Chapter 25

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Ruby had never wanted to be in a Imperial jail for any reason, wether it being stealing cookies or being a Intergalactic rebel that is trying to topple the Galactic Empire.

So, as the Imperial Stormtroopers were dragging her with her arms behind her back to the armored vehicle nearby to the safehouse she had just been in moments ago, she was not wanting to be in it for any reason whatsoever and could only get a really bad feeling.

"Move, Rebel Scum." said the Imperial Officer nearby as the stormtroopers threw her in and as her restraints, being shock-cuffs that shocked her if she resisted, chaffed her wrists, she was wishing Stalker was here to bust them out.

As Atomic watch the Rebels be thrown into the back one-by-one, he felt himself smiling at another job well done. The house had been discovered to be harboring besides these Rebels a large cache of weapons, everything from blasters to energy mortars even. Not to mention also holopads and more with the Rebel frequencies and so, as he watched his squad of troopers begin to take the stuff from the house and put it into the nearby transport, he was pleased with this haul.

Until, Raytoss and his squad appeared.

Raytoss was another Hunter with the Imperials here in Minstral. He was a Dragon faunus with a red tail that poked from the back of his armor as it swished around in its armor. He wore modified Imperial Stormtrooper armor, much like Atomic did, but he wore a modified helmet that looked like a dragons head for his helmet. Raytoss used a Acid Dust Halberd as his side had a simple Imperial Issue SE-14R Light Repeating Blaster pistol as it bounced in its holster.

Atomic tried to keep his sneer inside of him as best as he could as Raytoss walked to the transport and said, "So, you finally got some Rebels for once? That's news for my ears..."

"What do you want, Ray?" asked Atomic.

"Commander want's me to take the prisoners to the cells right away so you can continue to catch the rest, finally." said Raytoss as he grinned, his helmet being in his arms at the moment.

"Oh yeah? Well, do me a favor and don't get lost in the city. I'd hate to have to babysit you back to base.." said Atomic with a small smile as then he began to head back to his transport nearby as he was absolutely satisfied to hear Raytoss give out a frustrated noise at how he had already gotten lost 40 times in this city.

As Raytoss's squad went to secure the transport filled with Rebels, Atomic then rounded up his own squad to continue the hunt for the Rebels.

Yang wanted to fight back against her captives, it was instinctual, but with the Shock-cuffs on it was a really unwise decision if she tried. And so, as she and her friends were being dragged through the cell block that was sorta mostly empty, she could only wait till she was released of her cuffs to fight back and she would bust them outta here one way or another.

But is appeared that she wasn't going to get out this easily as she watched several troopers were waiting for them and as the two troopers handed her off, she was roughly pushed inside of the large cell as soon Weiss, Alexandria, Sky, Ruby, Mara, and little Zwei was tossed in with her. The cell door soon closed and as the shock cuffs fell off of them, the cuffs were snatched up by magnetic poles held by more troopers just as the Imperial Hunter Raytoss walked over and as he dismissed his squad, he looked at the group within the cell.

"What do you want?" asked Weiss.

"I heard the heiress to the Schnee Company was with the Rebels and it seems like I found her. Good news, your father is coming to pick you up." said Raytoss as his tail flicked around his legs.

"Kill me now, Sky." said Weiss.

"Can't. We made the cell so it can hold any Force users so if you want to die, gonna have to find another way." said Raytoss with a small smile as he looked at the prisoners. A barrier that let him see them but also let them see him was between him and the Rebels and was proof against most blaster fire.

"Disgusting faunus... and I know a lot of bad faunus around..." muttered Sky.

"Oh relax... you might be lucky and die during interrogation." said Raytoss before he then walked away for them all to decide what to do next.

As they watched the Imperial Faunus slowly walk away with his tail dragging along the floor, the group looked at one another as their morale had hit rock bottom and Alexandria didn't need to use her Mind Reading to realize that. Even Zwei was looking demoralized by them being captured by the Imperials and as she watched him slowly waddle over to Ruby as she picked him up, she looked at them all as she asked, "What do we do now?"

No one said thing, all wondering the exact same thing as they merely waited for the inevitable fate before them.

Atomic watched as what Intel said was the last of the Rebel hideouts that were known was emptied of everything into the nearby transport and as the last Rebel that had lived was slowly dragged out, he looked at Atomic with a broken face as he then spat out, "You won't keep us long, you realize that?"

"I beg to differ." said Atomic as he watched the man struggle.

"You have no idea who's even been letting us out... ahaha-AAAAAAHHHH!!!" he went from laughing to screaming as Atomic sent jolts of electricity from his weapon's two prods into his legs and as he screamed for a short bit, Atomic then pulled away his weapon and the man slumped to the ground as the troopers holding him then threw him into the back of a transport as he was soon restrained.

But as Atomic slowly walked towards his transport, what the Rebel said was bothering him a lot and mostly because it meant that he had been right. Someone within the Imperial garrison was helping the Rebels and Rebel Sympathizers escape and as he boarded his transport, he had a suspicion to who it was.

But he would have to keep this suspicion in check as he would have to wait for a perfect time to tell Commander Shepherd of this.

But then, suddenly, his holopad began to buzz and so he took it out as he then watched Commander Shepherd appear and he saluted. "Sir!"

"I assume you just picked up the last of the Rebels?" asked Commander Shepherd as he appeared on the small, portable holopad.

"Yes, sir. Currently, the most recent Rebels should be in their cells by now." said Atomic to the commander.

"Ah, I saw them come through not too long ago. I expect a report by the time you get back." said Shepherd as then the communications was cut off.

Atomic nodded and as he watched the transport doors soon close, he then awaited for them to reach the Imperial base once again.

The night time soon came down upon the Imperial garrison and as Ruby stared at the Imperial Stormtrooper across from the cell she was in, she wished she could get the trooper to release them somehow and finally get back outside, where they could maybe get the aid of Stalker to help them tackle the city and Imperial Garrison here.

But as she stared at the Stormtrooper, it looked like no such luck would be happening today. If anything, she was more likely to bore a hole straight through the troopers helmet and skull than she was to escape.

Sky was currently in the middle of the cell as he was meditating in a simple stance with his legs crossed as Alexandria was laying currently right next to him as she had her fingers on his legs, probably reading his calming thoughts to calm herself down.

Weiss was cuddling Zwei in her arms on the simple cot within the cell as Mara was simply sleeping with her and finally Yang was leaning against the view shielding as she was trying to not punch anything at the moment.

Then, there was footsteps as everyone looked up and as Raytoss appeared before the cell, he then dismissed the guards as he was grinning at them. His tail was swishing around his legs and as Yang looked at them, she got a bad vibe off of him that she was not liking one bit.

"Enjoying the stay?" asked Raytoss as he smiled.

"Why don't you hold your hand out so I can tell you?" asked Yang.

"Actually.." said Alexandria as she got up, "I'll take care of him."

As she got up and walked towards the view screen, Raytoss cocked his head to the side before she said, "Alright, hold out your hand..."

He hesitated before he did so and as his hand went through the view screen like it was water, Alexandria grabbed it gently as she then began to read his mind like the book it was.

More like a porno magazine as she shifted through the images of half-naked or full-nude women in the most revealing positions as she tried to find something when she finally found his current thought and as soon as she saw it, she frowned and then grimaced as she let go and said, "You're disgusting..."

"A mind reader? mmm... interesting.." said Raytoss as yang asked, "What did you saw?"

"IN exchange for one of us girls for one night.... he'll let us all out... and free..." said Alexandria in clear disgust as everyone at this point was awake.

"Even worse than an Outlander..." muttered Weiss, almost shocked she even said that.

"Well... I'm always around, anyway... I mean, just one night of fun and you're out..." said Raytoss in his most convincing voice ever. 

"Drop dead, Imp." said Ruby.

He grinned before he waved his hands goodbye as he then began to walk away and as the group looked at one another, Yang began to wonder if she had done it that the man would have kept his word.

Atomic walked the halls towards the Imperial Prison Cells as he had just given his report to Commander Shepherd to look over. He was, in truth, wanting to talk to the blonde-haired girl just because there wasn't much else to do around here when it came to entertainment but just as he came around the last corner, he suddenly ran into Raytoss as the faunus was coming back from his attempt.

As both of them stopped and glared at one another, Raytoss then said, "Finally done with Papa Shepherd? Isn't your father proud..."

"Drop it, Raytoss." said Atomic.

"What? You still aren't upset over it, are you?" asked Raytoss.

"I said quit it!"

"Why should I?" asked Raytoss.

"I said stop it!" Atomic lacque switch came out as it blazed with fire and electricity.

But Raytoss merely laughed as he began to walk away and as he began to leave, he said to Atomic, "You will always be the son... of a Rebel scum..."

And then he was gone and as Atomic heard him leave, his anger slowly subsided away as he then put his weapon away. It was true, almost all of it, and as he began to continue towards the cells, he began to think back to his father from the past.

His father had been a staunch oppose of the Imperial regime here on Remnant and had been the Remnant Rebels very first leader in the war against the Empire, leading attacks and planning battles against the Empire. But he remembered one day that his father went out and then an Imperial came back instead and told him the news: He was dead.And in exchange for keeping his family alive, he went in as a Imperial Hunter to combat the Rebels.

Yeah, his father would be very proud of his son.

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