Chapter 28

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About an hour later, the group came upon another Scum Gang territory as they could see the markings spray-painted all over on noticeable landmarks. As Ray looked at the white bunny that had been painted on the hull of a wrecked car, he then looked over at the group as he then said, "Looks like we found the outskirts of the White Bunny gang..."

"Then lets be prepared for trouble." said Retz as he spun his currently deactivated lightsabers around in his hands.

Theodosius looked around with his heavy blaster as he then said, " Anyone know if we accidently left the stove on back home?"

"Really?" asked Ray with his Weskars out.

"Just trying to lighten up the mood here..." said the Grizzly as he kept looking all around them.

"Regardless, keep your heads down and your ears open." said Stalker as he panned the path before him with the barrel of his AT heavy blaster.

Sapphire looked around them as unlike the group she still didn't know what to look for but as she then looked ahead of them, movement caught her eye as she then said, "Umm... guys?"

"What's up?" asked Theodosius as he walked up behind Sapphire with his Gatling Heavy blaster at the ready. Retz was next to Ray on the right and Stalker was somewhere behind the pair on the left.

"I dunno... but I thought I saw movement-" said Sapphire when the first yellow blaster bolt zipped by her and Theodosius's heads.

First off, the path the group was on was completely devoid of any form of cover so already they were starting off in the best position. The space before them was quite spacious and was ovular in shape, with a mixture of random barrels, wrecked vehicles, and just various junk dotting the area. Connected to this space were two paths, one before the group on the other side of the space and the other that Sapphire could just barley see going away towards the farther end of the area.

And the movement Sapphire had spotted was a large group of maybe 2 dozen or so Scum Gang faunus, all with the white rabbit symbol on them, and as the faunus all spread out amongst the cover available to them, they fired their crappy and jerry-built blaster weapons at the group as the firefight began.

The group scattered as Stalker cloaked beneath him semblance as Theodosius managed to run behind some cover before popping up and firing a blizzard of blazing blue blaster bolts at the many enemies trying to scramble their way into cover. Retz blocked and deflected a few shots with his lightsabers but then as he reached a wrecked hovercar, suddenly he was rushed by several faunus with Force pikes and batons as they forced him to defend himself.

Meanwhile, Ray was in a almost Old Western shoot out with his Weskar blaster pistols as he was firing at what at least was 6 of the faunus, all of whom were using the equivalent of SMG's and shortened down blaster rifles.

Sapphire managed to hide underneath some barrels and as she looked around with her spear and blaster pistol, the blaster bolts were smacking against the barrel as she tried to look around her for more cover to be behind. But the immense firepower was pinning her down and as she fired a few random shots without looking over the barrels, she looked around before she suddenly watched as two faunus managed to flank her and charge her.

"No!" She shouted and as she brought up her hands, suddenly two large plumes of flames came jetting from the hands as the flames reached out like hungry tentacles to swathe the area and equally cover the two Gang faunus charging her.

Both of the faunus in their scrap armor and with their very badly built melee weapons were consumed by the flames and as both of them screamed and flailed around them, Theodosius managed to look over from with his heavy gatling blaster shooting as he saw the Semblance of Pyromancy in action and as he watched it, he was reminded of some of the flamethrowers his own unit had once used on some planets.

As both now flaming, dead faunus hit the ground hard, Sapphire looked around her before grabbing her pistol and as she grabbed her spear, she put her pistol up as suddenly she spun her spear in circles around her as the Wind Dust and Ice Dust on both ends of the began to flare up with light as they began to be used, suddenly the area before her was obscured by blizzard and as Ray looked straight at it while he reloaded, he watched as Sapphire suddenly bolt away as he said over the groups radio, "Sapphire is bolting!!"

"Then go get her!" Suddenly shouted Stalker as he appeared with his scythe in  midst of several of the gang members as their screams were soon heard as he began to attack them.

Ray jumped up as he watched Sapphire run down the farthest path away and as he suddenly ducked down to avoid being shot up, he popped back up to fire  few more shots from his blaster that took out another Gang before he ran after Sapphire.

Theodosius put up his Gatling as he suddenly was suppressed by several of the faunus and as he took out his blaster rifle, he popped up as he fired a few times before suddenly Retz came sliding next to him as he seemed slightly out of breath and as Theodosius looked a him, he asked Retz, "You okay?"

"Try taking on 6 faunus all at once in a melee fight. It doesn't matter if I had lightsabers, they were tough." said Retz as he then popped up to defect another blaster bolt.

"Well, thankfully Stalker is mopping them up where he is."  said Theodosius said before he popped up and fired another burst.

Stalker sliced apart a few more faunus scum gangers and as he looked around at the remaining faunus as many of them were running as fast as they can away, he looked over at Theodosius and Retz as he then said, "We gotta get after Ray and Sapphire! I think they headed out the other exit!"

Both of them nodded when suddenly they all heard something very large slowly walking towards them.

Ray came upon a large, open area as it had a few noticeable building structures within it likely meant to house some people down here and as Ray looked around with his Weskar blaster pistols up at he ready, he was certainly not wanting the faunus girl to have gotten herself into more trouble. The last thing he needed was to be in multiple engagements with many different types of enemies all at once.

He had already been in that pot of boiling water many times beforehand and he didn't need another Nar Shadda happening today.

As he slowly approached one of the buildings sitting in the opening, he began to try and listen in for perhaps breathing or anything that meant someone was living in this building.

He heard none while he was entering but as he slowly began to walk his way upstairs as he kept his blaster pistols up, he kept checking his corners as he slowly climbed to the top and as he stopped at the edge of the stairs, he then heard something.

The soft, almost faint sniffing of a person trying not to cry.

Ray quickly looked over to where he had heard the sound come from and as he saw the nearest door ajar, he slowly began to creep over as he kept both pistols up just in case this weeping was from something else.

Sapphire had figured the mercenary wouldn't have seen her slip into the building and as she slowly tried keeping herself from crying, it was hard not to. The memories she had brought up by burning those two Faunus gangers were now coming into her mind and into her vision as she tried her hardest to keep it shut off.

Suddenly Ray burst in with his Weskar's and as Sapphire brought her hands up and screamed, twin jets of flames came spewing from her hands as it engulfed Ray. She slowly stopped screaming as she then slowly managed to calm the flames coming from her hands down.

Ray then looked down at his charred armor as then she watched him beat a fist to his breastplate as some ash slowly fell off before Ray looked at her and said, "You know.. you would think armor would protect me from your little flames here."

"Now... get up... and lets go." said Ray as he held a hand out just as he put one of his Weskar's into its holster.

Sapphire looked up at him as she then shook her head as she tried to scoot away from him.

"Oh no you don't!" said Ray as suddenly he grabbed her and as she tried to kick and punch her way from him, he simply tossed her over his shoulder as he looked around before he then jumped out the nearby window as he then slowed his fall with jetpack before making a smooth landing.

He looked around and as he saw no one around in the immediate vicinity but Sapphire began to squirm on his shoulders and he looked at her as he then yanked on her tail as he told her, "Hey! Enough of that! I can't aim if you squirm like that!"

"Oh, I'm sorry but I feel like I'm being raped over here!" said Sapphire.

"What are you talking about? I just need you with us since you are not only the only faunus in our group but also our only guide!" said Ray when suddenly he heard something big coming from the way they had come from.

And then the ground began to shake and as he looked over with his pistol, he watched as Retz and Theodosius came running into the area as he then asked, "Where is Stal-"

Suddenly a huge, scrap heap of a mech came blundering as Stalker came blitzing just ahead of it just as he shouted to everyone, "RUN!! RUN!!! RUN YOU FOOOLS!!!"

And as Ray looked back up at the thing, he watched as Stalker jetpack away just as the mech tried to crush him beneath a foot as Stalker tried to bring his Heavy AT blaster around but the mech fired a stream of heavy blaster fire at him and as Stalker landed in a building, the structure around him had holes blown clean through it as he scrambled to find better cover.

Theodosius brought his heavy blaster up as he fired it but his blaster had little effect on the larger mech and as he ran away, Ray ducked behind a building as he handed Sapphire off to Retz as he then said to Retz, "Keep an on her!"

"What?!" asked Retz as he looked incredulously at him just as Ray ran off.

Retz looked down at Sapphire just as a Blaster cannon fired near them and as the explosion rocked both of them off their feet, Retz grabbed Sapphire as he lead her towards Theodosius, who was firing what he could behind the remains of a car and as Retz ran over and slid next to him with Sapphire, he then put Sapphire down next to Theo as he said to Theo, "You're gonna keep an eye on her, I'm gonna go fight!"

"Wait, no! You can't just do that!!" shouted Theodosius as he shook his fist at the running Retz.

"None of you get along, do you?" asked Sapphire.

"I don't need your loose lips!" said Theo just as he watched Stalker slide next to him before saying to Stalker, "You, stay here with her. I'm gonna go help!"

As Theo left with Stalker looking over Sapphire, Stalker looked at Sapphire as he asked her, "Not quite what I was expecting."

Suddenly an explosion happened and both of them looked up to see the mech slowly falling down as Ray floated down on his jet pack but Stalker saw he had used one of his rockets.

"Nice shot." said Stalker. "Now lets-"

And then a blizzard of stun shots hit them all a large force of Scum Faunus came closing in.

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