Chapter 30

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Lilly looked around as the Rebel soldiers slowly followed her through the quiet corridors as they had their weapons up and at the ready to attack while Lilly simply kept her kunai up in one fist while the other she had her bat still.

It was surprisingly quiet in the HQ for some reason unknown to them all but no one cared as long as they didn't run into a huge garrison all of a sudden.

As Lilly looked around, she then saw a terminal nearby and as she came to it, she took a hacking spike as she muttered, "I may not be as good as some... but I can still hack into stupid Imp terminals!"

She stabbed the spike through access port and as a virus was uploaded into it and began to grant her temporary access to whatever she needed from within the Imperial systems. She immediately began to sift through the systems as she then found it, the map to the whole garrison.

She dumped the file onto her personal holopad as she then opened it up as she looked around with her bat in the other hand. As the holopad brought up the light-blue, slightly flickering map before them all, she immediately saw the prison sector just do south of where they were and about two levels down. The only problem was that they would be passing by not only the barracks but also the garrison command center it seemed and she knew that both would have to be crawling with Imperials.

But they would have to take the risk as she then put the small map away before she flicked her bat and as it became a bow, she then pulled her kunai back out as she said to the Rebel troopers behind her, "We do not have much time so we have to move now or else we will be discovered."

"Then don't lag behind us." said a trooper and the troopers all chuckled.

"Oh, we'll see about that statement," said Lilly as she put on her WF mask, "and then you owe me a drink as your friends would put it."

"You're too young but we'll come up with something." said a trooper.

And with that, they all ran off to get Yang's group out as quickly as they could.

Atomic groaned as he knew he was restrained but as he heard the two guards near him look over, suddenly he took his feet and flipped himself up as he easily slipped his hands from the feebly-made cuffs that had been on his wrists, both cuffs breaking as he simply managed to use his strength to bust them open.

Both Rebels gave shouts and as Atomic grabbed one and threw him into the others, he took out his switch when one of them pulled out a force pike and as Atomic brought his weapon up, the Force Pike suddenly smashed through it easily as he simply through the twisted remains away as he grappled the man.

"I got no shot!" said the other Rebel suddenly as Atomic tried to wrench the Force pike away from the first guard and as he managed to pin the man's free arm to his side, Atomic lashed out a kick at the other guard as he kicked that guards blaster rifle out of the transport they all were in.

He punched one of the Rebels and as the Rebel reeled away, Atomic swept the feet from the other before slamming a heel into the man's temple, knocking him out. The last Rebel swung a fist but then Atomic picked up the other guys Force pike and swung as his swing connected with the last guards chest and sent him flying back.

As Atomic looked around with the Force Pike, he then picked up one of the blaster rifles as he then said, "Well... looks like I have some Rebels to find..."

He ran off and as he did so, he put the Pike on his back and kept the blaster in both hands as he suddenly could only think, Is this maybe my second chance to truly help others?

Yang woke up as she stretched almost immediately but as she did so, she noticed something else. There were always quite a few prisoners in the nearby cells to them as well as guards but it seemed like none of the two was nowhere even near them or hadn't been for a while maybe.

As Yang slowly got up and began to look around, she felt herself press against the barrier shielding her from the outside and keeping her in and as she did, she realized that something was going on if only her group was still here.

Which made her gut twist up because she didn't like that one bit.

As she was looking around, suddenly she heard someone else wake up and as she looked over, she then watched as Alexandria yawn and stretch as she looked around and then asked Yang, "What happened?"

"I don't know... but we seem to be the only ones left." said Yang.

As both of them looked around, Yang suddenly said to Alexandria, "Did... you manage to touch that Atomic guy by chance?"

"Not that I can remember... why?" asked Alexandria.

"Well... last night before I went to sleep... that boy Atomic told me something I never expected.. he said he was the son of Frisky Vince.. you know that nuclear-exploding guy? I almost couldn't  believe he was... it makes sense with the hair... and his... eyes..." said Yang as she thought about the boy.

"Why wasn't he rebel?" asked Alexandria.

"Because he said.. that he didn't want to be on the loosing side." said Yang as she sighed.

Raytoss watched as the many freed and recruited rebels were slowly walked and stalking amongst the Minstrilian square as the annual appreciation parade for the Empire was going on near the Minstillian gardens and as he watched the rearmed Rebels, he was grinning.

Double-crossing the Rebels was proving to be far easier than he thought. His initial thought was to help them take over Minstral and then betray them but he figured it would work better if he simply got rid of them in one go here.

So, he had broken into the Imperial armory, given them some of their weapons and armor back, and then had lead them here as they were now going to "ambush" the Imperial garrison marching in the parade.

What he hadn't told any of them, though, was that he had manage to tip the Commander Shepherd of this plot and had managed to position a few squads of Stormtroopers around to ambush the would-be ambushers.

All he had to do was give the signal... and play his part.

Nothing could go wrong from this.

Lilly slowly scooted up with her kunai as she suddenly threw them hard and fast inn front of her. The two stormtroopers she had been stalking in the halls hit the ground hard as their stuff scattered along the smooth floor, the Rebel troopers took the bodies and hid them in a nearby room as they took the blasters and thermal detonators that were on the two bodies.

They had made their way rather easily down into the lower depths of the garrison and had met fairly little resistance so far and Lilly, having no clue what could possibly be going on today, kept her ears and eyes out for trouble cause she knew it wouldn't take much for this whole operation to go down the drain in one go.

Suddenly they reached another corner and as she looked around it, she then saw, to her surprise, a large group of Imperial officers for once. They all seemed to be looking over some tablets and just standing in the middle of the hall near the barracks and as she counted there to be at least 6 of them.

She took three kunai out and as she threw them, she flipped her bat into a bow as she fired three arrows and as the Troopers sprinted over, 6 officer bodies hit the floor as she ran over and retrieved her kunai and shot arrows. But as she looked down at one of the pict feeds for the tablets, she suddenly realized what was going on in one go.

It was the annual Mistrillian Appreciation parade for the Empire and right now it seemed like almost all of the garrison from here was there on parade.

"We're so lucky you're going on so we can slip in here and win the day." said Lilly as she then discarded the tablet and went after the Rebel troopers ahead of her.

But as they neared the command center, suddenly they all stopped as they heard an Imperial officer say, "Wow... look at all of those Rebels..."

Lilly stopped the group as she slowly advanced with her bat and kunai and as she looked around a corner with her mask still on, she then saw the command center still had some Imperial officers. They all were looking at something on a holotable as the projection floated above the surface and as she looked at it, there was a mess of red figures in the middle in a loose formation as tight clusters of blue were all around them.

"A trap... for the Rebels here?" muttered Lilly when she then felt someone tap her shoulder as she looked to see the Rebel trooper leader standing behind her with some thermal detonators in his hand.

She simply nodded and as she backed away, she watched as he threw the detonators in as they all took cover as their were shouts and then many explosions as the command center glowed from the detonators before the light subsided and as the group went in, everything was in chaos.

Stuff was scattered amongst the limp bodies as monitors and holotables were sparking in their destruction. But as the group looked around, Lilly then said to them, "We do not have much time, they're going to ambush the Minstril Rebels who are at the parade!"

And with that, everyone agreed to go as they all ran straight out of the command center and towards the cell blocks once again.

Meanwhile, not too far behind them as he was running and following the bodies and the recent sound of explosions, Atomic ran onward as his mind was clouded with what he should do about the Rebels. Should he kill them? Should he throw them in cells? Should he join them?

As Atomic skidded into a corner, he suddenly wondered what his father would tell him. The girl, Yang, was right in many ways the night before and thinking about her made him actually kinda miss her. But he shook his head as he tried to reaffirm himself to be a Imperial Hunter sworn for the Empires service. But still the voice came and whispered doubt into him and as he tried to shake his head more, he suddenly realized the Rebels here were heading for the Cells to free Yang.

And he had to stop them.

Raytoss slowly slinked around as he had his dragon tail close to him and as he watched the Rebels near the main parade center, where the garrison would be popping up soon, he grinned as he pulled out a small headset as he whispered into it, "All squads ready to go?"

"Yes, Hunter Raytoss." said one of the Stormtrooper Sergeants that was posted with his squad.

"Good... when the shooting begins from them, go in and take them out. Raytooss out." said Raytoss as then he put the headset away.

As he took out hi hidden E-11 from within his coat he had, he watched as the Rebels were spreading out across various forms of cover as they were setting up for the attack and as he watched some bring out heavy blasters and rockets, he smiled at the fact that all of them were going to be annihilated soon.

Yang heard the footsteps first and as she looked over, Alexandria looked over to as suddenly they saw Lilly and the 8 Rebel Troopers come running over just as Alexandria said, "Oh look what the dog brought in... what brings you here, squirt?"

"I'm here to rescue you, what else?" asked Lilly.

"I figured you were here for round two." said Yang as she watched Lilly suddenly take her bat and smash the control panel nearby as it gave a spark before the shielding before the cell melted away.

As the troopers looked over everyone else, Lilly slowly helped the group that was now all awake to get out of the cell, Yang then said, "How did you make it inside?"

"The Garrison is out to the parade in the city but they seem to be planning to Ambush the Rebels there that are trying to in turn ambush them." said Lilly. "They're going to slaughter them!"

"Just like how I'm going to do the same to you all?"

Everyone spun as they all saw Atomic armed with a blaster rifle in one hand and a Force pike in the other and as he slowly was waling to them all, only the troopers and Lilly were armed with any real weapons. And Atomic was in between them all and the armory.

"Open fire!" Shouted one of the troopers and as the squad opened fired, their blaster shots filled the corridor.

But Atomic held his rifle up and as he fired a few times, his shots put down 4 of the 8 Rebels as he suddenly dashed forward with his pike sparking with energy. One of the Rebels tried to club him with his gun but Atomic sent him and a buddy hurling into the wall as the two others kept up a stream of blaster energy on him but none of their shots seemed to be connecting even with such a short distance to go.

Atomic reached one Rebel and as he extended out his hand, suddenly a small thermal detonator-sized explosion happened form his hand set the man flying way down the hallway and as the last one looked over, Atomic slammed his Force Pike and sent them into a nearby wall.

Leaving a completely unarmed Yang group and a armed Lilly to stand before him.

As Yang held up her hands, she was wishing she had her weapons on her as Atomic took note that her current prosthetic arm was slightly slower than normal. She looked like she would need it repaired at some point if she was ever to be useful to the Empire.

Suddenly he heard her say, "Atomic..."

Atomic looked over at Yang as she held up her fists as she said, "Don't do this... because I don't think this is the you you want to be..."

"What are you gonna do... stop me from putting-" began Atomic when it happened.

Yang flew at Atomic as she flew in with a kick and as he brought up his Force pike, her foot smashed it away as suddenly she landed and hammered his gut with a thunderous blow that caused him to fly back himself. Atomic quickly righted himself back up as he held up his fists but even as he did so, Yang flew at him again as Lilly then said to them all, "Let's get going! She'll be fine!"

And with that said, everyone ran as fast as they could as Lilly began to steer them to the armory.

Meanwhile, Yang and Atomic were slugging it out as they were trading hefty blows that normal troops would have been destroyed by but both were Hunters and their Aura's were made to deal with such blows. Yang hammered a blow in Atomic's face just as he kicked her and as she slid back, she looked back at him as words were useless now. She was going to have to beat him into submission or into unconsciousness before he did the same to her and then her friends.

Atomic kept his stance defensive as Yang was not only tough but good in hand-to-hand it seemed. Her hits were hard too, nearly cracking his armor with the metal arm and her other fist was giving his some good bruises on his body but as he watched her, she wasn't really used to fighting with bare hands it seemed to his eyes.

But one thing was for certain and that was she wasn't going down simply with a few hits. She was going to fight to the bitter end.

As both of them suddenly backed off, Atomic suddenly then sent an explosion into the ground towards her as the ground shattered and sent several shards of the floor straight for her. Yang ducked as the sharp shards came flying at her but as she did so, she felt sever being shredded by the masonry.

As Atomic watched as the small dust cloud form his move dissipate, he suddenly noticed the several locks of hair floating around and as he caught one in his hands, he suddenly felt a sudden rise in temperature as he looked over to see Yang slowly standing up as her eyes were suddenly now glowing a red and her hair was glowing like it was the sun.

What's she doing now? Thought Atomic in his head as he then launched himself at her and threw an explosive punch at her.

As soon as his fist touched her body, she rocked back as he would expected only suddenly for her fist to send him flying down the corridor with an immense force. He slid across the floor as he managed to quickly get up but as he looked at the glowing woman before him, if she had not been trying to kill him he could almost say she looked hot.

But he shook his head and as she came at him again, he put some more explosive semblance into this one as he hit her. Again, she rocked with the blow but as she came back what could be only described as possibly his own explosive force was thrown into him and as he hit the far side of the nearby wall, he slid down as he managed to spit out a little blood. After that last punch, his Aura was likely not doing so hot and he didn't need a monitor to know it since he was feeling it real good.

But as he watched her come closer, he knew he had little choice in what to do next.

As soon as she walked up to him, suddenly he put his fists together and as Yang saw a flash, a huge thunderous clap of an explosion happened as Atomic detonated himself and as she went flying through the walls, her Semblance suddenly overloaded and popped off with her aura as she suddenly landed in the Imperial garrison parade grounds.

As she looked up into the smoke-filled sky as she could hear in the distance blaster fire, she heard someone slowly hobbling towards her and as she watched Atomic enter her view, he slowly crouched down as she then simply said, "Do it... kill me now.."

At first, Atomic wanted to. But as he thought about what she had said, and also how she was kinda hot still even after having been punched through several walls, he couldn't bring himself to do it. And not to mention, as he looked around the Imperial garrison HQ and looked around at the city, he realized that by becoming an Imperial he had not helped anyone but rather helped the Imperials put a yoke on everyone here.

It was a stark truth that he wanted to change before it was permanent.

"You know... as crazy as this sounds, do you want to get a drink after we're gone at the parade?" asked Atomic as he held a hand out for her.

Yang looked up at him in shock before she managed a weak smile as she then said, "Huh... you owe me a good drink then and a nice dress."

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