Chapter 26

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"Man... kinda of a let down if you ask me." said Theo as he nudged one of the faunus gang member's corpses around, his heavy blaster cannon stylized as a minigun on his back with smoke curling from the barrels.

The Faunus Scum gang hadn't even put up even enough of a fight to be enjoyable. They had pretty crappy blasters and even worse armor and they had put themselves on an pen incline instead of positioning themselves in cover like they should have done against superior weapons.

But it only took about three minutes and barely a full battery pack for even one person in the group, even with Sapphire being not use to using a blaster.

As Stalker sighed and put his Stalkers Hunter AT heavy-blaster rifle form on his back as he simply kicked one of the faunus corpses to make sure they were dead, even with a portion of their head gone, before he said to everyone, "Alright.. time to keep going.."

Everyone nodded as they simply continued along the path they had been going on initially as their feet slightly crunched over the refuse that was beneath their feet, Sapphire, who had never fired any form of blaster before, was surprised how powerful the blaster she had was since she was able to take out two scum gangers with simple shots to their chests.

Of course, compared to the others blasters, her wimpy pistol can't really do much damage as theirs can, especially Theodosius's Gatling Blaster Canon and Stalkers AT Heavy Blaster rifle. But as she walked along with it bouncing in its new holster, she then asked Retz nearby, "When... when do you think I'll get a new weapon like this one?"

"You already have a good weapon... most Clone War-era weapons still work really well against everyone.." said Retz.

And then they all stopped as the group looked before them. About three miles from where they were was a huge column that had a beehive looked to its surface as they could see the lights from the rooms and housing that had been built into them. They currently had come to some sort of road system that had been cleared through the refuse and debris around them as it seemed a badly made and maintained gravel road had been placed here.

And all along it at the moment, the faunus who could not afford to live above this under hive walked around with armor and a mixture of weapons as a few Rontos could be seen moving around as they transported people and stuff around. The group watched as a few squads of Imperials were walking around with at least one AT-DP with them but Theo saw they all had their blasters in their hands and were all looking around in suspicion and fear.

"Wow... busy today..." said Verde as he held his twin axes out.

"Yeah... very busy.." said Retz as he looked around before he pointed to something up ahead and said, "What do you think are the chances we should go that way?"

He was pointing to what looked like a gate of scrapmetal with the symbol of a snarling wolf on it painted in many colors. It looked like a unclawed version of the White Fang symbol to Stalker and as he looked at the small force of over a dozen faunus scum gangers around it, he then said, "Sure... why don't we have a nice chat with them."

But just as the group got moving, suddenly Verde saw Sapphire not moving and he asked her, "Something wrong?"

"I'll.. just stay here and watch..." she said.

"What? Why?" asked Ray.

"I've had... things done to me... by them..." said Sapphire as she began to slowly cover herself.

"Wait-wait-wait-wait... did... did they try and rape you?" asked Ray.

She didn't say a word but they all saw her give a small nod of her head.

"Aww... man..." said Ray in disgust as he looked to Stalker, who in turn then said, "Stay with me, Sapphire... I'll make sure none of these... guys-"

"They call themselves the Scrap Wolves.." she said.

"- Scrap Wolves touch you... you have my word.. you have my friends words... none of us will allow you to be taken away." said Stalker.

She then slowly uncovered herself as then she took her small blaster pistol out as she managed to say, "Okay..."

"Alright then... I thin I'll do the talking until it needs some... muscle to it.." said Stalker to Ray.

"With pleasure." said Ray as he took out his twin Weskars and twirled them.

And with that said, the group formed up into a tight group and immediately began to march straight for the gates. Faunus and underworlders alike moved around them as they sought to stay out of the groups way and as Sapphire watched in much fear as they began to near the gate guards, her hands were visibly shaking with the blaster she was holding.

Stalker decided to switch his AT Heavy blaster into its double-blade scythe form and as he held it close to his body in both hands, he watched as soon one of the guards of the scum gangers saw him and then spit out his wad of gum that was laced with spice as the elephant faunus man with a trunk on his face then took out his blaster as he then said to the other guards, "Eh! Looks like we got some visitors.."

One of the guards, as Stalker watched them turn around, had a wolfs tail poking from their backside as they had what looked like armor adorned with trophies of various scrap and metal bits and he, to the whole group, looked like the head honcho and that was soon made concrete as he said, "Ah.. is that Sapphire I see? Have you guys heard of my bounty for her and come to bring her to me?"

As soon as the group stopped and watched the wolf faunus come closer with his hands out when suddenly Stalker slapped the hand away just as Sapphire was going to bring her blaster up as Stalker said bluntly, "She's not here for the bounty.. we need to see your boss, now."

The man looked at Stalker and said, "Look I don't know who you think you are but no one sees anyone without my say so... and if you want in, you gotta give me the girl."

Stalker then gave a sigh that sounded like he was so done with this to Sapphire she was shocked when he took his helmet off to show his Grimm mask and suddenly all of the faunus backed off.

"Oh.. I'm sorry... am I scaring you all?" asked Stalker as then he grabbed the wolf faunus as he growled out, "Better start speaking... and if you can give me your name, you might just live longer..."

"I-I-I'm Hershel... Second-in-Command to... Boss Rakkers... He.. he doesn't take kindly to visitors busting in..." said the faunus in a stutter.

"Then tell him theres a Grimm outside his door about ready to bust down his doors... and you don't want me to bust it down..." snarled Stalker as he let Hershel go. "Because if I do... I will slaughter every man, woman, and child on the other side of these gates... without even blinking an eye..."

"Go." Hershel suddenly scrambled through the gates as the rest of the guards followed him and as Stalker put his helmet back on, he then said, "You think it worked?"

"Just a little." said Ray.

"Alright, spread out and watch out for trouble... he may just end up calling for help but I doubt it... threats involving the Grimm usually make most people do the threateners demands in a snappy way.."

"So... get comfortable." said Stalker as then he kicked apart a mason jar of spice that soon was spoiled as it lay on the ground

It didn't take more than 10 minutes before the gates opened back up and as the group stood up and held up their blasters and weapons, they watched as Hershel slowly walk out with his group as he had a visible bruise on his face as suddenly a large, burly faunus man came into view as he growled at the group.

He was what looked like a lizard faunus with a large lizard tail sticking out of his backside as it swished side-to-side. He wore what looked like painted Stormtrooper armor that somehow fitted his huge frame. He had the Scrap Wolf symbol tattooed on his face as his black hair was slicked back as it looked like it was more greasy than grease itself. And he seemed to be holding what looked like a poorly maintained DLT-20A blaster rifle.

"Alright, what do you want?" growled the man.

"I want information..." said Stalker.

"What sort of information?"

"We have been told from my sources that there are Rebel Sympathizing Scum Gangs around here... and I want to know who they are, where they are, and wether or not you're aware of their current situation..." rattled off Ray.

"And why should I tell you any of that?" snarled the man, who had to be Rakker.

Suddenly he was lifted off his feet as Retz held him up in the air with the Force and as the other faunus all began to back up, Retz simply said to the man, "You better start talking... before I start electrocuting..."

Rakker seemed to fumble for his words at the fact that a Grey Jedi was in the group and then he suddenly said, "Fine! Fine! Fine!!! I'll speak! Just bring me down!!"

Retz dropped the man and as the man landed on the ground with a thud! he then scrambled up as Stalker twirled his scythe before he said, "Talk. NOW!"

Rakker looked up and then cowered slightly beneath Stalker gaze from his Grimm mask before he said, "Alright... I don't know much information but I know some..."

"They call themselves the High Hivers, and they have their base within that support column a few miles away... but its access is at its base and the base is another level down... and its guarded by more gang members than the Imperial Garrison itself."

Stalker looked at the man as he then said, "You got any known access down to that level?"

"No one goes down there except the more known gang leaders..." said Rakker.

"Do you know one of them?" asked Theo.

Rakker looked like he was about to stop talking but then Retz shot some Force Lightning into the man and as the faunus man screamed, Sapphire watched in horror and shock as she slowly hid behind Ray just as Retz stopped and let the man flop to the ground before looking at the rest.

"So... anyone has an answer?" asked Retz as he held his hands up, fingers slightly splayed and bent.

The other faunus around them looked more frightened than willing to talk but as Rakker slowly stood up, he managed to say, "About... about a mile... from... here... there is the White Rabbit gang.. they have a small representative with them..."

"Anything else we should know?" asked Verde as he took his twin axes and twirled them.

"Go fuck yourself." said Rakker as he snarled.

"Well then... Retz? Shock him." said Stalker as he looked to Retz.

Retz fired Force Lighting into the man as the man screamed in horrific pain and as Retz stopped, Stalker then said, "Alright, lets get going..."

And without another word or action, the group quickly began to walk towards the pillar to meet up with these High Hiver Scum Gang.

But as they walked along, Sapphire then said to Retz, "Why would you do that?!"

"How else would he have freely talked?" asked Retz as he looked to her. "Most people have to have that done to them to make them talk."

"Still..." said Sapphire but then Theo said, "Sometimes good people have to do bad things..."

"And sometimes..." said Stalker, "You don't get that lucky.. and are forced to do something bad..."

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