Chapter 21

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Ozpin watched as the walls were slowly being rebuilt and as he then looked back tot he holotable behind him and the map of Vale it showed, he then looked at it before he said to Glynda, "Miss Glynda..."

"Yes, Professor Ozpin?" asked Glynda as she stood up a little straighter.

"Prepare the Hunters and Mercenaries to be deployed to Minstral and Vacuo." said Ozpin.

"Yes, Professor Ozpin." said Glynda as she then began to tap things on her tablet.

Ozpin then proceeded to drink his coffee as, for once, it tasted sweeter than before.

The city of Vacuo was set up just outside of the Great Wastes on the western side of the continent Vale was on. Its own walls were set up high, like Vales, but the city had gone with a circular shape instead of an oval one, due to the fact they had no large bodies of water bordering the city. Instead, besides the huge desert outside of its walls, it also had a lush set of plains to its north that it used for cultivation of farms.

It was also the Imperial garrisons #1 source of food.

But for the simple Hunter Sapphire Kyakko, it was simply her home. She didn't care really about the Galactic Civil war or the fight between the Rebels and Imperials here on Remnant, she was a Huntress and a Faunus at that. Her white tail poked out from under sapphire-pleaded combat skirt that had a touch of black lining to it as it swished from side-to-side. She wore black leggings to match her black and blue combat boots and for her top, she wore a miku-style vest that she had cut the collar off, and then finished it off with a crop short-sleeved, black hooded jacket.

On her back as a dual-side spear that had on one end a Ice Dust crystal and the other was a Wind Dust crystal that she could use to help with her parkour and also use to create a small snowstorm to keep under radar.

Of course, being a faunus, she really couldn't do that sometimes do to the fact that many people on Remnant still abuse her and put her down for being what she is. Not to mention that even when she used her semblance of Pyromancy that it only seemed to draw more attention.

Still, as she slowly walked along the streets of Vacuo was she tried to keep out of plain sight, she just hoped that one day she could be treated like equal and that one day she could find a home to settle down in and maybe raise a family. But as she looked around, she gave a sigh.

That day would have to come later.

The city of Minstral was situated in the mountains of the continent it sat on as, bordering a stretch of water much like Vale. Although its walls were high, the port that was to the west and east, connecting it, were not protected by normal walls but rather sea walls bristling with Imperial turrets. The West body of water was a huge, freshwater lake that the Minstal people used to ship to alongside the ores its mining produced. The East harbor was where the trade came in and out and as Atomic looked out over it, he was certainly happy.

Ever since the Imperials had come and taken over, he had made himself one of their best Hunters by taking down several Rebel insurgent cells within Minstral  all by himself.

Currently, he wore his modified, Imperial armor that was yellow all over while his left arm and shoulder had a red stripe going right down it to his hand. It also gave off this noticeable golden glow that made him more distinguishable compared to the other Imperial Hunters around. He had under this armor a red T-shirt with his radioactive symbol on it while he wore tan pants beneath it. His hair was pure yellow, like the sun, and his eyes were a lime green that looked like they could see through the very darkness.

He wore purple combat boots and although he never wore a helmet, he didn't mind it since his hair could flow in the breeze. It also made sure that his Loaqa Switch Handle didn't get in the way of his helmet and get caught up in it. The switch was the same one that had allowed him to find his Semblance of explosives that made him both immune to fire and explosions but allowed him, at the cost of all of his energy, to blow himself up without harming himself. The Handle looked like a large lever with prongs on the end and he had attached a Fire Dust and a Lightning Dust crystal to the prongs to make it more deadly in combat.

As he looked around Minstral, at the moment he was a bit sour at the loss of Vale even after a huge invasion force had gone in and assaulted it head on. Apparently the Grimm had gotten in the way and as he watched the Imperial TIE's slowly go over him on its patrol, nothing in this world could make him sway from being an Imperial.

Nothing at all.

Yang watched as the civilian transport slowly came down outside of Vale, since Ozpin had figured that all communications and transportation to Vale was likely to not be allowed and as she watched it come down, she looked back to the team that would be coming with her.

There was Ruby, Weiss, Zwei, Alexandria, Mara, and Sky as they all wore their best civilian clothes while still managing to hide their weaponry on them. She couldn't believe Stalker, his mercenaries, and Theodosius would be heading to Vacuo while they would be headed to Minstral. She had really hoped that they would all go together but Ozpin had told them that once Stalker or her group got finished that they could rush over to the other city to help the other out.

Which, to her ears, meant Stalker was going to wipe out an entire garrison and then solo it over at Minstral too. She gave a tsk! before the ramp lowered and as Sky waved them all onto it, she then watched as Alexandria take out a holo-magazine and begin flipping through it as she walked up.

"Say, I wonder who are contact it going to be in Minstral.." said Ruby as she walked up with everyone else.

"Hopefully someone with some manners.." said Weiss.

"Stalker has manners!" defended Ruby.

"So you think!" said Weiss.

Both puffed their cheeks out in defiance as Yang said, "Enough of that, you two! We have a world to liberate!"

Ruby and Weiss looked at Yang before they sighed and continued into the transport.

Meanwhile, Stalker was in his armor once again with his weapons exposed to all while Retz, Verde, Ray, and Theodosius were with him. All of them were in their mercenary armor since they figured the Imperials wouldn't think of them as enemies right away, or at least that's kinda what they hoped for. But even if they were immediately spotted by the Imperials, they could easily blast their way through them and continue their mission.

But as they soon began to board the transport, Stalker got a communication from his holopad and as he pulled it out and looked at it, he then saw Glynda looking at him as she said, "Stalker, we have an added mission for you..."

"What is it?" asked Stalker.

"Within the city of Vacuo, where you will be going, there will be two individuals that we need to be brought back. You may know them as the notorious Han Solo and his wookie companion, Chewbaca. Currently they are being held in their prison district but if you can somehow get them out, we can use them to get more troops here on Remnant to help fight the Imperials."

"Do you accept this task?" asked Glynda.

"We do." said Stalker.

"Good. Now get on the transport and get going!" said Glynda and Stalker nodded as he turned off the holopad and then went into the transport.

Stalker and Ray were soon the only ones awake on their transport and as they looked at one another, both had decided to take off their and put them next to one another. Ray watched as Stalker pull out something from his armor and as he looked at it, he was shocked to see it being a very old Outlander charm hanging from who knows when and as he looked at it, he began to go over the details.

The main thing in the center was a doe stag and a buck stag with their necks curled to form a heart while a circular frame of wood went around it. Two eagle feathers were on it as they formed a V towards the top and dangling from the bottom were three strings, one with a claw, one with a bullet, and the third one had what looked like a pink Dust crystal.

"What is that?" asked Ray.

"An Outlander Love Charm... I have a few Protector charms on me but this one... I'm waiting to give to... someone.." said Stalker.

"Wait... Love charm? Is that suppose to make the one person you give it to fall in love with you?" asked Ray.

"Kinda. Its meant to mark that person, however, that they are to be yours.. Usually, married Outlanders wear them to signify, next to rings, they are married.." said Stalker as he looked at it and turned it around in his hands.

"You didn't give it to Alexandria?"

"No." said Stalker. "She might seem really for it with her flirting but... even she knows when to stop.. no... I'm waiting for the one still."

"What if..." asked Ray, "the girl you want... is with us right now."

"Which one of these guys is a girl? Please, show me that part of them." asked Stalker as he motioned them all with his hands.

"Not them... the girls in the other transport..." said Ray as he gave a sigh.

Stalker looked at him as he sighed and as he put his head against the side of the transport, he then said, "Maybe... I kinda doubt it... but maybe.."

Ray smiled as he then said, "Alright... time to catch some Z's before the transport touches down in Vacuo."

Stalker nodded and then they both went to sleep.

Alexandria was reading through her holomags, which Stalker would think would be porn but it actually was just some old magazines for clothes ad weapons, when Ruby scooted over and said, "Hey... you're pretty quiet.. something wrong?"

"Oh.. just wishing Stalker was with us... I may act like something's but when he isn't around.." Alexandria got quiet as Ruby nodded and said, "You're not the same... still.. having him would actually be a good thing... because we may need his combat experience to win the day here..."

As Weiss watched them, suddenly Yang slid next to her and asked, "Jealous?"

"Why would I be? They're just going gaga over some boy.. and a Outlander one at that..." said Weiss coldly.

"Tell me about this... grudge between your family and the Outlanders.." said Yang. "I don't think you even speak on it."

Weiss looked at her as she said, "It began.. in the early days of the Cities..."

"Back then, the Outlanders were still just a myth.. outcasts and loners who only wanted to stay away from the Cities for reasons of their own.

"When the first Schnee found them... well... that's when we found a mythical Dust known as... Life Dust... it had the ability to heal wounds.. help restore severed limbs... it can even help the body... grow.."

Weiss looked down at her chest as she then realized what had just happened to her but she continued on.

"Anyway... we thought the Outlander clans.. would share this thing to help everyone else..."

Yang was quiet as she listened in still.

"But... all we got... were the wolves teeth."

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