Chapter 23

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The transport was slowing coming towards Minstrals many landing pads as Yang, Ruby, Zwei, Weiss, Alexandria, Mara, and Sky all slowly appeared from their hiding spot and as they all looked outside, they looked at the city that Pyrrha had been from.

It was larger due to its commerce that came thought it. Its city was full of huge skyscrapers that went to the sky as their was all sorts of huge, flying wind turbines in the air to generate power and as the airship flew with some others towards the landing pads in the middle of the city, Ruby said to them all, "Wow... this place looks so cool..."

"Yeah... look down there! Its the Minstralian gardens!" said Weiss as she pointed down to a large stretch of beautiful, untouched garden that seemed to stretch through a chunk of the large, urban city and as people, aliens, and faunus pointed at it, they then watched as they began to come slowly closer to the landing pads.

But as they did so, suddenly two TIE fighters came howling in and as they flanked their transport and as everyone bean to murmur, the ship began to head away as the fighters escorted it away, Yang said to them all, "Stay calm... lets see if we can make our way out of this one..."

Everyone nodded and as the ship finally came to another, more secluded landing pad, the ramps began to go down and everyone got very nervous as Ruby could see the squads of Stormtroopers outside as she said to the others, "Looks like we're gonna have trouble...  big trouble.."

And then the first stormtroopers came storming in through the ramps and as they leveled their blasters at them, a single, boy appeared with blonde hair and green eyes as he looked around at the people around him, he sighed as he held up his hands.

"Alright, calm down people." said the boy as then he said, "I am the Imperial-sanctioned Hunter, Atomic... I'm here just for a simple inspection of the transport for Rebel Sympathizers and any contraband..."

"Now... If I can please have everyone get outside and line up while we check the transport..." said Atomic as he motioned for the squad of stormtroopers to stand down and as the troopers did so and stepped aside, people, aliens, and faunus began to slowly make their way onto the actual docks.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Mara, Sky, and Alexandria began to walk with Zwei sticking close to all of them and as they walked off, Atomic saw the hatch they had come from and as he walked over to it, he popped it open and then peered into the lower hold before he motioned to two of his troopers behind him to follow just as he slid down the ladder that was just beneath the hatch.

He looked around the dimly-lit hold as he brought out a small light and as he shined it around, his men popped up behind him as they saw that people had been down here but Atomic couldn't tell how recently but he did notice that some nearby paint had been spilt and he looked at the yellow cover as he knew to look for it on anyones clothing.

He then motioned to his men to follow him and as they went back up the ladder, he then nodded to the rest of the squad around him as he said to them, " Alright... looks like its been already cleared out... lets leave and tell the people..."

All of them nodded and as they all left, they appeared into the sunlight as they watched the crowd slowly looked worryingly at him and he clasped his hands together as he said to them all, "Well, looks like its pretty cleared up. Now you may reboard your flight and have a good day in the city of Minstral."

As the crowds began to move past him, he felt something nudge his foot and he looked down to see a black and white cybercorgy and as he petted the dog, suddenly a small girl in a red cape came over and picked the pet up and he couldn't help himself as he said, "You have a nice dog there."

"Thanks..." said the small girl and as he watched her go along, her older friend in yellow walked right by him when he noticed something about her.

Now, he liked good-looking women he will not deny that part at all. But as he looked at the golden-haired beauties butt, he noticed a yellow paint splattered on her shorts and as he looked at it, he then looked away as he then took from his pocket a small, black ball with a single glass eye and as he held it in his hand, he pointed it at the girl before he said to it, "Follow her... transmit a signal when they reach their destination."

It hovered from his hands and as it watched the girl, it then managed to sneak its way onto the ship just as it began to lift off and as the ship began to leave, Atomic watched it just as he then began to walk away back to his transport as his squads of troopers followed him.

When the groups main transport landed again, the whole group got off as they quickly walked towards the rentable, smaller transports and as Sky looked around as the others boarded theirs, he thought he saw something following them but he couldn't tell for sure and decided to dismiss it and as he boarded it, the small drone Atomic had sent followed him into it.

The transport raised itself off the ground and as it went towards Minstrals more common districts.

"Alright... looks like we found home..." said Ruby a she gave a small yawn and as the group looked around the small apartment, Alexandria went to the couch and laid down on it as she sighed in relief.

"Man... I thought we wouldn't make it out of that situation.." said Alexandria said as she got comfy.

"Yeah... but you notice something about that guy?" asked Mara as everyone got comfy in the living room. Everyone looked to her as they waited for her to say the answer.

"He was a really good Hunter..."

"I thought he was bluffing that... is he really?" asked Weiss.

"He is.." said Alexandria suddenly and everyone looked to her as she said, "I tapped his side and saw a glimpse into his memories... he can create explosions and is immune to them and that handle on his back is his main weapon... he's good... already too out several other Rebel groups here."

Everyone was quiet as then Sky said, "Well... should we begin to try and reach our contacts here in the city?"

"Who is our contacts?" asked Yang.

"A faunus with the name of Hellios... he's in charge of a group of Rebel Sympathizers that have managed to keep low for sometime from the Imperials.." said Sky.

"But we're gonna need to make some moves against the Imperials if we want to get the people of Minstral on our side.."

Everyone acknowledged that and as Yang sat down at the nearby table, she then finally noticed something wet on her but and she took a hand and felt the spot and drew it away as she saw paint.

"When did I get paint on me?" she muttered to herself.

Atomic walked through the Minstral Imperial HQ as he walked with his weapon on his back and as he came to the Commanders office, he knocked on it as he then waited for the command to enter.

"Come in." came a muffled voice and as Atomic opened the door through a nearby palm scanner, he entered the office of the Minstral commander, who looked at him and said, "Ah... its good to see you here... tell me, how did the inspection go? Were there any Rebels on the transport?"

"I believed so... I have a drone tracking one right now.. and if you give me the orders, I can have them here within about 15 minutes... dead or alive.." said Atomic as he was at the position of attention.

"I would... but you have been found to be... lacking in areas..." said the Commander as he stood up and walked around a little.

 Commander Shepherd was 5'9 of solid muscle mass, with his uniform always crisp and clean. His hair was brown and his face sharp and angular and he was extremely good at his job of commanding the military force within the city of Minstral.

"I have read you reports... and you have done an exemplary job so far... but you seem to be getting fewer Rebels that the reports suggest there are..." he said as he looked at Atomic.

"Who's reports have spoke of this?" asked Atomic but he already knew the answer, he bet.

" Raytoss's..." said Shepherd.

Atomic almost gave a frustrated groan but he kept it to himself as he said, "And how many am I missing?"

The commander gave a small smile as he said, " Apparently, out of the reports for the 50 Rebels and Rebel Sympathizers actively known, you have only caught about 35 of them."

Atomic then said, "Then I shall redouble my efforts to catch the rest of them."

"Good... and while your at it, why don't you take your squad and capture these potential Rebels your drone found... you might as well begin with them.." said Shepherd and as Atomic left the room, he went back to his chair and sat down in it as he steepled his fingers before him.

Raytoss and Atomic were both exceptionally good Hunters on Remnant, some of the best that he could ever have under his command. However, there was bad blood between the two and though he often looked at Raytoss's reports with some skepticism, he also knew that from other officers reports that he was also right and as he looked back to his earlier prisoner report from an officer, he was concerned.

Atomic had been putting several Rebels and Rebel Sympathizers into the Minstral jail without much issue but as he looked at the report, he only saw 25 of them in the cells still while Atomic's reports said he had captured 35 of them. Where were the prisoners going or was Atomic just making up the numbers?

No. He shook his head at the thought. Atomic has never once truly lied to me... someone is helping them... and I intend to find out who exactly...

Zwei was sound asleep with Alexandria on the couch and as Yang watched the two from the table with a small smile, she then thought back to the conversation she had with Weiss within the transport.

"What do you mean the wolves teeth?" she had asked her.

"The Outlanders... they at first tried to give us other Dust to sate our answers and, for a little bit, it did... but when we finally asked them to give us some Life Dust... they attacked us... and so, we defended ourselves from them.." Weiss had said.

"We have had many... many... many wars over the years... but Life Dust could have been the answer to this worlds many problems.. and all they did was hoard it and keep it away from us.."

"But have you ever asked them why they did that?" Yang had asked.

"Thy call themselves the "Protectors and the Guardians of Life Dust"." Weiss had gestured with her fingers at the quotations.

"Still... they had to have a reason to keep it from us... right?" Yang asked.

"And what would that be? What is far more important that saving lives of others from terrible deaths?" Weiss asked her.

"Maybe it couldn't do what we think it can.. maybe it was truly just a myth?" asked Yang.

"Explain how these got so big, then." said Weiss as she had pointed to her chest.

Yang sighed at the memory and as she looked around, suddenly she lights outside and she was about to say something to the others when suddenly the door exploded inward and several Stormtroopers came barreling in with stun batons and blasters and Yang watched as Atomic strode into the room as he looked around.

"You are all hereby under Imperial Arrest."

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