Chapter 22

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When the transport slowly began to near Vacuo, Stalker was awake and ready as he watched Verde, Retz, Ray, and Theo slowly doing the same as they prepped their armor and weaponry for trouble that may appear.

"What's it like in Vacuo, you think?" asked Retz to Stalker.

"Its the number 1 faunus capital you could say... it used to be just a huge shanty town, with rival gangs fighting all over it constantly..." said Stalker.

"You mean, the ones who owned those?" asked Ray as he pointed below and everyone looked out a large window as they looked to see what he meant.

Down below on the savannah plains near the city were the old, rusted hulks of cars and trucks with weaponry on them as skeletons were strewn about with them. Craters from the explosions marked where the Imperials had crushed the feeble resistance and as Stalker looked at it all, he said, "Looks like the Imperials cleaned house... I don't even see anything that could have hurt them..."

"Which means we may have a hard time here, right?" asked Verde.

"Actually, I hear things have been pretty tame here... ever since these guys got killed off, no one's really wanted to bother the Imperials..." said Theodosius. "The population is likely docile and would really needed to be riled up in order for them to riot or anything else of that nature."

"Sounds troubling." said Retz. He had, despite becoming a Grey Jedi, kept the looks of a Sith even if it made him stand out still.

"It could be.. but to every city, there is an underworld and we're likely to find allies in the possible gangs here that may be squabbling amongst one another... or maybe find the Roman Syndicate and be able to eliminate them." said Stalker as he then said, "Touchdown in about 30 minute boys... stay sharp and keep together once dirtside... it will be easy to get lost without any maps or knowledge of this place."

They all nodded and as they all kept watching the landscape go by them, Stalker was worried that his assumption of there being an underworld was wrong.

30 minutes later, the transport landed and as the boy began to climb up a ladder from the underbelly they had been hiding in, they popped out into the cramp space filled with civilians, aliens, and faunus as the group stuck close to one another as their sudden presence made several people back away from them and did give them a bit of a leeway when it came to elbow room.

"Welcome to Vacuo." said a robotic, friendly voice above and as the ramp slowly lowered people began to flood towards the doors as Stalker slowly walked towards one and said, "If you have to, grab a shoulder and hold on for dear life..."

Which promptly happened and as the doors opened up to show bright sunshine, the people began to flood out as the group of Rebel mercenaries slowly made their way into the world once again.

Vacuo had once looked like a rundown metropolis, a stain on the face of Remnant as nothing good seemed to come from it. In many way, the new Vacuo was similar but there was merely a lot of cheap buildings all over to help house the populace as there was still a million gambling and other darker joins sprawled around these buildings and as Stalker looked around, he said to them, "Looks like this may be our home for a while..."

"Lets hope it stays that way..." said Retz as he looked around warily.

The group let go of one another shoulders as they slowly walked along and as Theo looked around them, he spotted them as he tapped everyone shoulders and said, "Looks like we have potential problem..."

Stalker looked and saw the AT-DP's as they stood next to an Imperial checkpoint as Imperial Stormtroopers and a grey-clad officer checked what looked like passports into the city.

"Its fine.. I should be able to get us through with this." said Stalker as he held up his personal holocomm and as everyone followed him towards the checkpoint, it was a bit unnerving to have two walkers, regardless of their type, watching them with cannons.

When Stalker came to the checkpoint, the Imperial Officer appeared and halted him as he said, "Passport please."

Stalker tossed him his holocomm and as the man looked at it, he watched as five files appeared, one with each of the groups identities on it and as he looked at it, he said to them, "Have you come to deal with the Scum gangs down in the lower levels?"

"Lower levels? I thought this was ground level." said Stalker as he looked around, seeing that they were very much so on ground level.

"The previous Warlords made a large cavern beneath and that is where we have many problems... if you wish to not be persecuted, I would advise you go down there and.. help us deal with the infernal creatures that skulk the darkness there." said the officer as he then handed the holocomm back before saying. "Proceed."

They walked through and as Stalker put the holocomm away, he said to them, "Man.. these things are old, about 3 years out of date.. and he didn't so much as bat an eyelash."

"They've gone soft." said Verde.

"Looks like this Underworld is a literal one from what he said.. I wasn't expecting that, for sure." said Ray.

"Who was? It's not surprising but its shocking it still around here at the moment." said Stalker before he said, "So why not go down there and set up shop?"

They all nodded as they began to make their way towards the notorious lower levels the Imperial officer spoke of.

The level's entrance was a large elevator and was heavily guarded it seemed by two full squads of 12 of Stormtrooper as well as two AT-DP's. And Imperial officer was there as well and as he watched the group walk towards the elevator, he held his hand up as he halted them and then walked towards them.

"What business do you have, mercenaries? The lower levels are not to be accessed by anyone but security personnel." he asked them.

"We're here to help out... is there something wrong with that?" asked Theo as his gatling laser poked over his shoulder with his rifles.

"Do you have security passes?"

The whole group seemed to give a collective sigh as the officer waved them away as he said, "Do not bother coming back unless you have one on you.. and only if you're lucky enough to get even near the Imperial HQ..."

"Thanks for the heads up.. We'll make our way there now." said Ray as he waved a hand and as the officer gave a scowl.

And as they began to leave, Stalker said to them, "You think it's gonna be that hard to get in?"

"Maybe... if the Big Honcho sent word of us to his lower goons.. we may not even leave the city alive." said Retz.

"May be a risk we have to take.." said Stalker as he then said, "And lets hope it doesn't cost a fortune to deal with the paperwork."

As he looked around, he then saw some speeder bikes and as he looked towards the owner, he paid the fare as he jumped onto the speeder bike as he said," Alright guys... time to speed this all up."

They all jumped onto Speeder bikes and then they zoomed off as they went higher into the sky to avoid the many crowds.

It didn't take them very long for them to reach the HQ outer limits and as they got off their speeder bikes and locked their controls down, they looked at the huge structure as it rose from the ground three levels below and went past their heads.

And each level was at least five stories up above the ground level.

As Stalker looked at one of the guards with an officer, he then saw the Imperial officer see them and he seemed to sigh as he said, "You hear to get a pass to the sublevels as well?"

"Yeah.. Can you help us?" asked Stalker.

"Names." said the Imperial officer as he took out a holocomm.

"The Remnant Hunter."

This name made the guy snap up and everyone got very nervous as he then said, " The Remnant Hunter?"

"Yes.. does that mean we can just skip the line and go straight for the source?" asked Stalker.

"Yes! Here, trooper! Lead them to the commander, stat!" said the officer as he hastily opened the gate while the trooper waved for them to follow him.

"And just like that... we're on our way.." said Stalker as they all quickly followed the trooper to their new destination.

The trooper lead them to a rooms door and as he pressed a button on the nearby panel, he then motioned them to stay as he was quick to leave them to themselves.

"Boy... security is tight here." muttered Theodosius.

Then, the doors opened as a protocol droid appeared and as it looked at the group, it said to them, "Hello, I am CP-320. Please follow me to Imperial Commanders Aldsta Colther office."

"Lead the way." said Stalker as the group slowly followed the protocol droid.

They walked down a small corridor full of either paintings or marble busts and as they reached the end, the doors opened as a man was standing behind a desk as he looked to them and Stalker gave a sudden hand motion: keep your guard up and weapons ready.

"Welcome, my mercenary friends.. and the same to you, Remnant Hunter..." said Commander Aldsta Colther.

He was in his 20's, had black hair slicked back as he had a handsome face. His black uniform was immaculate and full of medals on his left side and as he looked at them, he said then, "And since I know of you exploits... I think I can just give you these but only if you do me one favor.."

"Give it to us.." said Verde.

"There is a scum gang below that has been reported doing terroristic attacks on behalf of the Rebels. I want you all to eliminate them." said the commander as he held the passes.

"Fine. We get paid or is there going to be privileges that's payment?" asked Retz.

"You will be allowed access to more jobs throughout Remnant and also be able to access any vehicle at the disposal of the Imperial garrison, within reason." said the commander.

"Done." said Theo.

The passes were passed over and as the mercenaries took the passes, they all nodded as then the commander said, "No need to bring the heads of them when you complete the task. My scouts will tell me of it and show it."

They all nodded as then the group made their way to the sublevels.

Sapphire Kyakko slowly walked through the underbelly of Vacuo, her true home, as she kept her spear close to her in case one of the more terrible faunus gangs appeared and took a liking to her. She walked past the many piles of refuse and trash as she tried to not let the terrible smell get to her as she made her way to her small den she had made.

The Underworld, or Underhive as some may call it, was full of discarded waste, materials, and vehicles from all factions and ages and hers was close enough to the elevator the Imperials used that she didn't worry much about random attacks. But this was a more horrible place and no one or place was truly safe but as she walked to a burnt out hover tank, she looked around before she went down its hatch and appeared in her small home. There was a small baker pan for the Insta-bread she would get from selling stuff down here along with the green, Vita-crackers that came with it. She had a nearby water collector so she didn't have to buy her own water from the many Scum gangs and as she sat down on her small cot, she put her head against the pillow as she wished to go to sleep instantly.

When the elevator hit the last level, Stalker, Retz, Verde, Theodosius, and Ray were with a group of over 30 Stormtroopers and 3 Imperial officers and as the huge doors slowly opened up, they watched as they found themselves in something that looked like the underhive of Coruscant itself. Trash was all over, the few stilt-like pillars had adhoc homes all over them to house those who skulked here and there was destroyed, wrecked, and completely useless vehicles all over as well and as Ray looked around, he said, "Man, oh man... this is going to be fun."

"well, lets go to that hover tank and see if we can't hollow it out to be used as a base." said Theodosius.

They all began to jog towards it and as they came to it, suddenly Ray stopped them as he said, "Wait.. lets check to see if its inhabited."

He took out a Weskar and as he slowly lowered his head into the hatch, he looked around just as a spear lashed at him and he ducked back as he said, "I think we have a Hunter in there!"

"I'll deal with them then." said Stalker as he then grabbed the hatch and threw himself head-first inside.

Sapphire was immediately at him and as he grabbed her as he held her down and as he looked at her, he saw her white tail as she squirmed underneath him and he backed off as he said, "Easy there, foxy..."

"Shut up! Just take what you want and leave!" she shouted as she held her hands over her body.

"Jeez, calm down.. we aren't here to hurt you." said Stalker as then the few others popped up as best as they could to look at her.

"What are you here for then?" she asked.

"Know any Rebel-related Scum gangs around here?" asked Theo.

She looked at them as she nodded.

"Great. We're gonna stick with you then. Here, Ray, Verde! Get your torches out and held open this thing up and see if anything else around here can be used to make this place a bit better and a bit more spacious."

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