them..."

Stalker continued to stare at him from behind his helmet before he said, "You are kidding me! No way Ruby would do that!"

"She did, though!" said Verde.

"Oh really? Then I'll go see for myself." said Stalker.

"What?!!" shouted both Ray and Verde as they watched Stalker slowly make his way out of the room and into the pre-dawn morning.

It was still dark as the galaxy's many stars shone above them and as Stalker passed a few of the guards walking around on night patrol and as he continued towards where the Hunter's were likely to be, he kept his footfalls quiet as he slowly used his semblance of Active Camouflage to cloak himself to near invisibility.

Ruby looked at herself in the mirror as this was truly one of her firsts.

Well, she had gone and gotten new pairs of panties and bra's before when she needed them but that a need basis. But she had never, ever in her small life gotten a pair that was purely based on looks and as she looked at herself in the mirror, having only a standard, grey bra and these panties to cover herself with, it made her feel weird.

And no, not because they weren't clean. She had thoroughly cleaned them before putting them on.

But as she inspected herself in the mirror, turning her body slowly this way and that, it made her feel weird because she felt like it wasn't right for Stalker-

Where the heck did that thought come from?!

She shook her as she was about to walk over to her nearby dress that she always wore when she heard something just outside her door and she immediately and instinctively rolled and grabbed Crescent Rose in its rifle-mode as she brought it up at the door.

"Alright, where is she-" began Stalker as he opened the door instinctively just as he was staring at a exposed and well armed Ruby Rose as she went from being normal to beat-red as could be.


"EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!" screeched Ruby as she fired her blaster suddenly at him as she tried to find something to cover herself.

Stalker leapt back in the nick of time as the blaster bolt went right past his face and as Ruby grabbed her cloak, she then put it around her as she would have to wait for everything else. As she covered herself and put up the hood, she watched Stalker slowly peak his head out from the doorway as he seemed to be shaking.

"S-s-sorry... I thought my cloaking was on...l an were more dressed... " said Stalker as he rubbed the back of his helmet like it was his helmet.

Ruby gave a deep red blush as Stalker said, "Here, let me close this door and ask you from outside..."

Stalker began to close the door slowly when suddenly Ruby said, "Wait!"

Stalker halted as he had the door just bit open when Ruby said to him, "I... I bet this isn't the first time seeing a girl... somewhat... scantily clad... eh?"

"No... no... rather... its actually a first for... this certain case..." said Stalker.

"Are you turned on or something?" asked a voice behind Stalker as he froze and slowly turned behind him.

Alexandria, with her green hair and green eyes, was grinning like a loon as her pink tanktop, tan shorts, and boots were all covered in grime and grease. And then her do-rag, which Stalker had seen her wear a few times, was on her head and as she approached the door, she looked inside as she said, "And I think we both know I'm right, right Ruby?"

Ruby gave the deepest blush as Stalker suddenly hit Alexandria upside the head so hard that she stumbled into the room and as she rubbed her head, she said, "Come on Stalker! Lay off!"

"You know... I don't think I approve of how liberal you are with your tongue." said Stalker as he crossed his arms.

She sighed as she slowly sat down on a bunk as she said, " Well.. I guess I've changed since you truly last saw me..."

Stalker shook his head as he said, "No.. rather, I have... I've been with a lot of people.. some more terrible than others when it comes to... things..."

Ruby sat down next to Alexandria as she said, "Um.. could you come inside and close the door? I don't like being exposed... to others.."

Stalker slowly walked in and as he closed it, he then watched as Ruby stood up before saying, "Um.. I wanted... your.. honest opinion about how it fits..."

She slowly took her cloak and exposed herself as Alexandria took her hand and put it on her chin while Stalker crossed his arms and also his legs as the two looked straight at the red, nekopara panty-thong.

"Well... it doesn't look to bad... the red fits you well enough..." said Alexandria whereas Stalker kept his lip shut.

Ruby looked to Stalker as he held his hands up and shook his head. "Don't look at me... I'm not saying zip!"

"Also, who is this for?" asked Alexandria.

"Oh... Ray had it... and I wondered what it was like... had to give over my other pair, though..." said Ruby.

"How did you do that?" asked Stalker.

"I told them to look away at blasterpoint while I undressed."

Stalker nodded. "Ah!"

"Still.." said Ruby as she went back to her bed as she then said, "Look away Stalker.. Alexandria, make sure he does that..."

Alexandria grinned at Stalker, who did an about-face away from the changing girl and as Ruby continued to change, she was quick as felt herself being very embarrassed at what she just did. She had never exposed herself to a boy before but she definitely never to a boy like Stalker and as she finished up, she wonder why she had crossed his legs like the way he did.

And as she looked at him, she saw he had uncrossed them and one was slightly bent as that foot was slightly lifted with only the point of the metal boots touching the ground. And as she thought about what Alexandria said, as much as it embarrassed her, she suddenly realized-

"You actually have a boner?!" She squeaked out.

"Hey! These things seriously happen on their own and don't care about who knows about it!" said Stalker as he suddenly opened up the door and stormed out.

"Stalker!!" Shouted Ruby when Alexandria stopped her and said, "I got this.. just make sure you keep a pict for me!"

"Alexandria!" wailed Ruby as Alexandria grinned and left the room.

Alexandria found Stalker extremely easily. If there was one thing she had remembered about Stalker, he always loved to hide out in trees and gardens and as she looked up one particularly tall, oak tree, she saw Stalker laying across a particularly thick branch as he was staring upwards towards the skies.

She slowly sighed as she remembered her training of climbing from Stalker himself and as she began to quickly scale the tree and as she came to Stalkers branch, she slowly slid across it as she suddenly laid down on her stomach and then suddenly she plopped her breasts onto his faceplate of his helmet.

"'Lexy..... this isn't a Sakura game... so don't make it one..." said Stalker.

"Hey... you had the boner... just making sure it still works.." said Alexandria as she grinned before it failed and she sat up as she sighed.

"You remember... Valentines day?" asked Alexandria.

Stalker looked at her still on his back as he said, "Kinda..."

Valentines day had been only a week before his team would die. He remembered asking her out the day before and had decided that, for the first time ever, to wear a normal suit and tie given to him by Tank. All the other boys had also been given suits and ties that suited their colors and styles and Stalker remembered seeing Alexandria in her dress. She never like dresses, hated them, but she had wore that night a cyan colored dress that went to her ankles, a small ribbon wrapped around her waist and her hair was tied up in a singular pony tail that streamed down her left shoulder in a beautiful arc of emerald color.

His entire team had stared at her in the hallway as she had blushed and acted like a cartoon tsundere and told them they were all idiots before he had put on her a beautiful, white rose corsage.

The dance had gone really well and nothing had gone bad but he remembered how far south it had gone well so fast.

He remembered suddenly being taken by his hand by her and slowly dragged from the dance and into one of the locker rooms meant for exercising and he remembered her pushing him onto the floor as she had begun undress herself before his eyes. And lot any boy in that situation, his face got red as something pitched a tent in his pants and she had just smiled and teased it with a finger as she had told him "She was going to make him have the best time ever".

And then she had suddenly passed out, only wearing panties and a bra, as Stalker had been left stunned underneath her just as both Ragnon and Tank appeared to stare at the two. Later, it had been found out that someone had drugged the punch bowl and the culprit had caused at least eleven other students to have similar experiences.

"You know... a lot has happened since then... you've changed... you might still look at that stuff and all that but... you aren't as... pressing as before..."

He watched her smile as suddenly she reached down and unlocked his helmet and as she pulled it off, he felt the air hit his masked face as he said, "It feels good, sometimes, to feel the air on my face again."

And then she suddenly leaned over as she broke his mask off and as Stalker watched the pieces fall to the ground below, he then looked back at her as she leaned over and brushed her hair away just as she closed her eyes and kissed him.

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