Chapter 33

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"Alright, now that everyone is here.. we can begin discussion." Said Amara.

Amara and Emura were lounging on their couch at the head of the room while Stalkers group was situated to the nearby side.

And all around them the faunus gangs stood with mixed expressions at this meeting and also with mixed looks of armor and clothing, ranging from all one drab color to bright, multi-color neon.

Amara sighed before she then said, "As you know, we've been picking at the Imperial Garrison here, forcing them to bring more and more of their own down into our depths where we then take more of them."

"But it appears we have gained attention of another group... the Rebel Alliance here on Remnant."

The whole room slowly murmured to one another as then Emura said, "Come forward, Stalker."

Stalker, now back in his usual attire after that very awkward moment where both of the women he had been talking too had suddenly wanted to do it with him, slowly stepped forward as he had also managed in the time it took the gangs to get himself and his friends all reequipped with their armor and weapons.

"Evening," Said Stalker as he glanced within his beskar'garms helmets chronometer on the HUD, "I am Stalker of the Remnant Rebel Cell currently situated within the city of Vale."

"I have come with a proposition for you all. The Imperials on this world are still reeling from us taking Vale and the failed assault there but now we are trying to take back both Minstral and your city of Vacuo.."

"What I'm asking is that you join us in an assault on the Imperial HQ." Said Stalker. "For though me and my friends are proficient in our craft as Hunters and Fighters, we need more numbers to stand a chance.."

It was relatively quiet with only a few whispers or muttering around and he glanced over to Emura and Amara standing nearby as he had never officially had their agreement to this.

"We, the High Hiver Gang, have already agreed to join him... this is our city and we faunus all have wanted out of this hell hole we are within." Said Amara.

A few nods and mutters of agreement were heard as then a man came forward with the symbol of a white bunny as he then said, "Why do we side with this man? Is he not a human, the same people who threw us down here."

Everyone glanced back to Stalker who then slowly took his helmet off and when the White Bunny Gang Leader saw his mask, he took a step back as Stalker said, "True, I am still human... but Imperials are a common foe for all... they have no reason to be here and I want them gone as much as anyone else.."

It was now a room full of talking but that stopped when one Bear faunus Said, "We of the Scrap Grizzlies will join this effort!"

Nearby, a snake faunus woman shouted, "The Ssssilver Ssserpents are going to rip the Imperialsss apart."

A few more gangs joined in but Stalker wondered why the others weren't jumping in when finally one Wolf Faunus stepped forward and asked, "And why should we all join this? Are we not even remotely close to how prepared the Imperials are?"

More agreement went to this but before Emura could answer, Ray stepped forward with Stalker. "Because the assault won't be done right this moment."

"It will take time to create something possibly of a diversion to keep the vast majority of the Imps away as well as stealing their equipment and armor for our own use..."

"But thankfully," Said Ray as he twirled his Weskars with all eyes on his mandalorian armor, "you all should be well versed in how stealing works.."

The groups all looked at one another before Stalker then said, "I will give you all if you join roughly three days till we Assault the Imperials. There's plenty of Imperial patrols around that any expert assassin amongst you should reap much rewards."

"What about their walkers? We have nothing to take them out!" Shouted someone.

"You don't need weapons to take them out. Walkers can be tripped up, their legs tied up, their main bodies can be crushed by falling debris, be creative." Said Ray. "Even indigenous tribes can take out Imperial walkers with simple tactics."

Everyone began to look at one another before Emura asked, "Now who will join us in this effort?"

And at this, in total of maybe 50 gangs present, about 45 of them all made pledges to join this assault effort with everything they had. While Stalker watched them, he felt someone get cosy next to him so to speak and he looked over to see a very disappointed Sapphire staring at him.

"What?" He Asked her.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten what I saw." She said with a slight shake of her head.

"But it wasn't my idea!" He said.

"Shameful display." She sighed before then Amara Said, "I'll show you all your rooms if your willing to stay with us."

Stalker nodded before he asked Ray nearby, "So what can Ryder do exactly?"

"He can control emotions. I think both of us will agree that his semblance will prove pivotal in the assault against the Imperials." Said Ray Akomoto.

"Good.. lets hope he's a decent shot with his weapon if it's range or something.." Answered Stalker and then he began to follow Amara with the group towards where they would be staying for the night.

The corridors were winding and sometimes badly lit due to how the Underworld didn't exactly have its own little power grid, but the team managed to keep Amara within sight before they soon reached a bulkhead door and they stopped as Amara opened it up and ushered them in. Within the room, it was rather spacious and full of plush cushions and pillows and beds and when the group looked around with Amara slowly closing the door shut, Rider was sitting in the nearby corner with a broadsword as he was flipping it from broadsword to a shotgun and back again.

"Oh, a shotgun, not too bad of a choice." Said Verde as he soon began putting his gear down near where he would be sleeping.

"It's a Scatter Blaster but yeah it's a shotgun." Said Rider as he then stopped and put it next to his armor, his normal clothes being in at the moment.

"So you're another Rebel that was here? For how long have you been here?" Asked Stalker as he was only semi-aware of Ryder's backstory from what Ray had told him.

"Oh you know, sometime.... I forget at this point how long." Said Rider.

"Well, welcome to the Remnant Rebel Cell... hopefully you make it through the assault with us."

"I should be fine... I got decent armor and my aura can also help me out." Said Rider.

"It's gonna take a little more than that to take on a Imperial garrison and HQ that likely houses hallway turrets, more Stomrtroopers than a Basic Barracks, and enough heavy weapons to take on a tank platoon." Said Theodosius as he began to put down his mobile armory of weapons.

While the team began to get ready for a nights sleep, Sapphire looked down at her staff and blaster and felt slightly under powered with her current weapons.

But she then shook her head and put them down while the whole group slowly made their way to the beds and cushions around them before it seems like a universal "lights out" happened as everyone immediately fell asleep.

The Imperial patrol of 1 AT-DP, 10 Stormtroopers, and a Imperial Officer slowly walked through the middle of the road of this Underworld while trying to keep themselves as unnoticeable as possibly. It's been two days since they had actually seen any form of the demihuman faunus that congregated here in great numbers but they had recently and mysteriously seemed to vanish from sight over the last few patrols but they all knew they were still here.

They turned a corner and just as they did so, the AT-DP gave a violent lurch to the side as it was hit by a powerful AT heavy blaster bolt to the side, the bolt exploding inside the cabin when it had almost instantly burned through the armor.

The patrols scattered as the walker fell over and when they looked around, blasterfire rained down on them from every imaginable angle and they were swiftly dealt with before long.

Stalker slid another energy cell into his rifle as the spent one rolled away and when he got up, the Scrap Grizzly faunus around him all began to take the bodies away to bury or burn while the equipment was stripped off them.

"Nice one.. hopefully you can also repurpose it." Said Stalker as he watched some faunus begin bringing lumbering, alien beasts to drag the damaged walker away.

"Ah, we'll figure out how eventually.." Said a faunus as then Stalker began to walk away.

The last two days of preparation had been somewhat uneventful beyond these ambushes and raids against the Imperials while Ray tried to cook up a decent distraction. Although Stalker, while he slowly made his way from the mound of rubble and debris, knew Ray was almost a mastermind at coming up with distractions, he was afraid the guy was going to bust soon and be unable to create even a half-decent diversion.

Still, Stalker had enough faith in him to come through all the way and when he got to a speeder the Faunus gangs had stolen from a dead Scout Trooper, he got on it and the zoomed off back to base where the others likely were either waiting for the next ambush or sleeping from having done multiple.

It took him a little bit of time before he reached the large column of the High Hiver Gangs home. It was a bit of a beehive of activity with faunus going to and fro from going from one place to another, carrying this and that, doing this job to then do another, it was both chaos and harmony all at once.

Stalker parked his speeder bike with some others they had stolen in a ad hoc vehicle garage and when he looked around, he watched two other AT-DPs being repaired from other encounters with a AT-ST and even a single Imperial Tank Crawler. He would quickly get his stuff back on him, attached through mainly magnets, and he then head his way into the column as he passed guards and civilians alike.

He soon reached the current mission control room of sorts where everyone might be and when he entered it, Emura and some of the other Faunus gang leaders were there still planning things out for the assault since day 1. He did a quick look around before Emura saw him and asked, "Looking for someone, Stalker?"

"You've seen Ray by chance?" Asked Stalker.

"Check up stairs, perhaps by the air hangar..." Said Emura. "I keep seeing him up there anyway."

"Oh bother." Two reason for that response: One, the Air hangar was actually on the outside of Vacuo in the surface and two it was only accessed by, well, lots of stairs.

So, with a groan, Stalker would start making his way towards the almost seemingly endless flights of stairs to the Air Hangar.

And after about two hours of stairs and trying to keep going up them at a decent pace, Stalker finally came to the airlock door and slowly twisted the doors circular disk that disengaged the locks and when the door swung open, he found Ray staring at something before him with a smile on that mercs lips and his helmet attached to his belt.

"Something good happen?" Asked Stalker as he walked into the light of the outside world.

The Air Hangar was located in some hills just outside the walls of Vacuo where shrubs and sand slowly encroached upon them that somewhat hid the Hangar from visible sight.

Ray turned to Stalker and pointed to what he was looking upon. "You think this will do?"

Stalker walked over and then looked over before putting his hands on his hips.

"If that doesn't scramble the entire Garrison, then we need to step up our game.."

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