Chapter 31

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The Minstrillian Gardens were in full blood as the Rebels were being slowly put down by the Imperial forces that ambushed them just as they had reach the edge of the Empire Day parade. Blaster fire turned beautifully cultivated garden patches into charred craters as rockets and missiles went this way and that while a few mortars fired from the Imperial squads around the gardens to land amongst clusters of Rebels.

Of the 300 original rebels, only a rough 160 remained.

Raytoss advanced with some Imperial as his E-11 blaster spewed death all over and as he took cover behind some raised platforms that once held beautiful trees and bushes that now were simply smoking craters and splintered husks, he raised a fist as he shouted out, "Kill them all!! Let none escape!!"

"Come on, get in!!!" shouted Sky as he waved everyone else in the group over to where the waiting transport was, the transport being a small Imperial loader that Lilly had rigged to work.

The group, now fully armed and ready for combat, ran into the transport and as Lilly closed the driver side door, she then heard Sky say to her, "You sure we can trust you?"

"I was pretty much taken in by Ozpin. You have some beef, fine but take it up with him if you have anything else to say."

"Fine..." said Sky as he kept his lightsaber out as then put his hood over his head.

In the back, Ruby, Mara, and Weiss were going over their blasters and weapons as Alexandria made sure her launcher was in good condition and as Zwei walked around the transport idly, Ruby then sighed as she then said, "I hope Yang makes it out okay."

"She'll be fine..." said Weiss,

The transport took off and as it did so, Sky then said as he looked into the back, "Get ready for a fight! We'll be landing in the middle of a fierce battle and we're gonna have to use every bit of our abilities and power to win this!"

"We'll have to hope Yang appears to help us."

Meanwhile, Atomic and Yang slowly walked through the rubble Yang created from her explosive exit and as they soon entered the normal halls, she then said to Atomic, "Look, sorry we had to fight... but you should know something before we go and save out friends back in the Minstral park..."

"And what's that?" asked Atomic.

"Raytoss is behind the Rebels getting out, I'm assuming... you give him a girl to sleep with and he sets your group free... probably even gives your weapons back too..."

"I bet he does... that bastard..." said Atomic as then he smiled and said, "But now I have a reason to kill him..."

They quickly went down the halls and as they took some turns, a few stairs, and a few doors, they finally came to the armory and as Atomic blasted it open, he then said, "Get you gear, ill grab mine and get us a vehicle to use and while your at it, go get that arm of yours fixed and checked out with the nearby mechanic droid."

Yang grabbed her scatter blaster gauntlets and as she went over towards the nearby mechanic droid, it immediately began to work on her arm. Atomic, nearby, was making sure his armor was good as he grabbed a fresh E-11 blaster, a new Force Pike, and then a few thermal detonators and as he grabbed a key, he then stopped to watch Yang's arm being finished up as he then noticed her long, luscious hair and as she stood there, suddenly she felt his hands go through her hair and she looked at him with a strange look as he said, "What?"

"I hate people touching my hair..." said Yang as her eyes went red.

Atomics hand jerked away from her hair but then her eyes went back to normal as she then said, "But maybe if you don't yank it i can let you play with it.."

"But only because your taking me on a date." Yang soon was given her arm back and as she put her weapons on, she then smiled as she said, "Now... you want me to drive or you?"

The Minstral gardens was still chaos when Leon leapt from the transport with his lightsaber blazing to life just as Lilly brought the transport flying for a landing that nearly crashed the transport into the middle of the gardens. As Ruby threw open the doors, her sniper heavy blaster was firing away immediately as Weiss fired her Naboo pistol while Alexandria fired her pulse rocket at a group of encroaching Imperials.

Zwei ran out and as he did so, he attacked the nearest Imperial while Lilly fired her bow and threw her kunai all around her as she nailed Imperials all around her. And finally, Mara jumped up and combined her axes into a scatter blaster and as she fired and took a chunk of troopers from a squad, she undid the combo as she fired the now-blaster pistols as her shots took down some charging troopers.

Meanwhile, Raytoss saw them all appear and gritted his teeth and as a squad of stormtroopers appeared next to him, he pointed to the newcomers and told the squad, "Focus fire on them!!"

The troopers and their sergeant ran off to do so but as they did so, suddenly a Force Push sent several flying as Sky was in the midst of a large group of them and Raytoss was in shock and awe. Sky sliced three troopers down in blow with his lightsaber as he stabbed another before deflecting two bolts back to their senders. He Force Jumped into another group and as he pushed three into some trees, he flipped his lightsaber around him as flying bolts were sent into bodies all around.

He suddenly stopped and as he did so, several troopers surrounded him and then all fired as one.

And that's when he jumped into the air and then smashed down as the Force from his fist that hit the ground sent a shockwave through the eart, sending the around 20 Stormtroopers flying and tumbling away as he was left solely standing.

A Jedi.... the Rebels has a jedi... Raytoss was in shock at this.

Alexandria fired another rocket from behind cover as Mara was with her blaster pistols, firing sprays of shots at the stormtroopers around them when suddenly several of the Minstral Rebels appeared next to them, about 30, and began to add their fire to what Mara was putting out.

"Alright now we can win this fight!" shouted Mara as suddenly she threw up her soul shield before her and began to run forward while the Rebels were quick to follow her, blasters blazing as they ran for a mass of stormtroopers opposite to them. Alexandria quickly reloaded and fired one more rocket before flipping her rocket launcher into her mace and running after them at top speed.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Weiss were trying to push up with another large group of Rebels against some entrenched Imperials. The blaster fire was practically the air itself as Ruby tried to snipe with Weiss but as a few more Rebels were taken out that they were gonna have to get creative or something to get past the enemies thick suppressing fire.

Thankfully, both Ruby and Weiss knew a way to get around it. First came Weiss as she threw glyphs out and as some formed beneath the Imperial lines, she suddenly launched them up as she instantly began to run through the considerable gap in their lines. As that happened, Ruby made her blaster become a scythe as she then used her Semblance to blitz from cover straight into the Imperial lines and as some troopers turned to fire at her, she slipped and bolted through their ranks as several of them were cut down by her scythe as she then flipped it back to a blaster and fired at everything in sight.

The sudden attack amongst the Imperial ranks gave the Rebels a chance and all of them took it as they jumped up and ran towards the imperial lines as they fired their blasters at the hated enemy that had oppressed them for so long.

And then across from the yard, Lilly suddenly sent several splinters and branches into a group of charging Imperials as she used her telekinesis to send it all at their way before charging in with her bat, knocking Imps out or simply sticking them with her kunai.

Raytoss looked down at his small holopad as he watched lights from squads blinking off and as he then began to look around for a way to run. He needed to regroup with the commander if he was going to live through this.

And then suddenly-


Raytoss was thrown away as Atomic used his explosive semblance to smash the ground before Raytoss and as Raytoss was thrown away, Atomic watched as Yang careened the Speeder bike into a squad as she landed and immediately began to fire her scatter blaster gauntlets around her as troopers were felled by her shots.

Raytoss scrambled to get to his feet as Atomic was standing nearby with his blaster firing at the troopers around them and the force pike in his other hand and when Raytoss managed to rise up with his tail swinging from between his legs, Atomic looked at him and then pointed his E-11 as he said to Raytoss, "You know... for a Rebel, I expected you to be a better one..."

"You're one to talk now, Atomic..." said Raytoss as he grit his teeth.

"True... but at least if I get rid of you I wont have worry about a double-agent again.." said Atomic.

And with that he fired his blaster on full auto and Raytoss threw himself away from the fire as he fired back with his own blaster but his shots were hasty and didn't even get close to where Atomic stood. Raytoss slid behind a raised platform of some of the little remaining garden parts of this place and as he flipped the spent battery pack from his blaster and tried to put a new one in, suddenly the platform exploded into fragments and as he rolled along the ground from the explosion, Raytoss was suddenly tossed into a fountain as he soon sat up before going back down to dodge more blaster fire.

Atomic watched as Yang soon ran into a group of troopers with other Rebels and as he smiled, he finally looked back to Raytoss as he then fired some more blaster bolts at the fountain as he then began to advance over towards it.

"Come on, come on!!!" said Raytoss as he tried to reload amidst the blaster bolts.

Suddenly, a thermal detonator was tossed into the fountain and as he ran out of the fountain, several blaster bolts suddenly smacked into him as Atomic was right next to him, absorbing the explosion from the thermal detonator when it went off.

As Raytoss tried to crawl away, suddenly he felt something stab into him as Atomic then said, "This is payback for what you did to me..."

And as Raytoss died, Atomic let go of the Force Pike as Yang slowly walked over to him as she then asked him, "You going to be alright?"

Atomic watched as surrendering Imperial troops slowly were being rounded up by the surviving Rebels and as he watched this happen, he then looked at her as he said, "Yeah... it feels good to be a real protector instead of anything else."

"Now... time to find that commander... and give him the good news!"

Commander Shepherd watched from his command post as the Rebels were slowly closing in and as the other officer next to him looked at him, he then sighed as he said, "I'm afraid we will die a pointless death... tell everyone to stand down and surrender..."

The officer slowly saluted as soon the orders were given and as Stormtroopers and Army troopers slowly began to lay their weapons down and vehicles were powered down, the remaining around 100 Rebels soon were upon them as prisoners were rounded up, taken away, and soon Shepherd was looking at Atomic, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Mara, Zwei, Sky, Lilly, and Alexandria as the group soon walked into the commander structure as Atomic said with no smile but no grimace, "Commander Shepherd..."

"Atomic... I guess this is where I say you have the city..." said the commander.

"Well... thats nice... but I have a favor to ask you, sir.." said Atomic.

"And what's that?"

"We're gonna need you to change uniform and help us keep the city free from the Imperials..."

Everyone looked at Atomic like he was nuts but Shepherd smiled as he then said, "And why should a fool like you let a Imperial officer be in charge again?"

"Commander... we both know you probably didn't like the Imperials in the first place..." said Atomic. "And that Raytoss was not only a Double Agent you had to deal with on your own but you also had to deal with incapable officers and troopers who didn't want to do their duty.."

Shepherd nodded as then Atomic said, "We wont promise much... but having you in charge would at least make me feel as if anyone can turn a leaf like I did..."

"And why did you go Rebel?" asked Shepherd.

"I asked a Rebel girl on a date and promised her a nice dress.. what else could it be?" asked Atomic as he shrugged.

Shepherd smiled and as he looked out from the command center as he then said, "Very well then... I'll submit something to the Rebel leader for that position... until then.. we have much work to do if we are going to get anyone to join us... so come help me get some coffee would ya?"

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