Chapter 32

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When Ray came to from being stun locked and unconscious, he awoke to having a rough cloth bag over his face and head as he couldn't see anything. He still had his armor on, although his hands and feet were tied, and he was pretty confident all of his weapons and his jet pack was gone.

But as he managed to sit up anyway, he suddenly heard Stalker say from nearby, "Ray... did... do we like just get Nar Shadda'd again?"

"We must have." Grunted Ray as he tried to triangulate where he was next to Stalker through the sound, although it was difficult.

Mainly because it was so noisy in here with so many voices and things going on at once. He could hear conversations going this way and that, some normal, others shouting, and he could hear the loud roar of machinery working as well close by, although he was unclear on what exactly it was.

"Owww... I haven't been stunned for ages.." he heard Theodosius growl from nearby as he then heard Retz say, "Where are we?"

"You are in the home of the High Hiver Gang, friends.." said a voice as suddenly everything went very, very quiet.

The voice as surprisingly a woman's and as the boys all looked around, Stalker then noticed her couldn't hear anything from Sapphire and as he looked around with his own hood on, his helmet hopefully attached to his belt, he then asked, "Alright, where's the female compatriot we had?"

"Oh the other Faunus? She's been take to my personal Sanctum..." said the voice again.

"Yeah, no way we can ask her back can we?" Asked Retz from somewhere.

"I'm afraid she's no longer yours, boys..."

"Alright, well, can you at least take these sacks off? I'm not in the mood for anonymous sex." Said Verde from behind Ray.

While the boys all chuckled and kinda made comments quietly to themselves, they soon heard the scraping of metal on metal and all stopped as Stalker wondered what was being dragged over before suddenly he felt a blade against his neck and he looked up as he heard another voice say, "Hmm... but would we want to see your ugly faces?"

"Hey, be nice to whomever your talking to! Not all of us like make up!" Said Verde.

There was more silence beyond the machinery but then movement and the sacks were ripped off the heads of the group as Stalker looked around with the others and they were a little taken back.

All of the Faunus around them were not only wearing somewhat uniform scrap armor and clothing but also were all women. The Faunus races ranged all over in types but as the boys looked around, Stalker locked his eyes on the one woman who was lounging on a half-decent couch with three blasters in front of her on a small cart. She was dark skinned, with black hair and yellow eyes as she was a fox Faunus judging from her tail. She had a cool smile and she had a diadem on her head with jewels spreading down her face on long strings like a veil.

"Right, introductions?" Asked Retz who would love to break out but as he looked at some of the women's whom were bear Faunus, he didn't like his chances of being mauled.

"I am Amara... leader of the High Hive Gang." Said the Fox Faunus with a hint of a smile as she picked up a blaster pistol.

"And I am Emura, her twin." Said the Faunus bext to Stalker, who looked over at the other fox Faunus and saw she wielded a large cleaver sword.

"And who might you all be?" Asked Amara as she looked at them.

"Just some simple Bounty Hunters." Lied Verde.

"Yet you come more armed than a platoon of Stormtroopers. Why?" Asked Emura as she circled the boy but still watching Stalker warily.

"Cause big game need big guns..." said Stalker this time before he asked, "But I have a question for you."

At that moment, the blade rested against Stalkers neck and he slowly managed to look behind him as Emura than said, "You have no right to speak to us, welp!"

"I wouldn't talk down to him... tends to kill people for that." Said Verde as Stalker managed a small growl.

"Fighters till the end, eh?" Amara stood up as though Stalker noticed no one had their helmets on, he watched as she walk with the blaster before saying to those behind the boys, "Leave the Grimm. Take the others to the cells."

As female, bear Faunus drug Retz, Verde, Ray, and Theodosius away, Emura and Amara stood before Stalker as Amara shot off his bindings before she said, "Now... let us see what this Grimm can do...."

When Sapphire woke up, she was instantly up and scanning her surroundings as she was a bit shocked and perplexed. The room was wide and rather open, full of plush cushions big enough for a person, lounging couches, beds, and chairs as there were small tables full of empty goblets and plates.

Then, a door opened and Sapphire looked over as she saw a female snake Faunus, a Cobra from the looks of her Cobra hood on either side of her neck, as the female wore a dress with a diadem around her head, a platter of food and drink in a goblet sitting in her arms.

"Where am I?" Asked Sapphire.

The girl said nothing, simply putting the food and drink down and the. Briskly walking out before Sapphire heard the door close.

"Okay... last time I remember was-" began Sapphire when she realized her clothes felt different and looked down.

She wore a silk and velvet dress-like bathrobe that was slightly see-through in a few areas as not only had her top clothes been replaced but her undergarments had been replaced as well it seems, which made her blush out of sheer embarrassment someone undressed her down that much.

"-that I wasn't wearing such decent clothes... and I was with the others... but we got captured by stun guns... and then I'm here..."

"Which means... I'm now a Concubine to some Warlord..." she said with a small tear in her eyes.

"What am I going to do now?"

Ray, Verde, Retz, and Theodosius was tossed very roughly into a just as roughly made cell as the bear Faunus women soon walked away as one locked the cells before she said, "I'm wouldn't expect help from your friend. Grimm always die easy to the Twins."

"Technically he's Half-Grimm, twerp." Said Ray defiantly.

"Not to mention he's a Hunter... he can have a lot of punishment thrown at him before going down, especially if he's got armor." Said Verde as he managed to sit up.

As the group looked at one another, suddenly Ray snapped his bonds off thanks to a sharpened, exposed corner in the floor as he then said while rubbing his arms, "So... why all women?"

"Cause Men are all scum and if we women don't band together, we'll end up as far worse." Said the Faunus as she leaned against the door.

"Really? Man, every day I'm starting to feel bad about you all... but what do you do to the men then?" Asked Theodosius.

Then, a stroller went by a cell and they all watched as Ray untied them slowly with his own eyes glued to the remains that were in the stroller, although it was more of a barrel of remains at this point. The man had been stripped of most of his distinctions as a faunus but they could kinda see the tail he once had while he had been also stripped of some other things like, to the groups slight disgust, some fingers, a leg, and most of his skin.

"That's what we do to the men... at least the ones who mess with us." Said the female faunus.

"Sicko's." muttered Ray.

The boys soon watched her go away as they all were now untied and as Verde looked around in his Titan armor, he then said to the others, "Well, now we have some time, why don't you explain to us what a Nar Shadda is, Ray?"

"Yes, please waste our lives away while we rot in here."

That last comment came from another nearby cell and everyone looked over to see a Stormtrooper in the cell as they all were a little confused for a moment. The armor was Stormtrooper but the thing underneath was pure leather armor and to add to the confusion, it seemed like a mixture of normal Stormtrooper armor, Tank trooper armor, and scout trooper armor. His helmet was next to him as he was laying back on the floor with his arms behind his head as nearby was a black hoodie, a red shirt, blue jeans, and combat boots.

He was 5'6" inches if they were to judge his height even when he was laying back and he had black hair and one yellow eye looking at them.

"Who are you again?" Asked Theodosius.

"The names Rider... Rider Ross. I'm a bit a rebel... kinda..."

"A hunter by chance?" Asked Verde.

"Yeah.." said Rider. "So please, entertain us while we waste away."

The boys all looked at one another before they looked to him before Ray asked, "How did you get here again?"

"Same as you, most likely. Got captured by these Feminists and got thrown in here.."

"Feminists might be a bad word to use. I think Amazons fit them better." Said Retz. "But whatever floats your boat."

The boys got quiet for a moment as Ray then said, "So what's your semblance then?"

"You really want to know?" Said Rider.

Suddenly, Ray felt himself getting angry, so angry he wanted to beat someone down but as he looked around, he was really trying to find where this happened when suddenly Retz held his shoulder and asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just feel really mad for some reason." Said Ray as he tried to calm himself down but the anger was not going away and he shook his head as he held it before he heard Theodosius say, "So... I'm assuming you can control people's emotions?"

The anger faded as Rider then said, "Yeah but after three times of escaping and failing, the women got smart and made sure to do anything and everything in their power to not fall into that control."

Both cells were soon quiet again before Ray nodded and said, "Well, I might as well tell you the incident me and Stalker had on the planet Nar Shadda involving a assassination job that turned sour."

Stalker was still sitting on his legs still as eve after three punches to his face and a few kicks he hadn't really moved at all, which was the intent.

The Twins Emura and Amara looked at him with completely annoyance as normally Grimm would aggressively attack. But this one seemed either stupid or was waiting for something and as Emura flipped her cleaver around, she growled as she asked Stalker, "Come on, move you stupid animal!"

"Coming from the half-animal, you should be the last person to say that phrase." Said Stalker as he looked at both twins. He also knew he had his helmet on his belt.

Another thing both twins were perturbed by, the fact this Grimm could talk. It made trying to get it fighting a pain. Emura responded to his comment with a snarl but Amara then pointed her blaster at Stalker and said, "Well of you don't want to fight, we'll just kill you here."

"You wish." Stalker, still free of his bonds, cloaked under his Active Camouflage semblance and moved back a ways as Amara, Emura, and the other woman all looked in surprise at this as she then looked all around them and said, "Where is that stupid Cobra girl when you need her."

"Viper Faunus are probably the ones you actually need." They heard him speak but still didn't see him. "And perhaps I shall educate you.. cause I'm actually not Grimm but Half-Grimm."

"How is that possible?" Muttered Amara.

"Through science and some other unholy things done to a human body..." said Stalker with a shrug right behind her.

She spun from the proximity of his voice but Stalker moved out of the way as he then said, "So, I have some questions for you all now.."

"And what are they, Bounty Hunter?" Asked Amara.

"I want to know is if you are the gang responsible for this action, which I have info that says so, why you all attack the Imperials in the name of the Rebels.."

"So the job was to get rid of a leak in some corporations ranks that had managed to run to Nar Shadda and hide there so me and Stalker took the job."

"So for about two days we set up a elaborate trap with some speeder bikes and set up several sniper spots while managing to track his whereabouts down. Eventually, we managed to make it so he came to the trap on a day we planned and we waited for him."

"But when we had taken the first shot at the man, Hutt Cartel mercenaries protected him and chased us. We got on our bikes and boosted away as they got on all sorts of craft but when we reached halfway to our safe zone, we ran out of fuel."

"So, we stood our ground and fought back for roughly 30 minutes... took quite a few of them with us before then they stunned us... after that, they took us to the Hutt in charge of them and he asked us to ignore the mans bounty for double the price."

"After some heated discussion, we refused outright due to how bad it would be for our reputation."

"So, we were shuttled then to the deepest part of Nar Shadda, the Scum Pit where the ilk of those who were scum and trash was tossed down... we probably were there for about a week till they eventually let us go..."

"After that," Said Ray as everyone had been transfixed on his story, " we both made sure that we never got stunned, never had even half a tank of fuel for a speeder bike, and generally made sure not to mess up on our job."

"Did you ever kill the guy?" Asked Verde.

"Poisoned him just before we left with cyanide."

"Brutal." Said Rider nearby.

"Well, it's not a nice death for sure but better than some still..." said Ray before he then said, "But now we have to find a way out of this mess."

"And if we can't?" Asked Theodosius.

"Then I'm gonna bust us out." Said Retz.

"Why don't you?" Asked Rider.

"We are waiting on Stalker.... see if he can talk us out or what."

Stalker watched Amara and Emura soon got comfortable as they had dismissed all of the other women so only the three of them were in the room. Bolting for the door would have been dumb though because not only was there likely to be those women at the door but also he needed this info.

"So what if we say we're Rebels but not officially part of the Cell? What do you care about?" asked Emura as she soon took some grapes and began to gnaw on them from the stem.

"As a member of said cell, we were wondering if you would like to join us in our efforts to get rid of the Imperials." Stalker was still cloaked thankfully but he was likely running out of time before it dissipated.

"And why would we want to join you all?" Asked Amara.

"Well considering I once knew a Faunus as a Battle-brother, I understand you all don't like being in places like these... forced to live and work in a barely live able environment while others rule over you all..."

"Well, we actually like it down here... no one messes with us." Said Amara.

"For now... it won't be long, however, before someone gets tired of you disrupting their stuff and send an army after you." Said Stalker.

"Let them come, we can take them!" Said Emura with a toothy grin.

"You can't and you wouldn't last a day under a heavy, concentrated bombardment by Star Destroyers... and not just but one but their fleets can have dozens of them and millions of Stormtroopers to disgorge into your nest from above and below... you're women would be slaughtered to better weapons, grind underneath tracks, taken prisoner for use in mines and you would be lucky to be thrown in a cell..."

Both women were quiet at this as then Amara asked, "And you know this how?"

"Lets just say after firsthand account of this I knew it would take more than a determined heart and wits to win against them... good blasters and armor does help..."

"Still," said Stalker as he managed to slowly walk around, "I should commend you on the fact you managed to somewhat unite the gangs of Faunus around here together."

"We are united. We simply showed them what would happen if they say no." Said Amara.

"Yeah, but you have easily enough manpower to take the Garrison, even with heavy losses... but it's obvious you won't."

"Cause we don't believe in wasting lives." Said Emura.

"How about you're as afraid as the Faunus you control? The very fact you don't want to take Vacuo for your own shows how weak minded you are."

Emura shot straight up and snarled but Amara stayed quiet as then Stalker said, "Your sister here shows me I'm not wrong... isn't that right, Amara?"

Emura glanced at her twin and as Amara looked at her, she then said, "Show yourself."

Stalker shrugged and hen as he decloaked, he put his helmet on as he then held his arms up to either side as he said, "Here I am."

Amara slowly stood as Stalker dropped his arms as he watched her cautiously.

"We... once had parents who lived above..." began Amara.

"We were just making it by, with Dad working at a factory and mother taking care of us... but when he left one day, he never came back... we waited for a week till we found out he had tried to fight an Imperial patrol and had been killed with so many others.."

"My mother rushed us down here, into hiding, but we were soon captured by a Faunus Gang.. we were 13 then..."

"Mother became the concubine to a Warlord and we were the servants... we were beaten... brutalized, and harshly swore at while trying to do what we were told..."

"The our mothered died to disease and we decided then to escape while we could with some other concubines.... and so in the night, we slit his throat and booted into the Underhive..."

"Then," continued Amara, "we built ourselves up slowly, fought for food, water, and people as we tried to secure our women and people a better life... and now here we are..."

Stalker listened and knew from the tears that managed to slip from Amaras eyes she was telling the truth and as he looked at her, he then said, "I know the pain to feel when you lost your families... I had two of them, my actual parents and then my Battle-Brothers of my Hunter team... I know that pain all too well..."

"But we already know what we did, we kept going for them... I lost some more people... but came out wiser and stronger... now I'm back to get payback on those who killed my people..." said Stalker.

"All I hope is that you'll join me."

Sapphire watched the guards walk away with their blasters as she tried to stay low and hidden from view. She had taken out two of the guards after she had managed to convince them to open the door and as she held a crummy blaster, still wearing her dress, she hoped she would be able to get out of here soon with some help.

She then dashed forward to a nearby door and as she hid behind it, she heard voices on the other side. Were they her friends?

She quickly opened it and then shut it behind her and when she turned, she froze at what she saw.

Stalker was tied down to a couch as half his armor was in a pile and his suit of chain and bodysuit beneath had been moved aside to reveal his upper body while his helmet was on a table, exposing his Grimm mask.

And around him, Amara and Emura covering their chests as both parties stared at one another.

"Oh, hey Sapphire." Said Stalker with a small blush. "What an opportune time to join us!"

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