Chapter 27

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Yang watched the area around the cell as she was now the only one person within the cell to be currently awake at the moment. Alexandria had been the first to fall asleep, surprisingly enough, as she had put her head on Sky's lap and fell asleep that way just before Sky himself had also fallen asleep.

Then, Mara, Zwei, and Ruby had soon fallen asleep on the bed as now all three of them were currently snoring very softly.

And finally, Weiss had her back to the cells door as she was also asleep, slumped against the door as she was slightly muttering in her sleep.

And so, as Yang stood leaning against the viewing shield that was there, she watched the surrounding cells as she awaited for sleep to overtake her. But then she heard someone walking towards the cell and she sighed as she said, "I'm not sleeping with you tonight, Imp. Get that through your head."

"Who even said I was thinking that?" Yang looked up at Atomic as he appeared and looked at her from behind the viewing screen.

She stood up a bit straighter as she asked him, "What do you want?"

"Do you know of a man named Frisk Vince?" asked Atomic as he stood before the screen.

"Oh, Frisky? Yeah, everyone knew him even if he's been dead for years. Why?" asked Yang.

Atomic looked around and then said to Yang, "Did you know he had a family?"

"Yeah. But last I remember, his family died during a Imperial raid." said Yang.

"Did you know... that what you just said is a lie?"

Yang looked at the young man with a strange look when she then heard him give a sigh and tell her, "I... I am Vinces only son.... my mom died not too long ago... the name... is Atomic... and like you, I am a Hunter."

"But why are you an Imperial Hunter? Didn't you love your father? Was he not a resister tot he end?" asked Yang.

Atomic almost snarled as he said, "I loved my father as any son could be.."

"But my dad was on the losing side.... and he paid with his life... and so will you, unless you give up your holopad access codes." said Atomic to her.

Yang looked at Atomic as she looked at his eyes before she asked him, "What happened to you?"

"I grew up." said Atomic. "And realized that being with the Rebels would only end in defeat for the them here."

And then, he walked away from her.

Yang could only feel sorry for the boy since she, nor the others, had realized that he had been the son of one of the Remnant Rebels greatest leaders. But as she listened to him walk away, she knew he simply couldn't just be all Imperial like he was trying to be like.

But she decided to let the whole topic drop for the moment as she soon slumped down to the floor and then fell asleep.


The buzzer woke everyone up as Yang looked up to see several stormtroopers in armor she had never seen before as they all began to banging on cells with long shock poles that had crackling energy on both ends.

"Wakey-wakey!" said one of the wardens with a blaster as he had on him normal stormtrooper armor, "Time to get up and fall out, scum!"

Doors were opened and whole squads of the Riot stormtroopers went in and rounded up the many prisoners before shoving them and pushing them down the corridor. Yang kept a tight grip on Ruby's shoulder as everyone else followed behind them and as Atomic watched the whole crowd moving as one and saw the group Yang was with, he hoped that after a little bit of prodding that they would simply give the codes over.

And so, as he watched the Rebel prisoners moving towards the courtyard, he then said to the main Warden in charge of the Prison Block, " Take the Rebel team that has the yellow-haired girl as the leader and have them interrogated."

"Yes, sir." the Warden said as then he went to get himself a squad to then transport Yangs group to the interrogation rooms.

Ozpin looked at the girl as she was fidgeting with her arm warmers and occasionally her own pigtails as he asked her, "So... tell me... why should I allow you to join my Rebellion if previous runins with you from my sources has told has lead to some... confrontations..."

Lilly stopped fidgeting as she then said, "I... I know..."

"But at the moment.. my friend is falling to the Dark Side faster and faster... and I don't think our previous employer can help him... or us for that matter."

"Ah.. who was your previous employer if I may ask?" asked Ozpin.

"... the... Roman Syndicate..." said Lilly.

Ozpin then nodded as he then stood up and began to pace very slightly as he then said to her, "I have had many students come to me from many different backgrounds.. some backgrounds worse than others..."

"But what can you do for me?" asked Ozpin. "What can you do better than others?"

Lilly thought about what she had done before and as she finally found one thing that might be helpful and she looked to the man as she then said to him, "I can break people out?"

Ozpin smiled as though to anyone else it may seem like a useless talent, he could use even such a talent to astonishing and good work. And so, he sat back down and said, "Then I have a perfect job for you..."

"My team within the city of Minstral has been captured... and I would like them busted out... along with one other person... I need you to bring me back... the son of Vince.."

"His name is Atomic..."

The interrogation chambers were almost all a uniformed black as they only had a chair for the victim to be placed and held down in. Several Interrogation bots hovered all around the group as the large squad of Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers escorted them.

"Where are we going?" asked Ruby as she looked all around her.

"Keep quiet, Rebel Scum!" said an officer as he gave her a shove as suddenly the whole group was split up and as Yang was tossed into a cell, two stormtroopers began to strap her down to the chair as an interrogation droid floated above her with various needles and instruments of pain sprouting from out of it as then an Imperial officer in black uniform appeared with gloves on.

"Now... lets see if you'll just give the codes to your holocommunications.." said the officer as he looked to Yang but she knew he doubted that would happen.

"Nope." said Yang.

"Well... I had to try." said the officer before he then said, "Okay, troopers... looks like its time to do it the old fashion way..."

And then the probe began to take out some robotic arms with electrical prods, screws, and even some small saw blades as it began to get closer and closer to Yang in her chair.

Atomic listened the sound of the Interrogation going up to the next level and as he listened to the sound of buzzsaws going to work alongside several other tools, he knew that it wasn't going to do anything to the group since Hunter and Huntress Auras would protect them completely from the interrogation damage.

And so, as Atomic watched the interrogation happening through several view screens, he could only hope that the Rebels simply gave up the codes. Because the interrogation had a tendency to ramp up to even ending up killing the victim and he didn't want more people killed when they could simply change sides.

Yang watched as her aura glowed a bright yellow as the drones buzzsaw simply did nothing to her and as she simply looked up, she knew that eventually the Imperials were just going to give up. And almost like clockwork, the drone suddenly withdrew itself as then the Imperial officer said, "Well... so much for the conventional ways.. alright, drone, lets up it to the next level."

And then, Yang watched as suddenly the drone appeared with a syringe and as Yang watched it near her, she then felt it stab into her as the Imperial said, "Now lets see what happens now.."

But that's when suddenly the screams began.

Yang heard her sisters scream, as did the entire interrogation block, and as Yang struggled against her restraints suddenly, Atomic ran to the next view screen and he looked to see that instead of only a 3rd level interrogation that it was now a 4th level interrogation with shock collar and shock restraints being used and Atomic hit the buzzer to the room as he shouted, "What are you doing?! It was suppose to be a 3rd level Interrogation with a truth serum!!"

Too late, Ruby's aura suddenly was gone with a very loud pop and as the electrical charge began to rake her body up and down, she was now howling with pain and as the officer continued this, Yang could only scream out in rage, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER, YOU IMPERIAL BASTARDS!?!!"

Atomic couldn't take it anymore as he suddenly shut down the power into the cell and it all went into darkness as he ran to it from the main hub as he then ripped open the door.

Ruby was slumped in the chair as both of the Imperial Stormtroopers were now trying to rip the restraints off as the Imperial officer went to Atomic and said, "I had it all under control!"

"You are to only go up another level if told to! You risk making it impossible to gather any information at all!" said Atomic heatedly.

"Like you could any better, Rebel boy!" said the Imperial Interrogation officer.

Atomic was about to snarl when suddenly the officer shoved him to the side as Yang finally ran out and as she pushed Atomic away, she grabbed Ruby from the troopers, who immediately backed off and she held her sister before she looked at Atomic and said, "I bet your father would be proud seeing this.. wouldn't he?"

Atomic could not respond as he then simply left the whole place as he then said, "Take them back to their cells..."

And then he was gone.

Lilly watched as the Imperial Tie Fighters were escorting the Imperial Shuttle she was in along with some other Rebel troopers as her hopes were at the moment leaning to not getting caught. Ozpin had managed to get her a small squad to accompany her in the taking and use of the Imperial Shuttle but otherwise they were under her limited command.

"You think they know that we're Rebels from Vale?" asked one of the troopers acting as her pilot.

"No... because the codes I used are also used by the Syndicate and they almost never get caught." said Lilly as she then began to pilot the transport towards one of the many Imperial hangars within Minstral.

As she neared one, she heard the sound of blasters being prepared behind her and as she checked her bat and kunai with a glance, she then said to them all, "Once we in... we're going to try and not clear out the garrison here... because all we need are prices on our heads above the ones we already have."

"Right... and how do you know they wont follow us if we simply try and avoid them?" asked a trooper.

"Because give them a good reason not to fight and they'll take it." said Lilly just as she landed the shuttle craft down.

"Now.. lets play it cool if possible." Lilly got out of the pilots seat and as she flipped her bat into a bow and a few arrows, she then watched as the small squad of about 6 Rebel troopers with various blasters and gear followed her down the Imperial Shuttles slowly descending ramp.

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