Chapter 29

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It had only been two days from the Interrogation and Ruby was already showing improvements in her health. Her aura had returned by now and so she was starting her slow recovery from the shock collars and shock cuffs that had managed to not leave any form of scarring on her body.

Still, it was a pretty obvious reminder to Atomic he needed to keep a heavier watch on his officers beneath him, no matter how few there were, as he watched the Rebel Hunters and Huntresses now. The one, Yang he thinks was her name with the yellow, long hair, was leaning against the barrier between the cells interior and the electric field now on the other side of it. the Jedi was meditating in the middle with most of the others spread around, and that corgi was still there too. That dog was under the bed, currently sleeping.

Atomic sighed as he switched the monitor to check up on the red-haired Huntress girl still in medbay. She was sleeping, with the Doctor droid in its charging station nearby and as he watched her vitals in the nearby monitor, she was fine at the moment.

He then sighed and as he then went back to his bunk nearby and as he picked up his helmet, that almost golden helm, he looked at it as he then asked himself, "Would you be proud of your son, dad?"

Lilly watched from the shadow of the transport with her squad of 10 Rebel troopers as the Imperial hangar was pretty open even with TIE fighters and crates of stuff while also being relatively undefended. Besides of a few Imperial pilots in pure black armor, there was like absolutely no form of guards and though it was perfect to anyone trying to sneak in, Lilly was certainly expecting something else going on here rather than simply a bored garrison.

But as she looked around with her kunai and bat, she then put her mask down as she then said, "Follow me." as she then began to run from the shuttle towards one of the hangars many exits.

The Rebel troopers, in their drab uniform with their ovular shaped helms and their A280 Blaster rifles, quickly fell in behind her as they half-ran, half-jogged after her in a low crouch and as she watched the pilots, none of them even paid attention to them as they soon came to one of the large doors the Imperials were almost infamous for. She went to the doors pad as she quickly put into it a keycode that normally opens the door and as it hissed open, the group quickly went into the corridor as she then said, "Okay... so if I remember correctly, the hangar is only a small time to the main HQ here in Minstral and we can in theory grab a Imperial transport to get into the HQ."

"What's the issue then?" asked the troopers squad sergeant.

"I never said anything about unguarded transports." said Lilly as she then continued on through the corridors with her squad.

Almost shockingly, there was absolutely no one within this hangar and as she looked around, she then muttered out loud, "Why is there no one here in Minstral?"

"Perhaps most of them are having a day off?" asked one of the troopers.

"I doubt it highly. Its the Empire for pete sakes." said Lilly. "I mean when has anything of the Empire ever slacked off?"

"I've seen back water planet garrisons be the laziest and easily taken over by even individuals of the Rebellion." said one of the troopers when they then stopped.

They were nearing the main entrance of sorts to the hangar area but as she came to the door and made a slight crack in the doors, she peeked through and what she saw kinda surprised her. There was only two guards by the front desk and she could clearly see beyond the doors several waiting transports that were common amongst garrison units.

Something had to be going on here and she needed to know what now before something really bad happened to them.

The Vale, Rebel HQ was quite peaceful for the afternoon so far. Patrols were going out and protecting the city from criminals while recruits were training away within the many training grounds with training blasters and stun rods.

But as Ozpin watched the figure, cloaked in a black cloak and having no visible weapons at the moment, he knew this peaceful afternoon was about to be shattered completely.

Leon's aura of Force Power could be felt by the guards at the front gate as all 12 of them brought up their mixtures of blasters as one of them then shouted to the approaching figure, "Halt! Or you will be shot!"

Leon simply raised a hand as and as the man was lifted into the air, he suddenly hurled him away as the rest of the Rebels there suddenly shouted out, "Light him up!" as blasters were fired along with a mounted heavy blaster.

Leon raised his hand as he simply seemed to absorb the shots with the Force and as he concentrated his anger, it felt good to make others suffer like he had. Make them suffer like had suffered after his brothers loss, after Cinders Betrayal, after Lilly's betrayal. He watched as the defenders almost vainly try and stop him and as he watched them continue to e at him, he suddenly blazed to life his new, red-crystal lightsaber as he began to reflect several of the shots  back towards their senders as he knew his hair was burning up red at this point.

But he was Sith now, and he didn't care about anything beyond revenge.

Ozpin , seeing the red lightsaber and how many guards were already gone which was about half, slammed his mug of coffee down as he then said into the intercom on his desk, "All units, we have a Sith preparing to attack the base! All units are to report to their points, all recruits to the barracks, and everyone keep your weapons to stun. CFVY and the professors, help subdue this Sith. Ozpin out."

The gate erupted into a huge ball of fire and energy as Leon's new Force Lightning ripped through it all and as he slowly walked through the fire, he kept flinging blaster bolts back with his lightsaber as he continued to walk forward through the base. Blasters fired from everywhere it almost seemed as the defenders tried to stop him but as Leon continued to simply walk along, he sent Rebel troopers flying from their positions as many died as they hit things around them while others were luckier and were knocked out.

As he watched the Rebels continue to congregate around him, firing shots from everywhere, suddenly he watched as a plasma rocket came lancing from its tube towards him and as he looked over towards the rocket, he raised his hands to it and sent it flying straight past his face as he then took out his simple blaster pistol and began to fire a few shots out as a few Rebels went down.

Coco, Velvet, Fox, and Yatushi watched as the Sith draw closer to the inner courtyards of the HQ and as all of them had their weapons at the ready to fight the Sith, it was weird using blasters for the first time instead of their old Hunter weapons that used normal conventional bullets. But in this day and age even they knew using blasters was far better and easier to use than their old weapons.

Especially now since they had a Sith to deal with.

As Yatushi held his Plasma blade in both hands, the looks based off the same one he had used originally, while Fox nearby used custom made blasters meant to be placed on his arms as the blades were more like force pikes rather than a normal blade. The only one who hadn't changed their weapon really was Velvet with her box camera producing, hologram weapon-making, nearly overpowered box.

And then Coco herself still had her minigun, just no it was a large blaster that only Theo's beat for some reason that even she was unsure of but she didn't mind as long as hers could shred Grimm and Imperial alike.

Suddenly, an explosion happened opposite of the team and as Coco began to rev up her heavy blaster, Yatushi and Fox bolted in opposite ways to converge on the Sith while Velvet hung back and kept her box close to her. Although she had managed to photo JNPR's, RWBY's, and even the other members of her team, there was a few she had to take a photo of.

But as the Sith slowly walked towards the group, she soon began to summon up the weapon that Ruby used as Yatushi and Fox suddenly came flying at the Sith.

Leon saw both hunters coming and immediately held his hands up as he sent them flying so hard that when both of them cracked the walls they hit as Coco gritted her teeth just a she let loose a torrent of blaster bolts.

Leon Force dashed around the bolts as he used his lightsaber to deflect some more back towards Coco. Coco held her ground even with the reflected heavy blaster bolts as she continued to fire a stream of death straight at the Sith as suddenly Velvet appeared with the holographic form of Ruby's heavy blaster as she then fired it a few times at the Sith.

Leon didn't so much as even blink at the new cone of fire coming towards him as he simply used the Force to boost him higher into the air and as he was flying for a moment in the air, he then began to fall towards Velvet just as the bunny girl switched her holographic weapon from rifle mode to scythe mode to prepare for close-quarter combat.

Leon slammed into the ground near Velvet as she was sent flying backwards but as she landed on her feet, she had only enough time to bring up her newly formed Myrtnaster as suddenly the Sith sent her flying into a wall as her aura deleted almost instantly with another loud Pop! as  then hit the ground unconscious.

Coco gritted her teeth as then she said to the Sith, "You're going to pay for hurting my friend."

"Then come and make me." said Leon just as he sent at the huntress an arc of Force Lightning.

But just as Coco prepared for a strike against her, she suddenly felt someone flash before her and she looked up to suddenly see Ozpin with his cane as Qrow had his scythe out and as Leon looked at both of them, Ozpin then said, "Looks like your rampage ends here, Sith."

Lilly watched as they were waved through the gates of the HQ and as he and her troopers waited anxiously to get inside, something was either going down or had happened here. HQ's had hundreds of soldiers patrolling them or training as well as lots of personnel and officers. but there was no one here to be seen and as the APC they rode in came to a halt, Lilly watched as then a boy with pure yellow, almost golden hair approach the vehicle in Imperial trooper armor with a rod on his back and as she brought up her bat, the boy ,who seemed to be a Hunter form his looks, opened up the door as he said, "New recruit-"


The boy was dragged inside as they gagged and tied him and as Lilly brought up a DNA analyzer, she stuck the pinprick into the boys shoulder as then she waited for the results.

"Results in. Subject: Atomic Vince."

"Well, you were easy to find and capture... now for the team..." muttered Lilly as then she left with her bat and kunai as 8 Rebel troopers ran after her into the HQ as they left two guards with Atomic.

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